Episode 18

Rap Beef, Paramount Purchase, and Jerry Seinfeld aka "Ebony Yams"

Published on: 8th May, 2024

We have a really potpourri new episode for you all today! We are covering just about everything from music to comedy to streaming services.

But first, we play our new favorite game "Fill that Quotable" a catch that quotable variation. Then Marcus breaks down for us all that is happening between Drake and Kendrick. Bryan gives us the latest update on the purchase of Paramount. Finally Doug gives Jerry Seinfeld a stern talking too.

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Support the Mantra: Never Offended Always Humble - https://linktr.ee/MarcusJ.Destin

Color Me Confetti Shop - www.etsy.com/shop/colormeconfettishop


We're doing it.


We're doing it.


Doing it.


Doing it.


Doing it.


I'm hitting the button.


Go ahead.


No, the button's here.


Producer, hit the button.


Sorry, I'm going to hit the button.




What's she saying?


What's she saying on the thing?


Hit the fucking button.


Yeah, that's right on, too.


I just set a new course.




now release your anger Must


have sensed that your


friends are in danger Oh,


why'd you slice off my hand?


It's imperative that you


understand Obi-Wan would


never bother Telling you


about your father He told me enough,


he told me you killed him


Then there's something I must do


Welcome to Films of Black and White,




How are you all feeling?


A belated happy May the 4th


be with you all today and


forever and for always.


Glad we could all be here.


It's a great day.


It's a great day to pod.


Marcus is through finals and graduation,


which is even better.


That feels good.


Brian's ankle is hearing,


which is even better news.


Things are turning up for all of us,


and I'm very, very,


very excited about it.


We have an outstanding


episode to be with you all today.


We're going to go over a little bit of...


gonna go over some there's


been some rap beef I don't


know if you've heard about


the last yeah 48 hours


worth of drama um two


titans boxing it the fuck


out yeah it's it's the


equivalent of kong versus


godzilla but it is all


music which is fine and I'm here for




and then Brian is going to run us down


some things about the


latest Sony paramount merger.




and then I'm going to spend the rest of


the time going off on Jerry Seinfeld,


which I'm very excited about.




Most importantly.




We're all here.


We're all on time.


No one's having any


technical difficulties.


No one's having any mystery


music come from anywhere


that we don't know how to turn off.


It is a great day.


So, Marcus J. Destin, a.k.a.


Red Undies and Rat Beef.


How are you feeling, sir?


Feeling good.


I'm here with my guys.


Listen, it's the first Monday.


I could just pop in and be here.


I was at home at...


5 o'clock, which is very strange.


Wow, that feels good.


I'm here, ready to pod.


I purposely did not look at


anything in the chat.


My guys was talking in the chat.


I didn't look at anything.


All I looked at was the


Superman outfit and


listened to a shit ton of


hip-hop music today,


so I'm ready to fucking pod.


I'm so excited for you.


You did miss out on Hulk


Hogan representing the 700 Club,


asking us what we're going


to do when the Lord and


Savior and Hulkamania go whiling on you,




Which is a moment that you


can now go back and look at


at any point in time.


But I'm glad you were able to get home.


I don't think I missed out


on anything for what it's worth.


Yeah, for sure.


For sure.


Hold on.


Let's throw a wrench in there.


Doug, heavy metal.


How are you doing?






I'm doing great.


So had a good weekend.


It was nice out.


I got a little bit of,


for those who are watching


the live stream, you're like, wow,


Doug looks a little red today.


It's because I got sunburned


because I'm a bald man and


I went outside.




Always happens to me once,


usually at this point in


time of the year where I forget.


and I go outside,


and I forget to slather my dome.


Thank you, Roman.


You look great.


Is it a film?


Wait a minute.


That's it.




Films in black and white groupie.


Yes, that's in the chat.


All I saw was white groupie,


and I was like, wow,


that's very descriptive and specific.


That's a different type of groupie.


That feels almost targeted.


That kind of groupie cuts


holes in their sheets.


That's the kind of groupie


that we're dealing with.


I agree.


But also, I had a I mean,


it's just been a good weekend.


So Harrison got a new bike.


We're riding bikes.


So we're getting out on it.


So, yeah, man, things are good.


So, yeah, all in all, doing really,


really well.


I have gone down a heavy


metal rabbit hole.


Okay, do tell.


We talked about it.


I listened to... Y'all might


remember the show Metalocalypse.




And the band Death Clock.




And I started listening to that album.


And I listened to the whole thing.


But not on purpose.


I didn't sit down and be like,


I want to listen to this whole thing.


What I found is...


there must be something


about like the bass or the


guitar riff or the drum


that sends me into a trance


where like it starts


playing and I start working


and then I just wake up


three hours later and I'm like, Oh,


what happened?


And I have like music,


like 25 emails sent and


hopefully there are no spelling errors,


but like that's,


so that's what happened to


me like on Friday and then


throughout the weekend is like,


I put myself in a weird


heavy metal trench and I've,


it's also good because,


i go around and I will sing


like talk in like a deep


voice like uh I have to do


the dishes like like like


just like waiting for


someone to come in and


shred the guitar like the


dishes are dirty like I'm


just like yep yep I'm just


ready for it um




but that's been the rabbit hole that I


went down.


Not disappointed with it.


It's actually kind of nice


because I steered clear of


the rap beef over the


course of the past three days.


Wow, impressive.


It's usually like hip hop is my jam,


but it's like I left that behind.


It's like I knew that there was,


I knew the community was in disarray.


So I went like, no, no, no, no, no.


They'll figure it out and I'll come back.


Like, duke it out.


But Brian Rausch.




Magneto made valid points.


How are you, sir?


I'm doing great.


Doug alluded to the fact I


sprained my ankle pretty bad last week,




So I've been talking with my


personal trainer, Doug Wagner, about it.


And he did give me a toe activity,


which was very helpful.


So I was in like a 90 minute


meeting and I was like, wow,


my foot really hurts.


And Doug's like, yeah, just like do this.


And I was like,


I'm already feeling it loosen up.


This is great.


This is phenomenal.


So anyway, yeah,


nothing makes you feel like


more of a frail human than being like,


I'm running.


And then all of a sudden your body's like,


you know what you should do?


You should put all of your


weight on your ankle.


And then you're like, ow, that hurts body.


And it's like, well, now you can't walk,


have fun.


So that's been my reality


for the past few days.


And, but it's, but I'm,


I'm better now physically.


feeling better uh ibuprofen


is a miracle drug as far as


I'm concerned it's great uh


yeah don't just just take


it don't don't worry about


not taking it just take it


uh so anyway that's that's


my long intro here that I have anyway um


Brian, do you do the thing when you fall?


Do you gingerly get yourself


back up again and dust yourself off?


Or do you hop up and jog it


off like you meant to do it?


Oh, this,


this one was like easily the most


painful sprain I've ever had.


There was one that I could


compare when I lived in


Chicago and like Chicago,


you never know what street


you're going to get.


And like the, like the,


the brick stones in it were loose.


And I just, I really,


I really messed it up.


And that one was pretty bad, but this one,


man, no, there was no,


there was no like playing it off.




I yelled.


I did swear.


um and I just said I sat


down on the bench and I was


like did I really do that


like yeah running this path


for like the better part of


five years and okay cool


cool cool cool so um and


then I yeah and then I


lived back home it was


great it was phenomenal but


I'm doing better which is


the best part uh because I've been


spelling out the ABCs with my big toe.


Loosening up all those nerves.


You've got so many nerves in your ankle.


Your blood vessels will


swell because they're


trying to protect the injury.


That's what our body does


when things swell.


What that's going to do is


loosen it up and hopefully


make that swelling go down a little bit.


I appreciate that.


I switched into trainer mode.


I was making dick jokes not


five minutes ago, but


We've got to talk about his ankle,


and it's very serious.


Brian, I've fallen running,


and I remember I slid forward,


but then I just pushed right up.


Oh, no.


Because there were cars around,


and I did not make eye contact.


I was like, nope, I meant to do that.


Yep, I was just seeing how gravity worked.


Yep, that's right.


um do you want to tell folks


how they stay in touch with


us doug I would love to I


would love to tell you that


if you want to hear more


about my sprained ankle you


can subscribe to our


patreon we have all


different kinds of tiers


but the best way to support


us is by going to films uh


going to patreon.com films


in black and white this is


how we stay an independent podcast


This is how we cover what we


want to cover and how we


stay separate and


independent from all of the


major conglomerates.


Because I guarantee you,


if we were part of a larger


podcast network,


we may not be able to say


certain things about


certain hip hop artists or


we would have had to take a


side depending on a certain label.


We can just say whatever we


want or you can be like me


and you're like,


I'm completely neutral


because this ain't my business.


uh so anyway that's the best


way to follow us and


support us if you can't do


that make sure you're


following us on socials


we're on facebook and we're


on instagram make sure to


follow our instagram that


is where we put most of our


clips from the show and


spoiler warning if we're


gonna talk about anything


but we're not talking about


any specific movies tonight


doug you've had your hand


up and you've waited so


patiently yeah brian is


there a patreon tier that


gets me pictures of your sprained ankle


I just want to know.


Bruised ankle pics?


That's a different website.


That is a different website.




You leave us the link


somewhere that people can


go and find that website.


Well done.


Well done.


Fun with friends.


Here we go.




we have another exciting episode


of fill in that quotable,


which is catch that quotable.


Don't worry.


I got you.


Distracted sounds of Marcus J.


I mean, I mean,


I've been across from


someone looking at their phone before,


so I know what it looks like,


whether it's video,


whether it's video or


whether it's live and in living color.


I can't see what I was


seeing in my glasses.


No, no, I wasn't looking, though.


I'm going to go back and enhance.


He found those bruised yam


pictures that Brian was talking about.




so this is a fill-in-that-quotable.


Each one of us has a word


that we get to fill in.


