Episode 29

Wrestling, Gawker, and Batman aka "Hulk Hogan's House"

Published on: 7th August, 2024

This is a Marcus and Doug original everybody! We are without our third heat, so we had a bit of a rocky start. BUT we overcame those trials and did an outstanding episode. This week on the pod....

We play our weekly game of catch that quotable. Marcus breaks down the matches at Summer Slam, and lets his wrestling flag fly, high and proud. Doug tells us why he is excited for the latest Ben Affleck/Matt Damon movie. We talk about the latest Amazon Prime series Batman: Caped Crusader. We breakdown some recent statements by comedy legend Vince Vaughn. Finally, we talk about a movie that was just announced but is already a hit!

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Yes, and I have that all spun up as well.


So we are locked and rocked


and ready to do it.


Locked, rocked, rocked.


I don't know.


I don't know what I'm doing here.


That's all right, brother.


I'm with you regardless.


I know.


Hold on.


I, for some reason, forgot my thing.


So, nope, it's not practice.


It's public.




This will be a good part.


I feel good.


I feel good about it.


Yeah, I feel good about it.




I'm not going to be chaotic today.


Oh, Doug.


Did he start the stream?




He just left.


you hit go live and then all


of a sudden you just dipped


no it just like stopped


working oh okay I was like


uh we are live and we've


been live for a minute and


seven seconds yeah that


just did not that did not


work at all that's fine all


right so we'll hit go live


over here or maybe we will


I don't know all right fuck


it we're just gonna you


know what fuck it we're just like


Fuck it.


Fuck it.


We're gonna do it live.


Fuck it.


We'll do it live.


We're gonna do it live.


Welcome to Films in Black and White again.


What's up, everybody?


That whole goal live has now


thrown me off to where I can't even say,


welcome to Films in Black and White,




it's we're I mean I guess


we're here yeah get in


where you fit in yeah


that's right that's right


uh brian's not here and the


wheels have come off that's


true it happens every time


it happens there's


something about the energy


and the vibe that he brings


yes that's exactly what you


see just the two of us and


brian's not here assume


that it is the 90 minute


monster mark all monster


All Monster.


No Zipper.


No Filter.


That is exactly what this is going to be.


We're happy to be with you all.


It is going to be a great


episode to be with you all.


We're going to talk some news.


Marcus is going to break down Rasslin.


Rasslin and Batman from Marcus.


That's what we got.


But separate, not together.


That could be.


Um, but Marcus, uh, Oh,


Brian is not here because


he is spending some much


deserved time with some


family in Maryland.


He's currently trying to get


into the white house.


I don't know.


No, don't, don't, no, don't say that.


I know, but you know,


don't say it's out of context.


It sounds bad.




I don't want to provide any context.


I want our listeners to


think about how is Brian


trying to get into the White House?


Is he trying to get a tour?


Is he just trying to sneak in there?


I mean, thus far,


I have seen no alerts come up on CNN,


so I can only assume that


they have not found him yet.


So I feel like if Brian was


to Brian is the first


person that I think could


bring to life national treasure.


In real life Smart enough to


like deduct the clues And


find like the back Like the


underground tunnels and all


of that Shout out to


Harriet Shout out to


Harriet And also polite


enough That if somebody


caught him they'd be like


ah get out of here he'd be


like he's like oh boy howdy


you found me um well sorry


about that and so they'd be


like here's all your jewels


here's all your jewels that


I found hey I took what I


needed from the uh bill of


rights uh the back of it so


There was a stain on there.


I cleaned that up.


If he did get to Joe Biden


and tell him to listen to the podcast,


welcome to the pod, Joe.


We're happy to have you.


Just put it in when you're


playing your sleeping


sounds and rain music in the White House,


and this will be your sweet


nothings to serenade it.


Biden's sweet nothings.


Yeah, Biden's sweet nothings.


It's okay, Mr. President.


Just sit down.


Put your feet up.


You can take a relax.


Put your feet up.


Turn the movie on.


Hey, you address the nation,


but who addresses you?


Only you can do that.


Prevent forest fires?


He instantly became Smokey the Bear.


Yes, that's exactly what I became.


But Marcus, OTC returns.


How are you feeling, sir?


I'm feeling good.


The original tribal chief


has returned to wrestling.


And we're going to talk about it later.


And it was such an OG moment.


I might have to show you all a clip.


But first, before I go anywhere else,


shout out to Roman Myers


for saying it in the chat.


But I want to give a very


happy birthday to my mother,


Myesha Sellers.


Without her, there is no me.


She deserves all the love in the world.


And so happy birthday to my madre.


Feliz cumpleaƱos.


A little Espanol for this Monday evening.


Look at you.


You know me, baby.


Look at you.


Douglas Dougular.


That is Dougular is a name


that the birthday lady gave me.


And so happy birthday to Mimi.


So glad that you were born.


My AKA is in honor of you today.


So I don't know what I don't


know what's happening in there.


I'm reading the chat.


We're just going to stay away from it.


Otherwise, it's going to be a whole thing.


Or you can get into it if


you'd like to be a part of our program.


Join the chat conversation every week.


You can join us for less


than a cup of coffee.


You can be a part of the experience,


get a producer credit,


and even get access to


videos before they even go


live on our YouTube.


Yeah, that's a great point.


Put you on backslash Films


of Black and White.


absolutely um also uh again


shout out to mimi uh marcus


uh you are it is august so


I just do a quick pulse


check for you because the


clock has now started to


tick and how are you


feeling with the spring


with the fall semester


imminently arriving listen it's over


I hate to say it.


It's over.


Summer is over.


It's done.


We had meetings today about moving in.


I have org trainings this week.


I met with Doug the most professionally,


I think,


more than when he worked here in


the span of...


Yeah, that's not.


No, no, no.


But I've been meeting with Doug a lot,


like because he is like our


person that we go to for a


lot of programs that we use,


this program that we use


for the student orgs.


And he knows all of the


projects we kind of have in


motion and like we've got


somebody to kind of be the


lead as my supervisor to


kind of take us to the next


level and everything like that.


And who knows USD involved as well,


which is super, super helpful.


But it's time.


It is that time.


We don't have anything left.


People are moving in this weekend.


It's over.




Well, enjoy it.


I mean, this last week, I mean,


the Clay County Fair is in town.