Aren't all bruises yams?


Aren't all yams bruised?


Because they all look beat


to shit when you buy them from the store.


You know what I mean?


Yeah, I mean, maybe.


I mean, maybe.


I know what movie this is from,


but it's not going to help


me in this quote.


So here we go.


I'm going to read the quote.


Wait, are you guys ready?


I didn't even ask.


Are you ready?


I'm ready.


Let's go.


Hit me.




Hit me.


I missed my cue.


Okay, I messed it up.


It's all right.


It's all right.


So I think my blank of blank


is about to blank.


And it was said by Patrick Bateman.


Okay, sorry.


Say it.


Oh, that was quick.


Can you say it again?


I think my blank of blank is


about to blank.


Patrick Bateman.


Now, I know what movie this is from,


but I cannot tell you.


It's American Psycho.


It's American Psycho.


Okay, fun fact.


I've never seen American Psycho.


Ooh, that's worth a watch.


That is worth a watch.


Yeah, I figured.


That seems like a classic, classic,


but I've never seen American Psycho.




I'm out.


yeah what is it yeah doug


you're gonna have to lead


us with at least a little


bit a little bit because I


I've only seen this movie


once and it was like 15


years ago my blank is gonna


my blank is what I think my


I think my blank of blank


is about to blank I think


it's not the business card sequence right


No, because remember,


the thing is he makes


excuses the whole time,


like every time he needs to step away.


So for those of you


listening and for those of


you who haven't seen it,


I'm not going to spoil it,


but the general gist is


Patrick Bateman works in a...




he works in the investment world in


New York City, and he has a really,


really dark secret.


And the dark secret is he's a psychopath,


which leads to weird situations,


and it's executed in a very unique way,


especially given the time it was made.


But every time he needs to


step away because he's


having some urges or he


feels caught off guard or


cornered because he has to


answer a question about


where he was or what he was doing,


he always says, like...


I need to go return some videotapes.


Like he's always making an


excuse in the movie that he


has to like go do something.


So the cue that we're


getting from Roman is think of a face.


Think of a face.




We're going to blink the face.


I think the it's.


okay so I think the so I


don't know the first word


but I think the second two


words is I think the blank


of no because that would be


yeah I don't know what this


is I have absolutely no


idea I'm I'm out of luck I


don't know well do you


think my blank is gonna


blank do we just want to


wave the white flag and


just look it up or moment


give us one word yeah just


give us one word you might


be able to figure out one word


Or don't give us anything.


Whichever one of the three,


just give us one of the words.


We don't have to do it for money.


We can wave the white flag,


but I just want to... You


just want to see how many


of you can get it?


I just want to see.


What's my handicap here?


Because I have zero idea.


The first word is mask.


I think my mask...


See, that's what I thought it was.


There's a line where he's


looking in the mirror in


the bathroom and he's


taking like because he has


this like really intense


facial treatment in this


facial routine and he's


peeling the mask off.


And he says he has this line


out loud and I can't give


you the exact word of it,


but it's essentially the gist of like.


I think my mask is about to crack.


Like it's like something in there,


but I can't place the order


and I don't have it exactly.


So I don't know what the,


I know maybe crack is the last word.


So I think my mask of blank


is about to crack.


Deception, my mask of manipulation,


my mask of deceit.


I don't know.


What is he portraying


throughout the movie that


he's been trying to hide from people?




he's trying to show people that he is –


the whole thing is like a –


it's sort of a commentary


on Wall Street culture


where it really wants you


to think like there is –


Keeping up appearances and


the competition of, like,


who has the best business card and,


you know,


who has the best suit and who


can get the best dinner reservation.


All that coupled with someone who has,


like, a deep, dark secret.


So there is a facade here


that he is keeping up,


and that's what the mask


line is sort of getting to.


I like deceit.


Like, I think that that's a fair guess.


Like, I think that's a fair shot.




I looked it up.




Do you want another hint?


Or, I looked it up.




I don't know this.


I'm not going to place it,


and I don't want to take


away from the rest of the pod,


so do you just want to give it to us?


I can give it to you if you just want it.


Yep, white flag in it.


Just give it to us.


From the movie American Psycho,


the quote is,


I think my mask of sanity is


about to slip.


I never would have gotten that.


I never would have gotten that.


i as soon as you got


two-thirds of the way


through and I was like yep


that's a fire ass line I


might have to watch it just


for that oh it's a great


line yeah yeah it's where I


fell in love with huey


lewis and the news yeah


it's a great movie um jared


leto's in it I'm pretty


sure it's like one of the


first movies that jared


leto was in that's right


yeah he's been around for


for that long ladies and germs


Morbius himself is in this movie.


Morbius himself.


The movie that broke me.


The movie that broke Ryan.


Gentlemen, we have a lot.


We got some different pieces


we want to get into.




you know what I'm most curious about?


Just because people might


not necessarily know,


and you tend to be our rap


beef correspondent.


I mean, it's true.


Marcus, you want to lay us down?


What's going on with Kendrick and Drake?




I would be glad to attempt to.




Just to give everybody this brief, I guess,


timeline of music.


Let me look it up because


somebody did post a good


tweet that kind of phrased


things in a good way.


This beef has been brewing


for decades now.


We all know.


the big three right the big


three in the realm of


hip-hop and music um and


sometimes it bleeds over to


like one of these guys like


drake primarily can can


cross over to like pop and


he's like one of the


biggest artists in the


world where the other two


are more kendrick is also


leans over he can be more


like world renowned j cole


is more hip-hop at its base right yeah


Lyricist to his core.


Still, the big three is J. Cole,


my favorite rapper, Kendrick Lamar,


and Drizzy Drake.


They've been running the game for years,




selling over $250,000 every


time they drop a fucking album.


They outsell everything.


It's crazy as hell.


who's froggy fresh isn't


that the guy from that


video game that uh no I


don't know who froggy fresh


is honestly neither I don't


know enough that that could


be a real artist oh I you


know what I'm very it


absolutely could be I don't


know doug bought it up so I


just said I felt like I


don't know I don't know


okay so okay here's what


happened so apparently the rumor is


Kendrick and Drake did a


song together called First


Person Shooter that was on Drake's album.


It was a smash hit.




they wanted Kendrick to be on


the song for that to be a


big three type song that


they put out the biggest


fucking ever to do it.


Would have sounded crazy.


Because the big three have


never done a song together, okay?




there's been internal beef or whatever


between Kendrick and Drake,


and we kind of knew that,


and J. Cole and Kendrick are more friends,




So there's a song that comes out.


It's called Like That.


It's by Metro Boomin' Future


featuring Kendrick on the verse.


Kendrick is going directly at...


motherfucking Drake and J. Cole.


He throws a little shot at


Cole because him and Cole are cool.


And then Drake,


he just goes directly on like that verse.


For all your dogs getting buried,


that's okay with all these nines,


you're going to see Pet Sematary.


Drake's album was called For All The Dogs.


Just a very crazy...


Just very crazy lines.


So he goes at him.


He says, there is no big three.


It's just big me.


Now, Cole, in the process,


disses Kendrick back in his


random album that he just


dropped randomly.


It was called the 7-Minute Freestyle.


Cole goes at him.


And in the verse,


you can tell Cole didn't


really want to go at him.


And not to mention,


Drake and Cole have been on


tour together this whole time.


They've been daffing each other up,


hugging each other,


showing each other mad love.


It's like, you always my inspiration, blah,


blah, blah.


Big rapper, tour guy shit.


Okay, tour shit.


Kendrick didn't like that.


So he mentioned it in the


song that he doesn't like


that because that looks,


you know what I mean?


So, all right.


Cole disses him on a song


called 7 Minute Freestyle.


Cole then goes to his city concert.


It's like a massive festival.


It's called the Dreamville


Festival in North Carolina in his city.


He goes out while he's


performing and he says, all right, y'all.


My bad.


That's my boy, Kendrick Lamar.


I didn't want to really diss


nobody because that's my dog.


I still love him.


You know, he cool, whatever.


So I'm going to remove seven


minute freestyle from all


streaming services.


And that's my dog.


I'm going to stay out the


beef because I'm in a better place.


I have a peace of mind.


OK, cool.


Everybody was like, boo, Jake.


Oh, boo.


What the fuck?


How could you?


You disappointed hip hop


until these two


motherfuckers start really.






So now here's what here's


what it looks like.


Drake and J. Cole threw


shots at each other.


Drake was pushing at him first,


was pushing at Kendrick first,


baiting him, telling him to come out,


dropping a few verses on Instagram,


trying to bait the king to come out.


OK, Kendrick was just quiet.


So this is what it looks like.


The prelude to the beef was


first person shooter and like that.


OK, that was the prelude.


Now the main battle,


Drake puts out a song


called pushups where he's


telling Kendrick,


like he's coming at Kendrick and it's a,


it's a catchy tune.


He's telling him you need to top,


tell them top and give me 50.


You're going to give them 50 pushup,


do 50 pushup.


Kendrick was doing pushups


in another video.


He had posted.


It was a whole thing.




Tell me side.


You got a size seven men's on.


I had to hike down.


He comes at Metro booming.


Cause Drake is currently


beefing with Metro booming future.


Rick Ross,


the weekend and Kendrick Lamar


and Kanye West.


So it's a long list.


It's a lot.


That's an incredible list.


And I feel like one of those


dudes will straight up eat you.


So you gotta be careful.


That is not a list of enemies.


You got it!


I knew it was a long enough


list where I was like, who's it gonna be?


And I wonder who he's gonna guess.


You got it.


That's who I was thinking of.


He'll literally eat you.


he looks like a man who is


like uh-huh go ahead say


something I'm gonna turn


you and into a whole bucket


of wings until you get a


wing stop and no one will


come and look for you I as


a fat man cannot just like


you know I mean I'm just


going I'm gonna let you have that one


That's fine.