So if you want to...


Yee-haw it up at that.


You can do that.


Usually I'm a fan of yee-haw.


I don't know if that's my kind of yee-haw.


I also don't think that


that's my kind of yee-haw.


I don't think it's my kind of yee-haw.


But I will say I'm excited


for the students to get back.


I am excited for everybody.


It's been a good summer.


I'll tell you this, kiddos.


For those that are listening,


listen to your elders when


they tell you don't rush to grow up.


Yeah, it's a con.


It's a con.


It's a racket.




Get a job.


Get a house.


Have a couple of kids.


The next thing you know,


they're telling you stuff like, hey, dad,


I don't want you to cuddle me.


I want mom to cuddle me.


And you're just going to


have to go to bed with that fact.


And that's the thing that


happened to me today.


Do you want me to elaborate?


Let me tell this story.


So it was my turn to put


Harper to bed last night,


and Brittany and I rotate.


We rotate the kids,


so we each get a little bit


of time at the end of the


day with each kid.


And it ends up coming out in


the month to be about even,


which is nice.


It's important for that.


But last night,


after we're done reading books,


we usually lay with the kid


until they go to sleep.


And Harper sighs twice, and I went like...


Am I, like, bothering you?


Like, what is happening?


And she goes...


I just want to sleep by myself.


And I went, what?


And she was like, I was like,


but mom cuddles you.


He goes, yeah,


that's because I like it


when mom cuddles me.


And I was like,


and then for those that don't know,


for podcasts,


usually I have to put Harper


to bed so I have time to


get here on time.


And Brittany puts Harrison to bed.


She got upset that I was


going to read her books again.


And I said, well,


what if I don't stay and cuddle you?


Then she was like, okay,


you can read books then.


So she was like...


She's like, man, she was like,


she was cutting me to my core.


She cut you deep.


Real deep.


What do you think that is?


Is it just like.


It's just, I mean, it's the age.




Give it a year or two and


she'll be asking where I'm at.


So like, it's fine.




I would not know what to do


if my only daughter.


I probably would have started crying.


Also, it's Harper.


It's also par for the course for her.


That's just kind of who she


is as a human being.


Except when we went to


Thursday on the Plots and


we linked up at Thursday on the Plots,


Doug went to go grab a


drink and the kids were like,


Harrison was playing in the inflatable.


Harper was eating her food


and I was just watching and


making sure they was okay.


Harper asked me three times, excuse me,


where's my dad?


And I said, first time I was like, oh,


he went to go get a drink.


He's like over there.


And then she was like, okay.


And she went to eat and she


came back and she said, excuse me,


I don't see my dad.


And I was like, well, all right.


I know what the second time means.


My favorite is the excuse me.


Like you're a stranger.


Like she's never seen you before.


Like she didn't hug me


initially when I walked over there.


Right, right.


Like, hey, you, buddy.




Where's my dad at?


Where is my dad?


Why am I sitting here with


you eating the hot dog?


And my answer was, you know what?


You got a valid point.


He's over there.


He's just over there.


He'll be right back.


He obviously trusted me enough,


but here we are.


I immediately started


panicking because I was like, uh-oh.


Once a kid starts asking


where their dad is ā€“


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


But Marcus,


we have a game that we need to


play called Catch That Quotable.


Catch that quotable.


Silky sounds, Marcus J. Marcus,


are you ready for this week's quote?


Hit me.


All right, here we go.


This is a copyrighted movie


for Time Warner.


If I find you've sold it on eBay,


I will break into your


house and tear your wife in half.






This is a copyrighted movie


for Time Warner.


If I find you've sold it on eBay,


I will break into your


house and tear your wife in half.


Okay, this feels so extra.


It feels like Will Ferrell.


Wait, wait, wait.


You want me to sing it?


This is a copyrighted movie


for Time Warner.


If I find you've sold it on eBay,


I'll break into your house


and tear your wife in half.


Tear your wife in half?


Wife, like the someone you're married to.


You want me to scream it?


Oh, God.




Listen, who's making these requests?


I don't know.


I don't know.


I was going to try it,


but it wasn't going to work.


You want me to sing it?


You want me to scream it?


You want me to do it in a southern accent?




You want me to do it like


I'm from New Orleans?




He asked me to.


He's a Patreon member.


Okay, so sing it and screamo.


It's a hint.




Live action or cartoon?


I don't know.




I mean,


the only movie that I can think of


that would, but it's got,


and it's sort of a comedy.


It's one of the best movie intros.


Oh, Jesus.


Oh, God.


Is this, this is, no, no, no.


It's meta,


because if it's a Time Warner thing,


it's got to be a super meta movie.


We're also out of time.


We are also out of time.


The only movie I can think


of that's related to


singing that would have any type of like,


like heavy metal type of


undertones to it is the


movie with Brendan Fraser


and Adam Sandler and Steve


Buscemi called airheads.


And that is the only movie I can think of.


So that is the only guest that I have.


That's a very good guess


because that feels very specific.


My mind went to animated and


like Time Warner is such an old,


it reminds me of Scooby-Doo.


So then he says Screamo,


then I thought of Kiss.


So like there was like a


crossover between like the


Kiss band and like a Scooby-Doo movie-ish,


but I don't think it gets that meta.


And then Rip Your Wife in


Half isn't very Scooby-Doo.


It's not.


I'm just,


I'm going to have to just go with


Scooby-Doo because I don't


have any other guesses.


I don't have any other guess.


What is it?




this is from the Aqua Teen Hunger Force






Aqua Teen Hunger Force colon


movie film for theaters.


God damn it.


And it is.


It's everything that I thought it was.


It is anime.




And it is sang by the heavy


metal band Mastodon.


So it's actually like a full


on heavy metal band that was singing it.


So there you go.


All right.


That is.


I love.


Shout out to Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


Just underrated.


Oh my God.




In general.


I've been watching.


I've been on a binge of Robot Chicken.


Oh, yep.


That's a great binge.


Oh, my God.


When I tell you I am dying,


I forgot how much I love this show.


It is so good.


But every show like that,


Aqua Teen Hunger Force,


that like Adult Swim era of like, yep,


I shouldn't be laughing at


this comedy is like,


that's exactly what I was ready.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


Squid Billies was my like, oh, my God.


Yeah, that was crazy.