All right, cool.


So everybody's still with me here, right?


I'm with you.


All right.


So Drake drops pushups.




Out of pushups.


He then drops.


It's very interesting, right?


Because this whole thing,


what I want people to


remember is you have two of


the biggest in music


dropping consistently at


this rate that typically


does not happen in a week.






this is probably one of the biggest


beasts in hip hop that


we've had since like Jay-Z


and Nas type level ether type shit,


because these two giants in streaming,


in talent, in music,


you are not supposed to


drop music like this to this level.


And these are direct shots at each other.


Kendrick is blatantly out


loud just saying Drake on a record.


I'm calling you.


Drake is doing the same thing back.




Everybody's still with me.






So Drake put out a freestyle


on Instagram only called


the Taylor made freestyle.


And it was referenced for


Taylor Swift because, Oh, I missed this.




He, in the record, he references, he says,


he says,


what did he say in the reference?


He says,


The only one that makes me


move around dates is Taylor Swift,


the real gangster, basically.


And so Taylor Swift is the


only person in the music


industry that I can move around.


And he was hinting at


Kendrick was not dropping


because Taylor's got his


car pooled and everybody's


car pooled because she's


just got that amount of pool.


understandable so it's


called taylor made


freestyle but what he did


in this freestyle everybody


still track with me here he


used ai and he wrote a


verse and recorded a verse


that sounded like tupac so


he used ai to use to get a


tupac voice or a voice


filter to rap like pop to kendrick


And he did the same thing


with Snoop Dogg on the second verse.


So first verse is Tupac,


but it's Drake writing, but it's Tupac.


And second verse is Snoop Dogg,


but that's still Drake.


And then the last verse is Drake.


So what he's doing is he's


using Kendrick's favorite rapper, Tupac,


to go at him and to take


away some of the things


that Kendrick would use as poison.


Is everybody with me here?




the equivalent is getting Stanley to


show up at my house and go, hey,


I'm really disappointed in


everything that you are as a human being.


And then he just leaves.


But as he's leaving,


he takes off a mask and it's Mike Pence.


And you're like, what the fuck?


Yes, I'm sure.


I was going to say a robot, but sure,


Mike Pence.


He doesn't have anything


going on right now.


Brian, you show me a better robot.


Mike Pence is crazy.




Then Mike Pence?


Why is he the best robot?


He's pretty stiff.


He calls his wife mother.


He most certainly does.


And you tell me that that's


not an AI mistake.


It's an AI mistake.


What do they call that?


It's not a...


A Freudian slip?


No, an Oedipus complex.


He uses that Kendrick or the


Tupac estate then goes at


Drake because you are using


Tupac's likeness.


If you use Prince or something like that,


the estate is going to come out.


They came at him and he took


down the TaylorMade Freestyle.




After the TaylorMade


freestyle is taken down


because it's only on Instagram,


but it's gotten taken down


because the state is after him.


It's then Kendrick then


drops this song called Euphoria,


where in this song,


Kendrick deliberately


states this is just one of the lines.


I don't like you.


I don't like the way that you dress.


I don't like the way you talk.


I don't like the way you walk.


I just don't.


He just says this blatantly.


I don't like you.




He drops Euphoria.


Euphoria is a smash hit.


He, Kendrick, then copies.


Mind you,


all Kendrick is doing is just


tweeting out the YouTube


link to these songs.


That's incredible.


No context, no nothing.


That's incredible.


While Drake is playing


internet games and trying


to get people to get on his


side by posting memes and


things of that nature.




Because that's the game


Drake can usually win at.


But with a lyricist, you can't do that.


So the next step,


Kendrick then drops a song


called 616 in LA because,


partially because,


because there's so many triple, double,


quadruple entendres.


He dropped 616 in L.A.


because Drake usually this


is Drake style of songs.


Drake usually drops a timestamp song.


So it's like 414 in London,


313 in Texas or blah, blah, blah.


And those are Drake's best songs.


Oh, man.




Oh, I'm sorry.


Go ahead.


Any questions?


No, I'm just glad you're pointing.


I did not.


I would have not known that.


I did not know this part of the lore.


I'm very happy.


We're happy.


I did not either.


Kendrick is very strategic, right?


And so he drops that 616 in LA.


It's a fire song.




And then Drake drops Family Matters.


So it's immediately he drops


Family Matters.




And he drops like this Buried Alive song.


Drake was the first person


to take Kendrick Lamar on tour.


And on Drake's first album, Take Care,


there's a song called


Buried Alive that Kendrick


is featured on.


Drake duplicates the style


that Kendrick did on that


song to diss Kendrick.


And it's just only on Drake's Instagram.


So they do that.


But as Drake dropped, same night,


as Drake dropped Family


Matters and is buried alive, Kendrick,


six minutes later,


he dropped Meet the Grams,


where Kendrick goes and


addresses his Drake son Adonis, his mom,


his dad, and Drake on the song.


Basically saying,


your dad's a disappointment.


Listen to this when you turn 18.


I want to make sure you're a real king.


You'll always have somebody.


You can call me a mentor as


soon as you get ready.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


Hey, and to Drake's mom,


your son's got some


addictions he's battling.


I think he's a piece of shit


and he needs to die because


men like him are so fucked up.


And then you have his dad.


He's telling his dad,


your son is a master manipulator.


You should have wore a condom.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


I'm so disappointed in you.


He is going crazy.


kendrick went crazy this is


the song that that like I


feel like this is what blew


up my socials because I


think this happened set no


this happened friday night


yeah I think it was yes


because this is the song


that put me like on the


wavelength of like oh my


gosh yes and then I was


starting to try to


understand all of this like


I feel like this meet the


grams I feel like


I don't know.


It feels like this is like a


cross into mainstream for a lot of folks.


It's when you found out the beef was,


it's when a lot of people


found out the beef was real


because the other ones are kind of like,


it's Instagrammy, it's whatever,


it's whatever, euphoria.


But Meet the Grams is like a direct,


it's a direct shot at Drake, right?


And it was the same night.


As soon as Drake dropped,


Kendrick dropped a song in response.


That doesn't fucking happen.


And I don't know if people


actually realize that it's


either there was a leak in


Drake's camp or he just had


it ready to go,


but they were responding to


each other the whole time.




Everybody sit with me.


Well, yeah.


The other thing,


didn't Meet the Grams also,


didn't that also have the


thing about Drake having a


secret daughter?


Yes, a daughter.


Which is alleged.


Which is alleged,


and Drake said it's not true.


He said he baited him.


He said Drake is claiming he


baited Kendrick with fake


information because he knew


people were looking for information.


So he gave them


this fake idea that he had a daughter.




And Kendrick ended up saying


that in the song, like, Oh,


you've got a daughter that


you don't want to raise, blah, blah, blah,


blah, blah.


Trying to duplicate what


happened with Adonis, his son.




So that is,


and you'll have to go listen to


this music.


Cause I'm just explaining


the very high level and


things that stood out to me.




Meet the grams.


Now here's what happened.


Meet the grams came out.


Drake got quiet.


And in a rap beef,


you cannot be quiet for too long.


Because here is what happened next.


He dropped that, I think Ryan is right,


that was on Friday,


Meet the Grams dropped.


On Saturday,


Kendrick Lamar did his victory


lap in the beef and


essentially put his seal on it,


which was Not Like Us,


produced by Mustard.


And anybody knows Mustard as a B,


like mustard on a B, ho.


It's like, this dude makes music,


like dancing shit, and it's...


Like this song, when you hear it,


the beginning of the song starts off.


He says, I see dead people.


And then the beat kicks off.


So you now have all Kendrick


has now basically dropped


meet the grams and not like


us in the span of two days.


And in the span of a weekend,


he has dropped four songs.


This was his victory lap.


This is the one that's popping on Tik TOK.


It's going to see, it feels like LA.


It's the one that's going to


be on the radio along with euphoria.


I guarantee it.


But then Drake responded


with his final song.


the heart part six because


Kendrick usually writes


that's a Kendrick thing


Kendrick writes all of


these songs called the


heart parts one through


five so Drake ended up


doing what Kendrick did and


duplicated it and in the song not like us


Kendrick has a lot of claims


that I don't know if it's true or not.


I'm just saying what the


claims are and maybe a


trigger warning here.


But he talks about Drake


being a either surrounding


himself with pedophiles and


Drake liking these younger women.


And it's a dangerous thing.


And like, oh, that's who you are.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


All over this bouncy beat.




And it's like this beat you dance to.


And he's going to him directly saying,


I'm the boogeyman.


I'm the one that came out.


You tried to test me.


I'd shot the shot.


And he says all of these things.




He mentions Billy Bobby


Brown from Stranger Things by name.


Not like a hint.


I'm pretty sure, if I'm not mistaken,


he mentions her by name.


No, it's in the lyrics.


I just listened to it.


And Drake in the hard part


six is basically just defending.


It's hard because you've basically, to me,


in my opinion,


I was trying to save it until the end.


Drake loses because Kendrick


Kendrick was up so many and


was consistent and was


rapping while Drake was


trying to play these


different games and trying


to belittle him and like little boy him.


The issue is what the hard


part six is now has to be


used for him on the


defensive because he has to go and say,


he can't rap at Kendrick


anymore about rap shit.


You now have to go out there and say,


I'm not, I don't like younger women.


I'm not a pedophile.


Whether people believe it or not,


it's out there now forever.


And then that is what we got.


So we had one, two, three, four, five, six,


seven, eight, nine, technically 10, 11,


11 songs of two giants just going albums.


I was going to say,


they just need to make a double.


They just make an album


together and they got a


whole beef in two months.




Thank you for that.


That was a long, that was a long time,


but that was kind of like


how I've been processing


this whole thing.


I'm glad that you,


I'm also glad you walked us


through that path because I,


since I started,


since I picked up at meet the grams,


I was only, I knew about euphoria kind of,


I did not know about Taylor made.