Goodbillies was my jam.


Yeah, it was.


I don't know if it was like


the southern component to


it that made me super, super excited.


But that one made me like that one.




get your hands off the trim like that.


My favorite.


Like, just I loved every second of that.


And then like Space Space Ghost.




God, those are 2021.




I went to go Google the


shows because it's so many


different shows that I like


from that 2000 era.


So, so good.


I have an album that you can listen to.


If you really liked that era of music,


listen to 2005's The Mouse and the Mask,


Danger Mouse and MF Doom.


did a whole album,


but all of the intros are


from Adult Swim shows.


My name is... They have one


that's just absolutely


fantastic called No Names.


It's usually a bit of dialogue.


Dialogue from C-Lab.


They're so good.


Listen to that album.


It's awesome.


I love it.


Let's put the link in the


description this week.


Yeah, absolutely.


Spotify only because that's


who we shout out to.


Yes, that's right.


Spotify only.


But Marcus,


you watched SummerSlam this weekend.


I did.


What's your update from the mat, sir?


What do you got?


All right.


So I am going to play us a


video in just a little bit because...


It's going to be pivotal to


the explanation.


So there were a lot of changes this week,


and I want to look it up


because there were four


title changes over the span


of SummerSlam.


Oh, my God.


All right.


I know.


I know.


That's a lot for a pay-per-view.


Quite a few.


And so I watched this on ā€“




Peacock has the Olympics,


and they show all of the SummerSlam,


so it was me switching between.


Two things that could not be


more unalike on the same


streaming platform.


One's very, very real,


and one is... One is entertainment.


Yeah, one is entertainment.


You know what I mean?


And I'll give credit to these guys.


I know everybody always talk about, oh,


they're wrestling in this thing.


Why do you watch wrestling?


i like wrestling at this


point in my life for the


performance of it all right


one of my new favorite


phrases is um the pop okay


and so it's like when


somebody comes out or


something happens there's


this giant pop that happens


with the crowd how does the


crowd react to that what is


the size of the pop um so


you hear me say that a


little bit so here's kind


of like what was happening


um we had liv morgan um


versus rhea ripley


for the Women's World Champion title.


And Liv Morgan was able to


keep and retain her title,


but also took Rhea Ripley's man,


who was part of... Rhea


Ripley is... Let me tell you this.


Rhea Ripley is fucking phenomenal.


When I say she is a phenomenal athlete,


Rhea Ripley is like that.


If you ever get a chance to


watch her wrestle, she's really good.


At one moment,


she threw her fucking


shoulder out and popped


that bitch back in and kept wrestling.






Popped that motherfucker


right back into place on


the announcement table.


So that was pretty good.


Her partner, boyfriend, who is...


His name is Dominic or Dirty


Dominic Mysterio saved


Ripley from qualification.


And basically he turned on his partner.


So he left Rhea Ripley for


the women's world champion,


Liv Morgan at SummerSlam.




So he with a steel chair.


I'm reading this from WWE


dot com with a steel chair.


He planted in the ring.


Mysterio distracted the referee.


Seconds later,


Morgan hit another oblivion


on the steel chair to retain the title.


So he did that anyway.


Braun Breaker, the next match,


Braun Breaker versus Sami Zayn, all right,


for the Intercontinental title.


Braun Breaker defeated Sami


Zayn to win the Intercontinental title.


I'm not as familiar with this storyline,


but it's just too ā€“ I


really like the wrestling


style of Sami Zayn.


But Braun Breaker is a


fucking massive human being,


like a fucking massive human being,


and I think he's a


phenomenal wrestler and, like,


somebody you should


definitely keep your eye on.


But I'm just not ā€“


Yeah, Sami Zayn,


the only reason thing that I'm looking at,


and I'm looking at CBS


Sports for the results.




Sami Zayn is the nephew to Scott Steiner.


One of the highlights from


this match was that he hit


a Frankensteiner off the top ropes,


which was a ode to his uncle.


I love that.


So Dominic Mysterio,


Dominic is also related to, oh,


can you look that up?


Because he's related to like


this pretty famous wrestler.


I forgot his name, but his dad,


when you see it, the picture,


his name is Dominic Mysterio.


He's related to,


what the fuck is his name?


It's onto my tongue.


Is it Ray Mysterio?


No, no, no, no.


It's, oh, fuck.


Hold on, because it's going to bother me.


I've got I'm looking it up.


OK, thank you.


So I'm going to keep going.


Like I said, I wasn't really as familiar,


but I thought that was a


really good match.


The next match that I was


really invested in because


I hadn't heard of any of these women,


but they like put on a fucking show.




So it was me.


Oh, wait, I've got to go back.


No, no.


His father is Ray Mysterio


and his great uncle is Ray Mysterio Sr.,


Oh, I didn't.


He had his first direct


involvement with the WWE


when he was eight in 2005,


in which a storyline where his father,


Ray Mysterio,


battled Eddie Guerrero over


his legal custody.


Oh, oh, it was Eddie Guerrero.


That's yeah.




it was Eddie Guerrero was the other


name I was looking for.


So, OK, so he is he is.


That's pretty cool.


All right.


I'm gonna keep going.


The next match I was super excited about,




for personal reasons that I will not


share on this podcast, L.A.


Knight versus Logan Paul.


Mr. L.A.


Knight, you know what I mean?


That man really knows how to talk his shit,




You want somebody you want


to watch a monologue of


because he just knows how


to talk that shit?




And he can make the whole crowd go, yeah.


Like, it's so fucking good.




Knight and him have been


hyping up this United


States title for a long time.


Now, Logan Paul is also really good,


and he's a really good


wrestler because he's


busting some moves I


thought was fucking nuts


for a guy that you think is like,


what is this fucking prime


drinking motherfucker doing?


He actually can get some


really good moves off,


and he's a really good wrestler, okay?


Oh, shit.


Did you see it?


When he did that leap off


the top rope onto the walkway?


Yeah, sweet.


And the fucking camera angle


and everything is so good.


He went over like twice.


He did so good.


That was awesome.


And he's a good heel, right?


Because everybody already


wants to beat the fuck out of him.




But my man L.A.




I think this is the first time L.A.


Knight beat Logan Paul.


And this is the first


championship that L.A.


Knight has.


And I'm so excited for it


because I love L.A.




I think that motherfucker is


so good and should be primetime.


And I don't know.


They went back and forth and


they had a really good match.


That's the one thing I love


about wrestling.


The storyline only goes two ways.


You either get the person


who retains their title or


you get a person who gets it new.


But how you go about it and


how you get there, really phenomenal.


Next match, Mia Jack.


It was, and for reference,


LA Knight has been in the


business for 21 years,


and this is his first main roster belt.


That's his first one in 21 years?


His first one in 21 years.


That's ridiculous.


And I think that that's behind...


This is well overdue,


is what I want to say.


I want to play.


We're just fucking around this podcast,




Yeah, this is just for funsies.


This one is just for funsies.


I want to show L.A.


Knight his year compilation.


All right.


So fucking good.


I'm just going to play a


little bit of this,


but I just enjoy everything


about LA Knight.


And I think that he's like,


he's a really cool dude.


You know what I mean?










M L a night.




Let me talk to you.


One of those bottles of prime.




Money in the bank.




Long overdue.




Let me talk to you.




Shut up.


I'm talking.


If you don't mind,


I got a match to get ready for.




What the fuck?




He's just so fucking good.


Is that a Wu-Tang symbol in


the background?


That was a Wu-Tang symbol in


the background.




Random and weird, but all right.


You know what the fuck's going on.


Anyway, LA Knight beat fucking Logan Paul,


and I thought that was a


really good match.


Next match,


Nia Jax versus Bayley for the


WWE Women's Championship.


I'm not really familiar with Bayley.


I've seen Nia Jax wrestle once,


and she's more of a... I


don't know how to describe it.


I don't want to be rude,


but her wrestling style is very like...


big body.


So if you look up Nia Jax versus Bayley,


they're two completely


different body types.


Very much so.


Very much so.




props to fucking Bayley because at


some point,


Bayley puts Nia Jax on her


shoulders and does like a


super slam into the fucking ring.


And it is phenomenal to


watch because you know they


practice for that.


But to be able to put


put somebody on your shoulders.


She's like five foot nothing.


Bailey is five foot nothing.


And carried her and slammed her ass.


And you can tell, because again,


I'm watching some clips.


You can tell that


the moves and the bumps that


they had planned are always


are a little bit more


challenging given the


weight differential.


So the fact that they were


able to do like the, the big spot.


So for those that don't know


wrestling terminate like terminology,


most of the matches fluid,


they plan it around spots.


So they plan it around like a, okay, we'll,


we'll grapple,


I'll throw you down and


then we'll get to this moment.


So it's more,


it's almost like major beats


when then they plan the


filler sort of on the spot.


I like that.


I love that, Doug.


Way to get into it.


All right.


Thank you for that.


Unfortunately, Nia Jax ā€“ well, fortunately,


I didn't have a dog in the fight.


But Nia Jax won the WWE


Women's Championship.


She retained her title.


Now we're going to kind of


heat up here a little bit.


Drew McIntyre versus CM Punk


with a special guest referee,


Seth freaking Rollins.


And so basically ā€“


CM Punk sabotaged Drew


McIntyre's like a chance at


Drew McIntyre to really go


and get a championship.


So he was in a match and it


was a big match.


CM Punk was narrating and CM


Punk took off his fucking


sling that he was in and


went and sabotaged the


whole fucking thing.


And I think


I think it was Seth Rollins


that beat him or somebody


else ended up beating Drew McIntyre,


took away the shot for him


to go and like win a title


or some shit like that.




And then Drew McIntyre came back,


beat the shit out of CM


Punk and took the bracelet


that had his wife's name


and his dog's name on it.




And so Drew McIntyre wore it.


Like he took it, I think out of his pants,


out of his vent loop or


something like that and wore it.


And that was the premise of


the whole rest of the whole


match with Seth,


Seth Rollins being a guest


judge because Seth Rollins


is on his way back up.


So he has to go fight one of


these motherfuckers either way to him.


It was a win win to be like, listen,


I'm going to ref this fight.


I don't give I have no dog in the fight.


I just want you to know I'm


running this shit.


And so they go and do that.


And then essentially CM Punk


loses the match because


he's too focused and too


distracted about like his


emotions basically got the best of him.


And Drew McIntyre ended up


winning in the end.


Drew McIntyre is a fucking behemoth.


He's a big dude.


He's a solid.


I mean, he's solid as a fucking rock.


You look at his build.


And then CM Punk, I think,


just got cleared.


And this was maybe his first


match since he had surgery, I think,


on his shoulder or something like that.


That sounds right.


Yeah, that sounds right.


Fun fact about Seth Rollins.


Seth Rollins is a CrossFit athlete.


Oh, no shit.


I like the way he dresses.


I know everybody makes fun of that,


but I do like the way he dresses.


Very sparkly things, very slowly things.


I'm like, yeah,


do whatever the fuck you want, dude.


I mean, it's, I mean,


if you all watched and looked at, I mean,




Thank you.


Thank you.


The same company that had the macho man,


Randy Savage.


Thank you.


There were just a lot of it.


So it's just, let's not.


It's part of the game.


Like, so let's stop.


It absolutely is.




Gunther defeated Damon


Priest to win the world


heavyweight title.


Wasn't really familiar with


their storyline.


I just know that Priest is a


massive human being.


Didn't know anything about Gunther,


but Gunther is also a


massive human being.


The best way that I could


kind of frame this for


people that may not know is


like Rocky and Creed a little bit.


I mean,


it's kind of like Creed versus USA


versus Russia.


Because he's like this clean


cut wrestler who wants to


bring honor back into this


championship belt.


And he's supposed to be this clean cut,


very soldier like wrestler.


And Priest is like he was


homeless and like this guy


worked to get himself back.


He is that guy.


And he and Gunther basically


thinks he's coming to earth.




Like basically that he's


always street trash.


Like we need to bring


integrity back to this thing.




I mean,


the reason Damian Priest lost is


because him,


Rhea Ripley and I forgot his name.


His name is Finn.


They are they are all in a


group together called Judgment Day.


So Rhea got betrayed by Dominic.


Rhea got betrayed by Dominic


and then Priest got betrayed by Finn.


So and allow Gunther to put


Priest in a fucking sleeper hole,


which was payback because


Priest fucked up Finn's


spot at winning a national


championship a couple matches ago.