I knew there was a lyric from Taylor made.


that I found out but I


couldn't find the song now


I understand why and then I


saw the allusion to Tupac


and the allusion to Snoop


Dogg but I didn't know that


was all on TaylorMade which


is also so weird and


twisted because Kendrick


was featured on her song so


I like I didn't when I saw


some of the Taylor Swift stuff I was like


What are you trying to say here, man?


Like, are you, Drake, like, what are,


don't pull Taylor Swift into this.


This is not.


He did it twice, right?


Because he says in the song,


Drake says in the song, oh,


you're basically, your label,


you had to do whatever your


label made you do.


So when the room five needs a verse,


you need to make it witty.


And he says,


and then you need to go and make that,


you need to go and do that


feature song for all the Swifties.


He says that in pushups.


Oh, man.






one thank you so much for


you did an outstanding job


yeah I am flabbergasted at


the lengths that two grown


men will go to insult one another


I mean, it's not even insults, though.


It's just so creative.


Do you understand?


If I'm having an argument


with somebody and they start saying shit,


like, you know what?


I'm going to call your dad


and tell him that he should


have wore a comic because


you never should have worn it.


I would have been like, well, fuck you,


and walked away.


You know what I mean?


I would have ran away


because of the fact that


these two just had the creative...


mind enough the two creative


minds you know whoever put


the whoever one aside but


like they had the brain


power to put all of this


like pen to paper I mean


it's fucking insane to me


like it's so wild to me


well and I I think for me


I've I've been in both


Drake and Kendrick's orbit


and I've listened to both


of their stuff but like


this really not that I'm


picking sides here but just


like the lyricism from Kendrick is


The speed of which it was


put out and it was good and


it was good quality


material is astounding to me.


I can never do that in a million years.


To me, when I listened to Meet the Grams,


it felt like there was just


this satellite in orbit


just nuking this small


island country over and


over and over again.




And it just, it just,


it feels so personal and it feels like it,


what it feels like, you know,


I've used the example before of like,


like sometimes these beefs are like, oh,


those two people are


arguing in the parking lot.


That is none of my business.


but this feels like this


feels even it just feels so


personal that kendrick's


directly addressing drake


all these songs and like it


and drake doesn't feel like


he's talking directly to


kendrick it feels like he's


trying to talk to a crowd


but like everything from


kendrick is so personal and


it makes me feel


uncomfortable but also


makes me like I don't know


I don't know the best way


to explain it that's just


his lyricism though all of


it yeah all of it yeah


They all have their strengths.


Here's the thing.


I have no dog in the fight.


I listen to Drake a lot


because I think he's easily consumable.


I still love Kendrick.


Cole is my favorite rapper


amongst the big three.


I see why Cole ducked out of this, though.


How smart does he look right now?


Remember how disappointed you were,




I remember that episode.


You came on and you were like,


I can't believe he did that.


Now I don't know what to do


with this information.


No, I think you, you made the right call.


Like that's smartest man in the room.






that's you seeing two people fight


at a party,


like just kind of looking at


each other and going, you know what?


I think I'm going to go home


just a little bit early


before whatever is about to


happen happens.






Just intuition.


And I respect.




No, I mean,


he made out like a bandit


because regardless of what... Also,


I think the other thing


that he made out like... He


is totally safe from all this.


He made it out totally


invincible on this thing.


I shouldn't say totally invincible,


but like...


He bowed out,


and it was the exact right call.


The other thing that blows


my mind with this is, like,


people on... Like,


I picked some of this up on TikTok,


and you have people, like,


just busting a move and dancing.


And then you start listening


to some of the lyrics, and they're like,


certified lover boy, certified pedophile.


And I was like, excuse me, what?


And, like, people are just like, yeah,


I'm doing my TikTok dance.


And I'm like, these are, like,


some serious...


allegations that are being


thrown at each other


through music and like I


feel like that part is lost


on some people like I don't


know what to think of it


I'm not a lawyer I don't


know how much of this falls


under free speech and


what's libel or what's


music or what's


entertainment I don't I


don't know that but I know


that I wouldn't want that


if I was on the other end


of it slander is spoken print is libel


And all the streaming, like,


what you drop to YouTube is


sometimes safer on YouTube,


but you don't upload it to, like,


you can tell.


Some of these stuff they


can't upload to Spotify, Apple Music,


all that other stuff.


Some of the stuff they just


uploaded on their IG.




TaylorMadeFreestyle would have never


gotten approved to post, like,


you know what I mean?


Like, whether it had AI in it or not.


Like, some of that, you need copyrights.


And so, it's just nuts.


And these are two giants


that are going to change the game of,


and not to mention, Metro Boomin'.


He's been a part of this beef too as well.


And he put out like a,


they said Drake was getting


like BBL shots.


to get his end done and everything.


And so Metro Boomin made a


beat that just repeats.


It's a clean beat.


He made it a competition for


anybody that wants to rap.


And he's like, Bebe, how's it going?


Jesus Christ.


No, I'm not supporting anybody in this,


but I'm not going to lie.


Metro Boomin made a sick beat.


I have listened to it multiple times.


But then I'm like, is this cyberbullying?


I don't know.


I don't know.


This could all be made up.


I don't know.


But he did make an excellent beat.




I also thought when I saw that on Twitter,


I was like, oh, man, if I was Drake,


I would just like pitch


whatever I would just ditch


whatever I'm working on right now.


Take that beat.


And I would try to rap.


I would try to rap over that


beat back to Kendrick and


try to make it my own.


But that that didn't that didn't happen.


And the hard part six came


out Sunday and that that


was that was kind of it.




we have a comment in the chat I


need to bring up.


What tier of Patreon do I


need to have Marcus write


and rap a diss track?


We gotta figure out that tier.


That's a low tier.


Who's he dissing?


That's the question.


The thing you have to pay


for in the Patreon tier is


not the rap itself.


I write that shit with my eyes closed.


The thing you gotta pay for


is to find out who I'm fucking dissing.


You pay that tier,


every month I will diss a


different motherfucker.


Don't you worry.


We need like a rival podcast.


Like a Films in Red and Blue or something.


Films in Red and Blue.


They're only 3D.


They take a very


conservative take on just


about everything.


They're just constantly


complaining everybody's not


white in the movies.


It's very clean.


I was really disappointed


that the Society of Magical


Negroes didn't have more


white people in it.


I would definitely be for


those motherfuckers.




I have a feeling he's just going to


pay you and you're going to


end up writing it because


that's what this comment


leaves me to believe.


Which means in about two


weeks I'm going to have a


diss track that's wrapped


in my face on this podcast.


Because he's going to make


me put it towards you.


Brian singing BBO and Tracy.


I am.


It's been stuck in my head all day.


It's a good beat.


Metro Boomin knows what he's doing.


Drake told him to do drums.


Careful what you wish for.




Now that we've got that thoroughly covered,


care to run us down the


update on what's happening with Patreon?


With Paramount and Sony?






we're switching gears here now from


Drake and Kendrick to Paramount and Sony.


And we did talk a little bit


about this last week on the pod,


but more news has come out.


So for those of you that are


following the streaming wars,


as I like to call them,


Paramount has now formally


opened negotiations with a


group that is Sony Pictures


and an investment private


equity giant called Apollo.


And essentially,


that group is making a


serious bid to take over Paramount.


Sony is a giant.


They are Spider-Man.


I will get a list of their movies.


You've seen their movies.


Morbius, Kraven the Hunter.


The big ones, you guys.


They're the big ones.


Anyone but you.


Yeah, like the Uncharted movies.


They're a pretty significant player.


Please, for the love of God,


Google a Sony movie that's


better than the ones you just listed.


Because basically you're like,


wait a minute.


They're known for all the hits.


You know,


anyone but you hold the banana peel.


Half eaten apple core.


Crash was good.


Excuse you.


Anyone but you was fine.


It was good.


I do need to watch that though.


uh no but we're talking


we're talking no hard


feelings we're talking


bullet train okay um thank


you thank you those are


dumb money if you followed


that um is there anything


like money playing




Dumb Money talks about it's basically


like it's how the GameStop


stock artificially got inflated.


People were buying in on that.


But yeah, so you know Sony movies.


Just going to put that out there.


um so anyway the current


state of affairs with with


paramount and paramount


plus essentially is that


this group has offered 26


billion dollars billion


with a b as in brian one of


the hosts here uh for


paramount the entirety of


paramount 26 billion dollars cash so


And if you were like, wow,


I thought Paramount was


like in a rough spot with debt.


You're right.


They have about 14 billion


with a B in debt.


So this deal clears all that


debt and it puts all of


those shareholders in the


positive $26 billion,


which is a lot of money for


Nickelodeon MTV, CBS, Paramount pictures,


Paramount plus like,


All, everything.


So it's a pretty significant


development that they've offered,


$26 billion.


And so I'm saying it's


probably more likely than


not this is going to happen


because it clears all the debt.


And also the board has a,


I'm going to drop some


investment terms here,


fiduciary responsibility,


if you're not familiar with that term.


You can't do that in public.


I know what it is.


Doug, what is it?


So it means that they have a


duty to act in the


investor's best interest.






So basically... I'm probably


in one of the hot water bags.


No, no hot water bags here.


Just $26 billion.


So anyway,


they're going to look at this


deal and be like, yeah,


I would like $26 billion.


I'm not even mad about it.


I don't feel great about it, but I mean,




Thank you.


Now we're in a spot where if


this deal does go through,


the federal regulators are


definitely going to step in because Sony,


for those that don't know,


is a foreign owned company


outside the United States.


They're a Japanese company


and you can't have a


foreign owned company own a


broadcasting company,


which is why Apollo


Investments is involved.


They're basically the U.S.




So that this is all looking


more and more inevitable


that Paramount is going to get bought.


And that's where we're at.


Jesus Christ.


Holy shit.


A lot of money.


That's a lot of money to be


just slinging around.


I mean, for me, it's game over.


Like you have you have


somebody that's willing to


wipe out your debt and then


put you in the black.


It's over.


They're cooked.


yeah I i also think it's


important that people


understand that like movies


don't they don't just have


like a big bank account


where all the money that


they need to have to like


basically they borrow money


just like we would to buy a


car or a house oh yeah


they're buying they're


borrowing 80 million


dollars to make morbius


like that's what they


borrowed money to make like


so and then they hope that


through advertising through


ticket sales that they make


enough money back that they


can pay off that debt and


have money left over


So they end up being in the positives.


That's why when we talk


about the way in which


movies are made and we say like, okay,


wow, the box office was this,


they broke even.


That means they paid that


loan back and that was it.


And more.




Yep, they paid that loan back,


and that was it,


which is why when we say


they have $14 billion in debt,


that kind of made me go, holy shit,




Like, that's a lot of debt.


That's a lot of debt.


That's the reported debt,


and obviously that can fluctuate.


But, I mean,


there are billions and


billions of dollars in debt


because they made some bad


– they made some choices.


Let's just say that.




through your reporting and


investigating... I don't


know why I said reporting.




you talked to someone from Paramount.


I'm on the ground.


Did you know... Is this


going to be like a...


like a Disney Fox merger or


is Paramount still going to operate?


Just they are owned by Tony.


Do we,


do you have any indication on that


at all?


And if you don't, I'm just curious.


So I'm pulling this from the


New York times piece that, that came out,


um, on, on Sunday here, Sunday, May 5th.


Um, we're recording this Monday, May 6th.


Um, so there isn't,


Yeah, I know, right?


So there's no indication here.


I know,


I'm just giving all the secrets away.


There's no indication that


there'd be an old guard


standing by for Paramount.


It very much looks like


they're going to buy everything outright,


gut it,


and replace it with the... Essentially,


they would replace it with


these Apollo investment people,


which would definitely make me nervous.




it's what Sony would have to


do since they can't have


the full controlling stake


in that company due to us law.


So it's, I think it would be,


I think it's going to be


like a giant court case thing.


That'll take over a year.


Like when the deal goes through.




But it looks like all that


paramount leadership would be gone.


And whoever's in Apollo, good luck.


You get to run a media empire now.


the thing with like handing


over all that money to like


whoever this new person in


charge is is like they can


go in a complete different


direction well with all of


these you know what I mean


like they're not obligated


to anything or keeping


anything that we know or


knew or like whatever


No, and I mean,


we've seen this before when


an investment firm takes


over any business, right?


They're just looking at the


bottom line like nothing is sacred.


Like, they're just going to try to find,




how can we make the most money in


the quickest way possible?


And we're going to just keep


getting Sonic sequels or, like, you know,


Maverick movies.


And we've complained on this


podcast about HBO Max and


David Zaslav and his quest to...


pay like make money back and


to be a to get to debt zero


right like and he'll do


whatever it takes so I mean


it's a legitimate concern


marcus that you kind of


bring up like they could


legitimately have something


several things that are


completely completed can


them and write them off and


say oh a hundred percent


and they're gonna do that


like that's that's going to


happen uh yeah and so it's


just a matter which movies


is it gonna be and that's


disappointing because there


are people... That piece


they got is crazy.


Yes, absolutely.


There's a lot of folks who


worked really hard on those,


which is disappointing.


I mean,


the good news would be that


Paramount would... I mean,


this new group... Sony's


not in debt a whole ton.


They wouldn't be bringing a


whole ton of debt with them,


so they probably wouldn't


go into a Batgirl situation,


but I don't see them...


it's very possible that some of those,


some of those more


independent projects like,


like operation lioness, um,


some of those other


originals probably maybe halo.


They just don't,


they just don't go forward


if they weren't bringing in


major numbers.


Um, yeah, that's wild.


That's wild.


We'll see.


I guess we'll only be able


to see when it gets finalized.


Maybe we'll be back next


week saying it did get finalized.


We'll have an exact amount.


We'll see.


Stuff moves pretty quickly.


It does,


and I'm not confirming it here on


this podcast for anybody that's like, ah,


Brian Rash confirmed it.


I'm not confirming it,


but I don't see what


Matthew can do on a


whiteboard that you can be like, no,


this deal's bad for us.


You've got someone willing


to take all your debt and


then send you on the best


payday of your life.


I can't lie.


I don't know the man I would


become if somebody offered that to me.


I'll clear your debt and


whatever the case may be, I'll be like,


all right, man, listen.


I'll do something strange


for a piece of change, man.


That's it.


I want to meet the person.




I would share bruised ankle pics of


myself for that kind of change.




You like black yams?


How about white yams that


have been bumped into by a bike pedal?


Ooh, that's my shit.


Cleat feet.


Oh, man.


Cleat feet.


How about them ebony yams, huh?


Ivory yams.


I also want to meet the person that's like,


hey, where do you get your movie news?


I don't know.


There's a guy in a


Spider-Man sweatshirt that


told me that this thing was a lock.




Do you know the term


fiduciary responsibility?


No, I don't.


Where'd you hear about it?


I don't know.


Some movie podcast.


These two knuckleheads who


were talking about yams.


They switched from yams,


but there's helpful information in there.


You got to weed through the yams.


You got to take what you need.


If we weren't an independent podcast,


we'd be having a producer being like, hey,


stop talking about yams.


You got to move about angles here.


what's the name of our


producer again because


she's always gina I i


nicknamed her gina I don't


know she's like


disappointed but supportive


you know she's like I'm not


I'm not big fan of y'all


talking about your feet but


there's finder.com our


angel investor absolutely


is so he's wants more of


that that was part of the


oscar that's part of the


arrangement the angel yeah um




Brian, thank you for sharing.


That's going to be really interesting.


Thanks, Brian.


Great job.


No problem.


I'm excited to see how it turns out.




I hear you have some news to bring


about Jerry Seinfeld.


I have beef with Jerry Seinfeld.


Not you shouldn't be born beef,


but beef nonetheless.


Not I hate the way that you walk.


Not that I hate the way that you talk.


You know how much you gotta


hate a motherfucker to say


I hate the way that you walk?


It was not even like,


it was like separate verses.


It was just like a full run


on sentence of him just,


I hate the way you talk,


I hate the way you look,


I hate the way you dress,


I hate the way you dress.


It just listed it.


That's my whole existence.


I can't change some of that shit.


I can't change anything.


now I have been on record as


a comedian's apologist


right like I generally will


say hey it crossed a line


but that's kind of a


comedian's job like and I


would even say to a certain


extent like comedy shows


push the envelope a little


bit because it is a game of


the absurd like it's a game


of the absurd playing off


the straight man doing sort


of these situations that


are that way that's the


reason why I like it's


always sunny in


Philadelphia is the way in


which this works


So Jerry Seinfeld is on a


was on about a week ago,


was on a tour for his


latest movie called Unfrosted.


More on that in a moment,


which is which is on which is on Netflix,


which is a movie that is


set in the 60s and is a


story of how the Pop-Tart got made.


Oh, OK.


Got it.






I didn't know about this.






But while he was on this


like to like while he was


on this like press tour,


he kind of said some stuff


that made a lot of folks


sort of raise their eyebrows and go like,


hey, what are you talking about, man?


So here's the quote.


Now I'm pulling it like sort


of a he said it on an


interview with The New Yorker.


I'm pulling it from a CNN article.


But here's the quote.


Um, it would be,


you would go home at the end of the day.


Most people would go, Oh, cheers is on.


Oh, mash is on.




Mary Tyler Moore is on all in the


family is on.


You just expected there'd be


some funny stuff we can


watch on TV tonight.


Well, guess what?


Where is it?


This is the result of the


extreme left and PC crap


and people worrying so much


about offending other people.


Now they're going to go see


standup comics because


we're not policed by anyone.


What the fuck are you talking about?




that's kind of my knee-jerk reaction.


Like, what decade do you think it is?


Like it's not TV.


Is he watching?




Like, do you not have a,


do you only have like basic cable?


Cause yeah, most of that's pretty shitty.


Not going to lie to you.


Like watch 20,


watch three episodes of big


bang theory back to back.


Oh, it's not going to go well for anyone.


Um, so no,


like there's part of it where I'm like,


what are you,


what are you trying to get at here?




And I really just take


umbrage with the issue of, like, come on,




Like, you don't watch anything else?


Like, go... Again,


not to try to point to...


And this was a point that Rob McElhaney,


one of the creators of It's


Always Sunny in Philadelphia, goes,


you clearly haven't watched


our show at all.




much of that on there you


haven't watched anything


like so if the point is hey


there aren't good sitcoms


anymore I think that's


because we as a people like


a group of people in our


society kind of went like


hey like we don't need to


do that anymore right


Yeah, we don't need to.


Which part?


The sitcom part.


Yeah, the sitcom part.


We don't need to collectively say... Look,


don't get me wrong.


Steinfeld had its place.


I still think some of it is


still funny to me to this day.


There have been... Modern


Family is a great example,


but I don't know if I would


call that a sitcom.




It's hard for me how I categorize things.


There's just pieces of this


where I'm like...


you just kind of sound,


sound like a guy that's like, Hey,


get off my lawn.


Like, and it's just a hundred percent.


And, and also this, like the PC stuff,


I think we've all evolved


to a certain point that like,


if sitcoms are trying to


appeal to a mass audience,


they need to make everybody


feel welcome or otherwise


they don't work.


Like then they are the


direct antithesis of what a


sitcom is supposed to do.


A sitcom is supposed to like,


I'm be able to sit down and


everybody across the


country is able to sit down


and enjoy it and find


something relatable to it.


So I don't understand like


what's the critique here?