Got it.


Got it.


Got it.










now the Judgment Day is basically


broken up.


If anybody listening is a wrestling pro,


please remember,


I'm getting back into wrestling.


So kiss my ass if I'm not


getting it all the way right.


it's wrestling it doesn't


need to be right yeah like


there are pages you can go


to get the full story I'm


giving it from my black ass


I will I will put a link in


the episode description if


you want a full


professional recount that


is not what this is that's


not what this is now the


last match okay then I'll


be done talking for a little bit


This was the highlight of the evening,




And now allow me to have


some time to kind of like


just give you my personal


tidbits on things, okay?


It was the undisputed WWE


champion Cody Rhodes versus


Solo Sokoa in a Bloodline Rules match.


Bloodline Rules match means that, which is,


it's applied by Solo Sokoa


or whoever is like the


leader of the Bloodline.


The leader of the bloodline,


which is also part of this story.


It's any rules go.






Hi, Nikki.


It's all rules are on the line.




Everything goes.


So anything can happen.


And that's like those are bloodline rules.




So Solo Sokoa took over


Roman Reigns position as


tribal chief by force.




so Roman disappeared after he lost


WrestleMania and he lost


his title to Cody Rhodes.


He disappeared.


OK, he was no longer there.


Solo Sakoa came in and said,


I'm going to be the tribal


chief and y'all going to acknowledge me.


So much so he brought his


own two boys in and own bodyguard,


Jacob Fatu,


who I am a huge fan of Jacob Fatu.


And he, yo, he broke his, oh my God,


it was so good.


During this match, this guy,


I watched it in real time.


Jacob Fatu is like his enforcer.


So the bloodline, he's got two,


he got two of his big dogs


on the side as like protectors.


And then he got his,


basically his bully and his


security guard.


Jacob Fatu,


they call him the werewolf or


something like that.


This dude is a great wrestler.


Oh, my God.


This dude's a fucking fantastic wrestler.


I hope he gets his own moment.


This motherfucker, bro.


He was like wrestling to


kind of save Solo Sokoa.




So he's like doing all these


things because what we saw


was Cody Rhodes is


balancing is battling Solo Sokoa.


Solo said, I'm going to make Roman.


I'm going to make Cody


Rhodes acknowledge me as


the tribal chief.


And the only way to do that,


I'm going to challenge you.


So Cody accepted the challenge,


and that's why they're battling Ed.


I got it, I got it.


Mind you,


we have not seen Roman since




The last time we seen Roman,


he lost to Cody Rhodes and


lost his fucking championship.


Cody Rhodes is the equivalent.


His nickname is the American Nightmare,


and I think it's such a


perfect name because he smokes it.


He embodies that.


He's the guy that everybody loves.


This motherfucker's 4-0 when


it comes to defending his championship.


He's got this look to him,


this feel to him.


He comes from Dusty Rhodes.


He comes from that lineage


and that storyline where people love him.


If you were to watch his entrance,


you would be able to see, oh,


I see the title.


It's not like he's pompous.


He just loves this game.


He loves the sport.


And he's a hell of a wrestler.


He's a big dude.


So these two motherfuckers is going at it.


Solo, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.


They fighting.


They going back and forth.


It's a lot of good moves.


There's some phenomenal shots the WWE got.


If you ever get a chance,


go watch the intro of Cody


Rhodes in the ring.


Because when she's like


announcing him as the Undisputed Champ,


he's getting so fucking live.


I wanted to start wrestling.


I thought that bitch was cold.


Okay, cool.


So they get to scrapping.


Now, Solo, of course,


is starting to lose because


he's realizing Cody Rhodes


is a little bit of a problem.


And Cody Rhodes is realizing


Solo Sokoa is kind of a big


motherfucker that know how to wrestle,




And so Solo calls in his two goons, okay?


So his two goons come in.


Guess who flies out?


Fucking Randy Orton.


And I think his name was,


I want to make sure I get his name right,


but I think his name was Chris.


I'm not as familiar with him,


but I like it.


But they have this scene


where these two motherfuckers,


they go and they wrestle each other.


Oh, Kevin Owens and Randy Orton.


They came out and entered to


take Noah and Tonga out of the equation.


That's what they said.


I want to get their names right.




So boom, they go, wop, wop, wop, wop, wop.


They take them,


I like the setup of it as a


script writer.


They take these two


motherfuckers that were the extras,


they're taking it like they


took the fight out of the stadium.


So you don't have to worry


about where the two are, right?


It's like, okay.


So those two dudes are now covered,


which makes way for these pops to happen.


So you got to figure out


what's the next pop.


So they're going back and forth.


OK, now the werewolf, this motherfucker,


Jacob Fatu,


flies off of the ropes into


the into Cody Rhodes on the


announcer table.


I watched it live.


He broke his foot.


He broke his foot.


So everybody thought it was a good thing.


But this motherfucker broke


his foot because he tried


to stand up and he couldn't stand up.


But this was the best part.


He stayed in character.


So he was so mad that he


couldn't get up that he's


literally dragging himself


and his foot across the


floor like he's fucking upset about it.


It was so fucking good


because everybody was like, no,


he's playing it off.


That was part of the script.


I said, no,


he really broke his shit


because he could not get up


from that area.


So much so the final shot


was like still him in that same area.


So he does that.




He's basically out of the equation.


So I have no idea if


something else was supposed


to happen with him,


but they got to pivot now.






Solo comes in there.


Him and they going back and forth.


Guess what the fuck happens.




There's this massive thing.


Cody Rose tries to give him


the crossroads like three times.


Solo and him is just kind of


at the stalemate.


Next thing you know,


you hear Roman's theme song pop off.


Oh my goodness.


You hear Roman's theme song


pop off and I'm going to


show y'all what happened.


This is called a pop.






Is everybody with me?




This is the pop.


This is going to be the pop.


Now, mind you,


there was just two massive


moments that just happened


that have these two


motherfuckers knocked out.


This is the pop that happens.


You hear that?


That's a stadium filled with people.


That's loud.


Yeah, that's loud.


You can always tell it's


loud when the audio starts to go.


So he's walking out, right,


for those that are watching.


It says head of the table on the screen.


He's here!


He's here!


He's here!


Roman Reigns is here!


He's wearing a shirt that says OTC,


the original tribal chief.


So he takes this long walk, right?


Because I don't want to play


this full thing.


But the pop goes on.


I want to show y'all what he


does when he gets into the ring.




Are you ready?




Here we go.


Look at this.


He's eyeballing Solo Sokoa


because Solo knows he fucked up.


Solo knows he fucked up so bad.


And Cody Rhodes is scared


because he doesn't know who


Roman Reigns is there for.


Look at this.


Look at this.


I'm right in the ring.


Superman punch.


But look at the spear.


Now he hits a Superman punch


and then goes into a spear.


Listen to the pop.




Yeah, you can hear it.


I mean, listen, this shit is fucking crazy,




That's wild.


So good.


So that was the final match


of the evening.


At the end, of course, Cody Rhodes wins.


And then Roman Reigns and


Cody Rhodes have this eye.


They're staring each other down.


And Roman says,


it's only a matter of time.


Because basically,


these two motherfuckers are


going to meet again.




I mean, it's going to be,


it's going to be another


WrestleMania match.


Like that's,


that's going to be the way it'll work,


but you're in between now


and then because


WrestleMania is usually January ish.




in between now and then you're going to


get like the complete


unraveling and civil war of the, um,


he got a handle solo first


and then bloodline.


And then he's going to go


and he's going to,


he's going to go for Kobe


Rhodes for sure.










Well, dude, I'm glad that that was,


I'm glad that was entertaining.


Like that's, that's,


it's always hard to cover.


I mean,


you covered a full pay-per-view in


about 15 minutes.


So like,


I think you're just fine like that.


It's no, no, no, you're fine.


And you're into it.


And who gives a shit?


Like if you're into it,


let's fucking hear about it, man.


Um, what'd you got?


I'm going to keep us close to wrestling,


but now into the film world.


So Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, you know,


you love them.


How do you like them?


Apples, uh, goodwill hunting, right?


That's what, that's the,


they were in that movie together.


Oh, yeah.


It's from that movie.


It's like the most famous


line from that movie.


Marcus, have you seen Good Will Hunting?


Yes, I've seen Good Will Hunting.


I thought it was in Coraline.


I thought you were asking me.


You got confused that I was


for some reason coming at


you and you're like,


this is a little hostile.


No, it's not.


It's me referencing Ben


Affleck and Matt Damon.


Back in 2016, Hulk Hogan


whose real name is Terry Bollea,


sued the site Gawker to


settle a sex tape lawsuit


because the company


basically released the


details of his sex tape,


and he didn't want it to be leaked.




this gives us some of the most funny


quotes that you will ever


hear in your life come out


of a man's mouth.


So, here's the first one.




in his it is role


In his role as Hulk Hogan,


he once bragged about how


he had a 10-inch penis in


his role as Hulk Hogan.


As a part of the deposition,


he was put into the stand


as a witness in a trial,


and someone asked him about


if he in fact said those things.


This was his response.


I do not have a 10-inch penis.


Hogan said,


referring to an interview he


did in character.


Terry Bollea's penis is not 10 inches.


I was Hulk Hogan during the


interviews because I wasn't


at home in my private house.


So he basically said,


if he's not in his house,


he's Hulk Hogan.


But when he's in his house,


he's Terry Bollea,


which is hilarious to me.


It's always in character.


Oh my God.


Imagine that.


You are in your house.


It's Thanksgiving.


And your wife is like, ooh, shit,


we're out of whipped cream.


Can you run and go and get it?




I don't want to do that because when


I leave the house,


it's a whole fucking thing.


And I can't just run and


grab something real quick.


Terry stays here.


Do you want Terry to go?


You want Hulk to go?


She goes,


I'm not having this conversation again.




that is the funniest fucking thing to me.


I think it's crazy that, first of all,


it's like when I walk out this house,


I got a 10 inch penis.


But when I walk in this house,


Terry ain't got no 10 inch penis.




See, I would operate the opposite way.


Like, you know what I mean?


Like, that's my house.


No, no, no.


I can lie to everybody outside this house.


Nobody's going to see my penis.


In this house, my wife knows.


But here's the thing that's insane.


Here's the thing that's


insane about that is that


You then went and had an affair.


So you basically were like, hey,


only people in my house know.


Not anymore.


Not anymore.


Not anymore.


Unless you have to sign an NDA that says.


I mean, yeah, maybe.


I mean, yeah.


I mean, yeah.


But that's the.


Where else do you think he


operates with that split personality?


I don't know.


Yeah, I don't know.


And so, anyway,


he wasn't mad about Gawker


having an article on there


about how he had a sex tape


six years before the trial.


He's mad because the video


got released of his sex


tape got released to Gawker.


And this was actually such a


big deal that it actually


led to Gawker's website


being shut down because


they agreed to pay him $31


million as a result of this


particular piece.




They are African Damon


worked on Amazon's movie


air where they were talking


about Nike and how they got


Michael Jordan.


And so this is going to be


the same sort of crew with those two.


And then what makes this an


even better movie is Gus Van Zandt,


who directed Damon and


Affleck in Good Will Hunting,


is set to direct is set to


helm the movie called Killing Gawker.


So I have, first off,


this movie sounds like it's


going to be the,


the drama associated with


the trial leading up to it.


Someone playing Hulk Hogan,


who is going to delineate


the 10 inch penis line.


And then you added the


actors and directors.




This thing is going to be,


this thing can't miss.


This motherfucking can't miss.


Like, it can't.


I'm so excited.


I am so excited.


This is an insane plot for a movie.


That is crazy.


Ben Affleck is playing Hulk, right?


I don't know.


It just says, yeah, that's it.


I mean,


it's based off of a book that was


released in 2018 called Conspiracy,


Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker,


and the Anatomy of Intrigue.


But I don't think they... Yeah,


Peter Thiel was the one who


co-founded PayPal,


and he helped finance Hogan's lawsuit.


But it doesn't have any cast listed.


Got it.


So you think it'll be more on Hulk's side,


or you think it'll be more


of a... I think it'll


probably... I think it will


probably try to take an objective tone.