Like, Oh,


no one's making sitcoms that


alienate anyone anymore.






Probably because we all agree that one,


it's not in our best


interest as a society to


put that stuff forward.




people have realized that for better


or for worse,


inclusion and seeing


yourself in that family


gets more people to watch,


which newsflash.


makes more money for the


studio putting it on like


there's so many other


things here that just feels


like stupid mark if you do


hand up yeah I have


questions and maybe


somebody can help me


process a little bit for


people that say this


comment like the pc crowd


the pc crowd the pc crowd


oh yeah what type of jokes


are you wanting to hear or


that you're cracking that


you feel as if right ain't


being said enough because


what exactly are you looking for


That's a fucking great question, isn't it?


Like, that's a great question.


And he specifically mentions, like,


MASH and, like, I cannot recall.


Mary Tyler Moore, All in the Family,






what about that era is it that you


want to joke from?




That's my question, too.


Also, to me, to me,


and I'm not saying this is to me.


Remember that.


Them shows was white as...


And they weren't the most


inclusive TV back then.


Because the running joke in


MASH was this guy


pretending to be a woman to


get out of the military.


But still, all of that to say,


the shows were so


non-inclusive to a point


that the Black people had


to go to BET and do Living Single.


We had to create alternative options.


That's just for Black people.


I understand the whole PC thing.


I do understand as a comic,


maybe you don't know which


landmine to step on.


Maybe you don't know how to tell.


Maybe you don't know how to tell.


Maybe you should develop a


new way to tell some jokes


that ain't just about offending anybody.


You can tell the truth.


I do know that there are


comics out there that can


make a very good joke in a


very smart way that doesn't


offend anybody, but it just opens up


Like, some type of level of thinking,


you know what I mean?


Well, and I think...


standup comedy is a little bit,


I agree with you, Marcus.


I think standup comedy is a


little bit different, right?


Because I'm there and it's


my responsibility as the comedian to, to,


to sort of take you on this


journey with me of, I make you feel safe.


I make you feel like this is


a place where you can relax


and you can laugh.


And as I start to get into


my set and I get in deeper


and deeper and deeper,


I start pushing the


envelope a little bit to


see how you respond.


Like that's my job as a


comic is I'm responsible for,


for the people in that room


if you watch a comedian


none of them walk out and


go let me tell you three


things about my dick you


didn't know they always


start with hey this is a


weird city hey this is


here's a weird thing that


happened to me while I was getting here




here's the thing that happened to me


at work the other day.


Those are entry points to start to say,


like, see, I'm just like you.


And then as they get towards the end,


that's when they usually


start to switch and start talking about,


you know,


their sex life or their


relationship or their marriage,


because they've all


everybody's with them.


Like, yep, you got me.


Keep going.


You got me.


Keep going.




And you can't really do that


anymore because people's


attention spans are short.




it's hard to do that in a masterfully


in a sitcom style format, first of all.


But Marcus, to your point, yeah.


What joke are you trying to tell?


So I've watched just about


every episode of Seinfeld


probably two or three times.


I haven't actually sat down


and done the math,


but it's my go-to show when


I want to shut my brain off.


And most of those jokes are...


Like about Jerry's relationship,


which are usually involving


someone talking about like sex,


how they're trying to get sex,


how they're trying to get better at sex,


about how something weird


is happening with dating.


Like that's one plot line.


There's a few episodes of a


routine running through


line where it was like,


we can't really talk about


anyone who might be gay or


might be different because


they don't gel with the


group that is the four of


them in the show because


the four of them in the


show are straight white people.


So anything outside of that


is a little bit foreign and weird.


There's a whole line.


There is a whole episode


where they think Elaine is


dating a black person, like a light skin,


but it's never like a black, black person,


like a light skin, black person.


And they keep saying over


and over and over again,


they keep going like,


I don't feel like we should


be talking about this.


So they're not like


comfortable talking about it.




So yeah,


What joke are we trying to


what joke are we trying to say?




what joke are we trying to tell here?


Because some of the jokes


are like they haven't aged well.


There's an episode where Jerry is dating.


There's an episode where


Jerry is dating a masseuse.




And the masseuse will give


everyone a massage but him.


So one night he has to like


trick her into giving him a massage.


But the whole like through


line underneath is like,


this feels very like it's an allegory for,


I'm going to force you to


touch me in a way I want you to.


And we're all supposed to


sort of like laugh about it.


And I think if you tried to make that now,


people would be like, Ooh,


that's really close to


talking about race.


So like, are we, so again, Jerry,


Do you want us to make more


light-handed rape jokes?


Because I don't think those


are in good taste for 7.30 on a Thursday.


I just, I don't know, man.


I've seen a lot of comedies.


I've seen a lot of stand-ups.




And I have seen some very


crude and rough jokes.


I'm not going to say necessarily offensive,


but to define the term,


Tina Fey talks about it in her book,


and I'm going to use that definition.


A rough joke might be like,


Something like saying a


truth about some type of


racial injustice.


Like, oh, that's a rough joke,


but it's true.


Or like there's some element


of truth to it.


And it might make you uncomfortable,


but it's not necessarily like...


It's still a joke.


I'll give you an example, Brian.


So on Weekend Update this past weekend,


Michael Che made a comment


about how there was a


picture of Donald Trump,


and Michael Che said, well,


I can't – Donald Trump is


complaining that none of


his fans or supporters are in the –


courtroom with him as he's


on trial and then he goes


what is he talking about


look at all those police


standing behind him like


that is a that's a great


example of a rough joke


where there might be some


level of truth to that but


it's it kind of makes you


go like and even the


audience was like uh that's


a great example I'm a big


fan of a smart joke


You know what I mean?


An intelligent joke that


does bear... Because the


thing about comedy,


it's got to bear a little


truth in order to hurt.


It's going to hurt a little bit.


It's going to bear a little truth.


But if you can do it well,


then you can do... I feel


like a lot of older comics


just are not moving with


the fucking times.


That's like the most basic


thing I think is happening.


It's the same generation of


comics that are complaining about like,




we can't say whatever the fuck we want


to anymore.


Why the fuck would you...


Like, you know what I mean?


Like in a more diverse world,


why the fuck would you want


– why can't you challenge


yourself to maybe do better?


Also, really quick.


Sorry, I want to jump in.


Sorry, Brian.


I'll cut to you.


Do it.


You're actively an adult.


Say whatever the fuck you want to say.


That's true.


There's the consequences for it.


That's right.


Free speech is the freedom


not to just insult whoever you want to.


It's the consequences that come behind it.


Now, you say some foul ass shit,


you should expect a


slapping to come out of


nowhere to correct or something.


If I go to your show and you


tell a joke or a series of


jokes that I don't think is funny,


I'm not going to go to your


fucking show again.


And I might boo you and tweet about it.


And it's really easy.


I am a consumer.


Not to say it's a,


I'm not trying to make this


like a dance monkey for my


enjoyment type of scenario,


but you chose to be in an art form


Like this isn't divine intervention.


No one said like you have to


be a comic so you can go like there.


You made a choice to have


that be your line of work.




And yes, as a as a as a as a portrayer,


I have to honor that by not


talking when you're when


you're going through it,


like trying to make you know what I mean?


Like there's there's an


arrangement here of me as a


viewer and you as the comedian.


But part of that arrangement


is if I don't think it's funny,


I don't have to laugh.


And two,


I don't have to come to a joke


when you do a set at a comedy club again.


Like I just I get to choose with that.


So go ahead.


Say whatever the fuck you want to say.


Write whatever show you want to write,




Seriously, write it.


But don't be surprised when


people don't watch it, because after all,


if you're an artist and I


believe comedy is an art form.


Art is valued by the people


who are willing to consume it.


If I am not willing to consume it,


it might still be art to you,


but it's not art to me and


I don't want to participate in it.


Go ahead, Brian.


I think you make a great


point of just just to kind of close,


close that up or put a put a bow on it.


I mean,


like if you can't engage and adapt


with the times and realize like,


you know what?


I may not know the current


status of the vibe with


current people going to comedy shows.


Maybe that says something


about me and looking introspective.


you know have some


introspection that would be


a good path to go down but


instead he's like literally


blaming everyone else why


he no one finds him funny


and I think that's so wild


to me because you have


Larry David who wrote


Seinfeld who I would say is


equally as responsible for


Seinfeld success as Jerry


Seinfeld is and Larry David


kept writing he wrote Curb


Your Enthusiasm and


which to me is not like


censored or like safe.


I think I want to say like,


there's some really rough,


there's some rough episodes


of really rough episodes.


I think is a good way to put it.


I mean, and to even talk about,


I don't even understand


what the radical left has


to do with any of this.


That was my next point.


I just don't understand what that means.


Stop blaming.


The radical left isn't


censoring things because 10 years ago,


I was watching It's Always


Sunny in Philadelphia and


the main plot point was


trying to pick up a girl at


an abortion rally, which...


I haven't seen anything like that since,


you know,


there's a man in there named


rickety cricket who actively,


every time he shows up towards the,


like in the middle episodes goes,


that'll be $5 to stick


anything in me or have me


stick anything anywhere else.


That is a line from the show.


So like, let's, let's not hear like, well,


like you're the radical left.


Is it like, we got to censor everything.


Cause Hey,


They like to laugh too, motherfuckers.


I don't get it.


Are you just trying to say


you want more Mary Tyler Moore?


Because that's fine.


It was a fine show.


There's plenty of reboots, Jerry.


To say that stuff is getting


censored by some magical


group because it's


offensive is just simply not true.


I've watched a comedy


special about John Mulaney


doing cocaine in a bathroom


off of the child changing station.


what is wrong with you jerry


like you're clearly not


paying attention which by


the way john mulaney's


latest netflix special


right a great oh yeah great


time um about his battle


with drugs baby jay like so


I don't know jerry seinfeld


clearly needs to like go


outside and take a walk I'm


not really sure what's happened there


Well, I could tell you another thing.


This is the other thing I


was going to mention,


and I'll make it quick.


He really maybe should think


about movies he makes.


Why is that?


I know I've been shitting


all over like Jerry


Seinfeld for like 20 minutes.


It's OK.


We're going to keep going.


The movie Unfrosted.


Brittany and I watched it this weekend.


How was that for you?


Not great.


It was not great, you guys.


It was goddamn liberal leftist.


You know what I am?


I'm a part of the fucking problem.


That's what I am.


I just didn't get it.


But I think I just didn't


get it is really the best


way to sum up this movie.




not the movies about the star didn't


get it.


That's not that level I didn't get it.


I just couldn't tell this whole time


Because it feels like Jerry,


it feels like Unfrosted is


trying to make fun of


Kellogg's for making the Pop-Tart.




But I can't tell,


is it based off of a true story?


Is it not?


I mean, the cast in it is phenomenal.


Everybody is in this.


Let me pull up the cast quick,


because this is insane, this cast.


I remember when you were like, oh yeah,


Unfrosted, and I did a quick Google of it,


and I was like, this is so many people.


It's a lot of people.


So it's...


let me pull it up it's jerry


seinfeld it's jim gaffigan


it's melissa mccarthy those


are the three like those


are the three hugh grant




So, yes.


So here it is.


It's Jerry Seinfeld, Christian Slater,


Jim Gaffigan, Hugh Grant, Kyle Mooney,


Mikey Day, Patrick Warburton,


Max Greenfield, Amy Schumer.


And then there's a bunch of other ones,




that are like there's there are other


like smaller characters.


So, yeah.


So it's just, it's wild to me.


Like a lot.


Cedric, the entertainers in this.




Cedric, the entertainers in this, um,


Bobby Moynihan, James Marsden, um,


$5 haircuts in it.


So like Tony Hale.


So it has like everybody is this,


this movie, um,


but it just, it's what I don't, I,


I just remember watching it


and getting like,


cause it's only about an


hour and a half and it's on Netflix.


I remember getting like


about an hour in and I


looked at Brittany and I went,


I missing something.


And she goes, yeah, I think I am too.


I'm like, is this a joke?


Is it serious?


Like I can't,


like I can't tell whether or


not it's a joke or not.


And so I just,


it was really hard for me to


consume and understand it's on Netflix.


So, I mean,


if you have an afternoon to kill, um,


it's only an hour and a half


so that might be that might


be an even worse review


recommendation than rebel


moon part two and I'm not


even joking and we were so


hard on rebel moon part two


and you're just like but


even we were like even we


were we were like well the


action sequences are cool


yeah I'm like I mean this


is I mean how fancy can a


movie get about a goddamn dried pastry


Look, I think this had potential.


I'm going to watch it.


I'm going to hate watch it now.


But like this had potential.


Like you have this these


many stars talking about


the creation of the Pop-Tart.


It feels like a pretty fertile ground.


I have some good comedic


bits in a time period.


But like from what Doug is saying,


it just kind of sounds like


it barely draws a heartbeat.


What genre is that?


Of like the origin story of Pop-Tarts,




Like a biopic?


A fake biopic?


And that's the thing.


It's the dialogue.


The situations that they're in


are funny.


Like here,


here's one example towards the


beginning of the movie and


I'm not giving anything away.


They have awards,


like they have the serial


awards and they call them the spoonies.


Like, and it's between,


because the whole thing is


about this competition


between Kellogg's and post.


And that's where Cedric,


the entertainer is.


He plays the MC giving out the awards.


Um, and it's sort of like, Oh, cool.


But is that like, are those real?


Are they not real?


Like they, cause they feel made up,


but you're all right.


There's no moment of anyone


looking at the camera being like,


this is funny, right?


It's all... Everybody's


doing the most taking


themselves seriously.




And the performers are great.


I just think there's


something about the


delivery and the way it was written,


to be honest.


Yeah, it sounds like...


Sounds like you got your


head in the wrong business.


Sounds like you need to stop


worrying about what's too


PC and worry about them roles.


I'm only mad at you right now.


Honestly, I don't know you like that.


I don't really care.


I'm not a big fan of Seinfeld.


I used to watch it because


it was like the longest


running TV show and the


only thing on it like four


in the fucking morning


where they do five episodes


back to back to back.




but I just think stop


blaming other people either


like get used to it and


stop trying to either all


of the comics are going to


come together and rebel


against the leftist PC


agenda or shut the fuck up


like do something different


and find another way to go


get it any real hustler


will find a way to hone


their craft in a different


fucking way and stop making excuses


I think there's two things here.


I feel like Jerry Seinfeld


is maybe two to three years


away from the right-wing comedy sector.


Inevitable Tim Allen syndrome.




I do think he might Tim Allen it.


He's certainly on that trajectory.


Remember when when things


were back in the 50s?


Everyone's like, Yeah, I do.


I remember when things were in the 50s.


Like, and that's it.


That's the bit.


That's when I couldn't vote.


Mm hmm.


I remember that.


How funny was that?


Like, that's the Tim Allen said, like, Hey,


remember when kids didn't have iPhones?


Yeah, I do.


Isn't that funny?




I feel like we're really close to that.


And I,


I do think in the next two to three years,


this isn't full Roseanne bar syndrome.


Like this is a sliding scale


of old white comedian.


Like itis is, you know,


you've got your 10 amounts


where they were kind of weird.


And you're like, Hey,


remember when you did like


cocaine hard in the eighties and people,


then you got home


improvement and everybody were like him.




really they're like yep he's


turned a new leaf that's


what's happened everybody


out to the FBI so yeah


that's what happened and


then but not like Roseanne


where it was like where she was like


There's a cabal of people


who make me in charge and I


don't feel like serving.


I don't want to be their slave anymore.


And it was like, God damn, Roseanne.


Like, yeesh.




I think the other thing here is


that comedy is so, it's not,


like back in the day when


Seinfeld was doing his thing,


there was like four network shows, right?


And that was it.


It is so, it is just so,


I'm not going to say fractured,


but there's so many


different waves of comedy


and so many different shows,


so many different channels.


Like people follow comedians


on Tik TOK and would rather


watch their lives than like


watch a standup set.


That's not, that's not me, but like,


I do know those people and


the way that comedy has changed.


It's so clear that Jerry


Seinfeld and his team are,


just don't get it.


And I think the best


contrast I can give you to


this is Conan O'Brien, who is like,


I'm going to have a podcast.


I'm going to talk to these people.


I'm going to connect with these people.


And he just went on Hot Ones


not too long ago.


It was incredible.


And he's killing it.


It was incredible.


Like, Conan O'Brien...


almost 60 years old just


killing the game like I i


was shocked he just had an


hp he just had a he had a


max thing that came out


where he's conan o'brien


must go and he just goes to


different country countries


and basically does yes and improv yep


all over these different


countries and it's funny


like it works like it's


silly at times but it works


it just shows you that like


Jerry Seinfeld is just he's


not creative anymore he's


not open to anything and he


has people around him


lapping him and he just


can't make sense of it


yeah and I and I'm kind of


tired like I I'm kind of I


am equally tired of the


like coming for comedians


for what they said when


they were on stage like


that group of folks that's


like we need to police


everything everyone anyone


ever says with a mic in


their hand with their on


stage but I am also equally


over the comedians that are


like we're not


allowed to say what we want


anymore like I both sides


both extreme sides of that


coin make me go like enough


like I'm just over both of


you like leave me alone um


because both make me angry


for different reasons for


very different reasons but


they both I'm fed up with both


That's what I got.


Thanks for being with me


while I was on my Jerry


Seinfeld diatribe.


I appreciate it.


It needed to be said.


Anybody else got anything


that they want to chat


about before we wrap this one up?




do you want to maybe talk about


maybe a certain red-caped fellow?




Our favorite alien?




It's okay if it's no.


Maybe you need some time.


We need to talk about it


because it was revealed today.


It was.


James Gunn posted the first


full-ish picture of Henry


Cornsweat as Superman today


in the full red and blue


boy scout in all of his glory.


He's sitting in this seat


and what you see in it is


like the way that he has it


set up is there's an attack


happening in Metropolis in


the background and in the caption it says,


suiting up or getting ready


and it's Superman basically


putting on his boots and


getting ready to fly out.


So now what you can see, thanks, Brian.


No problem.


I got you.


So what you see here is just


a picture of Superman getting ready.


You see kind of a blue, tattered,


it looks like this suit has


been through some type of hell.


Like he's been through it.


It's not like a clean suit.


And so this is it.


You can kind of slightly see


if you pay attention enough,


there are red undies on Superman.


And so they kind of do their


will to like hide that.


There's a collar on this


Superman too as well.


And so that's very interesting.


And so this suit has a lot


of like the new 52 vibes.


Yeah, that's what I was about to say.


DC Comics.


It's like there's the collar on it.


There's a lot of these


pieces that just scream.


It's not your...


Superman that we're kind of


used to that traditional


red cape tucked into blue tights.


This is a little bit more modern,


a little bit more fresh.


So this was a picture he


posted on Instagram and


socials everywhere.




And I love, I love that in the background,


there's this giant cosmic


event happening and he's


just casually getting dressed.


Love that for everyone involved.


My knee jerk reaction when I


first saw the suit for the


first time was I really like the collar.


I don't know why.


I felt like they always,


with some of these,


not so much with Henry Cavill's suit,


but with the other ones,


they always gave this


plunging neckline to Superman.


They always made it right here.


And I was like,


it just doesn't make any sense to me.




it just seems I would want my neck




especially if I have a cape


because then I can make my


whole connect to my traps


and through my shoulders


instead of having to be


just my shoulders.


I just, I liked,


I really liked the look of the, the, um,


the collar.


I thought it gave him a


little bit more of like, uh, a nice look.