I think, if anything,


it'll probably center around...


peter thiel where you'll get


to kind of know him a


little bit and his


motivations for wanting to


finance this lawsuit so I


think we'll probably get


there but my guess is that


this is going to be a


putting the idea that once


something is on the


internet it's on there


forever type of concept and


the ramification the legal


ramifications of that so


yeah I don't know but I'm


I'm on board quit digging


you hit oil like this is perfect


He got so excited.


You know what?


Yeah, fuck it.


Yeah, let's do it.


We're going to talk about


the shit that gets us excited.


This gets me excited.


And I'm very interested.


And it didn't take you 15


minutes to get there, so I appreciate it.


I mean, I don't want to bury the lead.


Hulk Hogan was in a witness


stand and had to delineate


that when he's in his house,


he's Terry Bollea.


But anytime he's not, he's Hulk Hogan.


Step outside like a werewolf.


Like all of a sudden.




So what does the full?




because then I got to put on the


whole Hulk Hogan outfit,


costume or a lot.


That's a lot.


Here's my question.


Is he calling everybody at


his house brother when he's


Terry Bollea or is that


just a Hulk Hogan thing?


I think it's just a Hulk Hogan thing.




Hulk Hogan was at the Republican


National Convention.


Does Terry feel that way about it?


Terry's a Democrat.


In the house.


That's a pretty big justification.


They're both the same.


They're both problematic.


Please, these are jokes.


We understand that they are


one and the same.


We understand that they're


the same person.


Hulk Hogan has been


endorsing the 300 Club and


talking to people about how


Jesus Christ is going to run wild on you,




That's what he's been doing.


He's been talking about that.


How does Terry feel about that?


I don't know.


I can't stand you, dude.


You added that piece of it.


Shout out to him.


Shout out to Terry.


Shout out to whoever's got


the tendon penis, I guess.


But whatever.


You know what?


It's like a tootsie.


The world may never know.


That's a terrible comparison.


And you know that.


You know that.


I do now.


Oh, man.


All right.


I do now.


Brian, he's disappointed.


I'm really upset.


Boy, howdy.






Yeah, yeah.


Not good.




What do you got?


What's your piece?


What do you got?


I binge watched the new Batman,


Caped Crusader show over this weekend.


I think it's 10 episodes.


Each episode is about 22 to


25 minutes apiece.


All right.


Just really,


I probably will go no spoiler review.




I think it's a really good show.


It's on Prime.




I thought it was on HBO Max,


but it's on Prime.


I'm sure it'll end up on HBO Max.


And really,


I think it was executive


produced by... Yeah,


I'll talk a little bit


about it because I've


watched the first two


episodes while you look that up.


So it's really well done.


I think it does a couple of


things really well.


The first is that it sort of


captures the essence of...


It captures the essence of Batman,


the animated series,


while also making it its


own distinct thing.


It looks and feels like it's


somewhere you've been before,


but it is also


simultaneously such a


unique take on some of


those storylines that it's well done.




Abrams was one of the producers.


Was that the person you were thinking of?






It was J.J.


Abrams and Bruce Timm.




So from the original.


And Matt Reeves.


And Matt Reeves is also part of this, too.




So going down some of the


things for the voice cast.


Hamish Linklater.




Hamish Linklater.




Thank you.


Hamish Linklater plays


Batman or Bruce Wayne.


Really phenomenal job there.


Jamie Chung plays Harley Quinn.


Minnie Driver plays Oswalda Cobblepot.


Dedrick Batter,


and I'm just finding this


out in real time,


is Harvey Dent in Two-Face.


He did a phenomenal job.


Christina Ritchie is Catwoman.


Crystal Joy Brown is Barbara Gordon.


McKenna Grace is Natalia Knight.


Eric Morgan Stewart is


Commissioner Jim Gordon.


It's like a really good cast.


They have a racist ghost on here,


like a little bit.


It seems like is what was hinted at.


I didn't get to the racist ghost.


Oh, man.


When you get to the episode,


let me know because that


was what I picked up on by


the setup of the characters,


but they didn't address it directly.


It's going to be pretty


clear it's a racist ghost, right?




he's not going to just say a slur or


anything like that.


He's not going to boo a slur.


I mean, it is on Prime.


I don't know how they live their life.


Yeah, you know, you never know.


You don't know what's going to happen.


With the real life Lex Luthor.


I think that... No.


They have a lot of


iterations of characters


that are different than the ones we know.


So it really is like early Batman,


but he's been doing this for a while.


He's not an established Batman.


It almost feels like before


we get to the animated series.


There's a phenomenal last


shot in the last episode


that I think was like, wow,


y'all fucking killed that.


It really does well like the


animated series does.


If you've ever watched the


original Batman the Animated Series,


you know that they don't


just focus on batman they


do really focused on the


characters and the


characterizations of people


that live in that world too


um and they get back to


that in this episode like


there's literally an


episode in the in the old


school batman where it's


like batman stuck in a


basement and two kids have


to help him and say yeah


and that's the entire


episode that's the whole


episode and you're like


what the fuck is this but


it kind of shows you how batman


What people think of Batman.


So it's a really,


really good animated show.


And I think,


I think if you try to do this


in live action, it could be hit or miss,


but I'm glad that animation


is getting back to that


point where you can like, I don't know,


do things and enjoy things


in a way that only


animation you can kind of get off.




The thing I've appreciated about it is,


you know, the anime Batman,


the animated series,


you were always following


around Bruce Wayne or Batman.


Like the villains were there,


but you never really got a


whole lot of like around


their atmosphere.


You kind of just got the


villains and that was it.


What I really liked that they did,


especially in the as well,


the Cobblepot episode is it was like,




he was there like fighting crime and




But it was mostly like the detectives,


the goons that were close


to Penguin and then Penguin.


And then like Batman was


like there to like


basically break shit up.


And so it was such a unique


take on like how that was done.


And I like how you kind of


get it from that storyline.


I was where they've got me


is that I've only watched


the first two episodes.


And the second episode was


there like Clayface episode.


Oh yeah.


Was that the second episode?




That was a good episode.


And that was really good.


Like that was really,


really good because I was


worried at first.


Cause I was like, I don't know.


This feels a little like


Batman in real life to a certain extent,


but they pulled that off.