So I enjoyed that one.




This is the feeling that


it's giving me here,


like a little bit of this


collar that's here.


But this is definitely like


the more you see by the


pattern tracing in the arm,


except for the red undies.


Like this is what


essentially the new


Superman looks and feels like.


And I'll be honest with you.


I'm 50-50.


Oh, okay.


I need to see one with the suit,


the way that the picture is


taken in the suit, the suit looks bulky.


It doesn't look, you know what I mean?


Like it looks like it's,


it has like a lot of extra protect,


protect your neck, Superman,


protect your neck.


I'm like Wu-Tang.


You got to protect your neck.


You got to protect your neck.


Woo said it best.


Shout out to the Woo.


If I find out,


if I walk into the theater


and Superman is listening to Wu-Tang,


I'm going to lose it.


I might cheer.


I might yell.


I might scream like a little.






And I'm 50-50.


I want to see what the suit


looks like when he's like


standing up in the more so


iconic Superman pose.




Obviously James Gunn doesn't


want to do a full reveal


because I imagine he wants to do


like a shot or a scene.


He wants to see the suit in


action in the movie.


So, but I don't know.


I'm 50-50 on it.


I like it.


I like the Superman symbol.


I like that it's something new.


It still pays homage to


everything that came before it,


but it's still definitely its own thing.


And it'll take some adjusting,


but I think it'll be fine.


And it's not CGI.


Oh, that's helpful.


No better.


No, I like honestly,


if I'm if I'm James Gunn


and I want to make a


distinct difference from


the previous movies,


I feel like the collared


suits is a really good way to go.


It's distinctive.


It's immediate and it's small.


Like it's something you can


do with every outfit.




i also I'm also looking at


this picture and it looks


like he has like shoulder


pad armor and I'm not 100


sure what I'm looking at


but if it does go that


direction I do like that


idea of bulking up those


shoulders just a little bit


just to kind of give it a


little bit more definition


and something just a little


bit more different


Yeah, but I'm hyped.


I'm hyped for this movie.


Just because the man is


invincible doesn't mean his


shoulders don't get sore


from running into shit.


That's my thought process.


His back is always hurting


because he's just carrying


the whole world on his shoulders.


I'm sorry,


what did that have to do with


the neck thing, or what?


No, the shoulder pads.


Like, think about it.


If I'm going to go flying


shoulder first into a car


or a brick building, yeah,


I'm invincible and I can go


right through it.


It doesn't mean it's not going to hurt.




I'm still taking my body and throwing


it through a brick building.


Maybe if you're not Superman, but for...


Superman, that doesn't hurt, by the way.


He doesn't need shoulder pads.


Also, we have an additional comment.


Are we doing it?


I got really defensive.


I'm sorry.


You did.


You were like, no, not my guy.


Shut the fuck up, Doug.


I know who my next diss track is about.


This dumb motherfucker.


The track is going to be


called Shoulder Pads.


I'm sorry.


You got shoulder pads.


I don't know.


I'm sorry.


I didn't mean that.


I need shoulder pads from


your dumbass brain.


I was just moving on.


I just feel like... You need


shoulder pads.


I got sands.


I don't know.


That's why I don't rap.


All right.


Brian's spitting a hot four bars.


Oh, just, just, yeah.


That's how you know it's a


real piece of art.




No, I think,


I think this will be interesting.


I think I'm ready to see him


surrounded by the other,


because there's six other


main characters in here and


I want to see what their


costumes look like.


Obviously your first one in


your first movie is going


to feel significantly


different as that character ages.


If it's anything like Marvel,


they can't let one costume sit for


You know what I mean?


They always find a reason to


give a new one.


It's superheroes and wrestlers.


Anytime that there's a big main event,


they get a new outfit.


That's how you used to be


able to tell with WrestleMania.


You knew who was going to win.


They showed up wearing new shit.


Did Triple H get new tights?


That motherfucker's going


home with a championship.


That's what's happening.


His action figure's going to drop.


Those fucking Cody Rhodes.


I don't know.


That's all I got.


alright, well,


let us know if your opinion changes,


whether one way or another.


We would be eager to know about it.


Oh, I did have something else.


I watched Crisis on Infinite


Earths Part 1 and Part 2.


It's a DC animated movie.


Part 1 is on Max for free,


and then the second part is


on Amazon Prime.


I had to pay for it to buy it.


But they have a Part 3 coming out, too,


as well.


So it's a three-part animation.


Which will be on Paramount+.




probably at this point.




I just thought,


I think that that movie is


very interesting in the way


that they depict their characters.


I could see that kind of be


in the tone of what they


want Superman to become in


James Gunn's kind of like


between the mix of my


adventures as Superman and this movie,


I feel like it has to feel


kind of similar to how they want,


because James Gunn is all


about hope with the Superman.


Like this guy's going to


provide some hope.


He's going to be the one


that people look to for hope.


And I think that Corn Sweat looks great.


I mean, he looks like a.


lack of a better term, he looks like a big,


tall, white,


country-bred motherfucker with a curl,


and he looks good as Superman.


How you act and how you portray everything,


we'll have to wait to see,


but I just thought that


that movie was really interesting.


Got me really excited for this.


So, yeah.


Yeah, I'm a big fan.


Yeah, I will say, suit aside,


he looks good.




David Cornswet in that picture looks


good as Superman.


So there's no concerns.


That confirmed, like,


that was a good cast


because just the way he fills it out.


So I agree with you, Marcus.


The rest will sort of have


to be time will tell.






Okay, Roman acted up.


Oh, did you just say it on Max for free?


Get this title for free with


a $10 subscription.


You're right.


I did fuck that up, Roman.


I did.


I'm sorry.


I did.




everybody turned it on Marcus in the


last 15 minutes of this podcast.


Yeah, yeah.


I deserve it.


That's what happens.


My tone was Superman,


but he fucked up a lot of stuff.


You know what I mean?


That's my fault.


That's okay.


It's okay.


We all get defenses about things.


It's confusing.


What is on Amazon Prime?


What is Amazon Prime?






anything else before we close it out?




I will turn it over to what you


all have to plug this week.




I think I'm good.


Brian, take it away.


What do you got to plug?


Hey, folks.


Head on over to Etsy.com and


search Color Me Confetti.


One word.


You can go check out my


wife's printables for parties.


You've got a party coming up.


Go print those decorations.


You don't have to go anywhere.


You don't have to go to Amazon.


You don't have to go to the big one.


You can go to Etsy.com.


Type in Color Me Confetti.


Go check out those printables.




Marcus, what do you got?


You always want to make sure


you follow the mantra, never offended,


always humble.


Go buy yourself some merch.


Soul Tide drops this week.


He drops his new song, Link.


You can find that everywhere


on DSPs and a pre-saved


link out in his bio right now.


Follow him on Instagram, S-O-U-L-T-Y-E.


But whatever you do, follow the mantra,


never offended, always humble.




I want to plug this podcast.




if you enjoyed our conversations about


yams and Superman and rap beef, you know,


share us with a friend or a


family member.


It's the best way that we


get that traction with others.


But if you're feeling generous,


head over to Patreon dot


com slash films of black and white.


Sign up for one of our tiers


there and be a part of the Patty family.


Love to have you.




we have a three-step process to success.


Brian, what is that first step?


Hi, I'm here to tell you to read a book,


and I'm currently reading Invincible,


the first compendium, via Hoopla.


It's great.


It's all on my iPad.


I get to read as long as I have battery.


That's the one thing about


reading nowadays.


You gotta make sure if


you're reading on a device,


it has batteries.




remember when you didn't have to read


books with batteries?


It's weird.


You gotta read


Things with batteries.


But anyway,


make sure the battery's charged.


And yeah, just go to your library.


Just take the books.


They don't care.


As long as you bring them back,


you just take them.


Just take them.


Read a book.


I love it.


Marcus, give us that second step, man.


You want to make sure that


you drink some water.


Today was rainy here in South Dakota,


but it'll get hot eventually.


And you want to be proactive.


So make sure you drink some water.


Treat yourself to the nice stuff.


If you want to treat some sparkling,


bubbly water,


whatever it is that gets your shit off,


just make sure you drink some water.


absolutely and look y'all


like marcus said it was


rainy today but just


because you walked outside


in the rain that doesn't


count as a shower that


doesn't count as washing


your ass you got to go into


a bathroom with some soap


and a washcloth or a loofah


or whatever your utensil of


choice is and wash that ass


it is very very important


that you do so uh because you


We're in two shower territory, you guys.


It's going to be 75 at the


end of this week.


Two showers territory,


especially on the weekends.


You wake up, you shower,


you do some work outside,


or you play with your kids,


you do whatever you're doing,


you shower again,


because Lord knows you sweat,


so get after it.


And step four from our guy in the chat,


Roman Meyer, step four,


grab an extra chocolate


chip muffin when given the chance.


He's not wrong.


He's not wrong.


You never know when you're


going to need a muffin.


I did that Friday.


It was great.




you never know because you might need


a snack later, and then you have it.


You don't have to worry about it.




that does it for this week's


episode of Films in Black and White.


We will be back next week


with another outstanding episode.


But in the meantime,


and in the between time, stay safe,


stay healthy.


We love y'all.


We appreciate y'all.


We'll catch y'all next week.


Love you!


Brian, were you giving us robot guns?


I was.


I was going...


kind of like a terminator


but like and then I saw


your heavy metal thing so


it was just it was a lot


happening in my brain at


one time as you were


starting to sign off I'm so


glad the stream was still running

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Films in Black and White
A Comedy Podcast about Movies, Comics, and Pop Culture
Deep dive into the movie news of the week, featuring reviews and analysis for the more socially conscious moviegoer. Join Doug, Marcus and Bryan as they share their honest, in-depth, and hilarious perspectives on today's biggest movies, comics, and pop culture.
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Doug Wagner