Like, and I didn't ask,


any questions I was like


okay yep you got it sold


yep so yeah it was really


good I enjoyed that I've


been enjoying it so far and


to that point they do a lot


of the and you'll see it


more as you get into the


episodes they do a lot of


introducing things in


Batman's world that isn't


just about him being in


Gotham also I do recognize


the success in a I'm not


really good with timeline


but like 60's 70's ish feel that this has


There are certain things that it's like,


oh, yeah,


I see why Batman would be an


anomaly in this world


because they don't have the


technology that we would.


So like that kind of put


into perspective how


successful Batman was in that time.


The more we get like


intertwined with like


technology and things


become more unrealistic because, oh,


we all have a phone.


They don't do all that shit here.


It's like an old school radio.


It's still old school Batman,


but it just feels good.


And a lot of setups for later characters.


For all y'all motherfuckers


that keep saying, well,


they checked all the DEI boxes.


Number one, shut the fuck up.


Just because you don't like


when somebody makes a


character change or gender


swapping Oswald Cobblepot




they're setting these people up


and these characters up for


their second wave of


iterations is what I think they're doing.


So a lot of these characters


will inspire like they have


a character called Firebug.




that is a character like they


made that reference to the


original character in


original character in Batman,


which was called Firebug


before you get Firefly.


Same thing.


Just have some patience and


shut the fuck up.


yeah just and the other


thing is is that there is


such a thing called like


artistic interpretation


that you know I really like


the fact that because it's


never ever been indicated


and this is the thing that


I like about it and this is


the thing that bugs me


about like comic book fans


is some comic book fans not


all let's not paint with


too broad a brush but like


Barbara Gordon and Jim


Gordon are both black.


And so what I've loved about


that is nowhere anywhere.


Did anyone ever say that


they had to be white?


Like ever?


It's not, it's never like, yes,


that's the way it is in the


original series, but no one was like,


and obviously he's white.




Like that's no one ever did that.


And so the fact that like


the fact that they're like, uh-huh,


we don't I don't understand


why he couldn't be so like


I really appreciate the way


that they went with that


and it follows it follows


the matt reeves's black jim


gordon it follows the bat


girl movie that was


canceled unfortunately she


was black in that so it's


like it's possible just


because you get mad it's


happening even harley quinn


I don't want to spoil it


for you but yeah there's


some things that come down


there down that down that


line so like yeah for sure


Yeah, big fan.


Good show.


I'd watch it.


Okay, good.


Yeah, awesome.


And if that's not a reason to get Prime,


they also released a Sausage Party series,


which I have not watched,


but that is also on there


if you'd like to watch that.


We're going to sit in this


just like right now in the


silence as your


disappointment takes over your face.


Marcus has never been more


disgusted by a movie than that movie.


So that's why I brought it.


That movie almost made me throw up.


I still to this day can't


explain watching that movie


with your parents and being like,


I want to throw up.


Or with your in-laws.


That's an even worse decision.


That's a thing that happened to me.


It was funny.


Don't get me wrong.


And I see it.


The comedy is just,


I don't think I can watch a


TV show for a little bit.


I'm surprised Amazon Prime was like,


you know what we need a show of?


Seth Rogen is... I don't know.


He's got the talent.


Anything he puts his hands to,


I think that there is that...


I don't know.


He just knows he's going to


do it with such good


intention and like such natural comedy.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,


anything that he's done so


far recently has been like, yeah,


but knock that out the park.


You know what it is?


The thing that I think that


makes it hard is that they


gave them they made the


buns like shapely and they


gave the buns curves.


And that's what throws me


off every time because I'm


like that just it doesn't look right.


That's not how I imagine a hot dog bun.


It's a whole thing.


Well, let's pivot, shall we?


Let's do a hard right.


Let's do the boy howdy hard right.


Let's talk about Vince Vaughn, shall we?




So Vince Vaughn is currently


in Curb Your Enthusiasm, but most of us,


I mean, if you're Marcus and I's age,


Marcus Bryan and I's age,


you know Vince Vaughn from his late 90s,


early 2000s,


R rated comedies, uh, wedding crashers,


old school fucking classics, man.




This isn't an R rated comedy,


but he was in Fred Claus.


I mean, the guy was like everywhere.


Like he was, he was everywhere.


Like he was in everything.


He was all over the place.


And recently he was on a show.


He was recently on the show hot ones,


which you can watch on Hulu now,


which is kind of cool.


Um, and yeah,


He kind of said that like he


kind of made this statement


that made me think.


And so I kind of wanted


Marcus to hear your your take on it.


And really,


he sort of talked about like


why those R rated movies


aren't being made.


And so I'm going to read.


I'm going to read the quote


to you and you let me know


what you think.


So, um, the, uh, the interviewer asked him,


you know,


why don't you think we're seeing


more R rated com comedies?


And here's what he said.


The execs just overthink it.


And it's like, it's crazy.


You get these rules.


Like if you did geometry and


you said 87 degrees was the right angle,


then all your answers are


messed up instead of 90 degrees.


So there becomes some,


some idea or concept.


Like they would say


something like you have to have an IP,




The people in charge don't


want to get fired more,


so then they're looking to


do something great.


So they want to kind of


follow a set of rules that


somehow get set in stone


that don't really translate.


But as long as you follow them,


they're not going to lose


their job because they can say, well,




I made a movie off the board game Payday,


so even though the movie didn't work,


you can't let me go, right?


Um, and then the last thing he said is he,


he was asked, like,


do you think we'll get more


R rated comedies?


He goes, people want to laugh.


People want to look stuff at,


want to look at stuff that


feels a little bit like it's, you know,


dangerous or pushing the envelope.


I think you're going to see


more of it in the film


space sooner than later


would be my guess.




I thought the bit in there


about IP and kind of giving


you the immunity from being fired,


that's a fascinating


concept that I hadn't


previously considered.


But I wanted to get your take on it.


So thoughts on that?


I mean, I think he's absolutely right.


I mean, I think of David Zasloff.


I think of all of these.


Their main job is to protect the...


profit their main job is to


protect themselves if I'm


just being honest not a lot


of them care about the art


of a movie and what would


actually work and we said


it before like when kobit


was happening there was a


lot of norms that were made


norman it was kind of like


why the the one I think


about predominantly is when


you had white actors


voicing black characters


for so long and everybody


was just kind of like


why like yeah or any


character of color I mean


right remember like Apu


from the Simpsons was the


best example of a lot of


this yes and it was and


thank you and it was like


to a point it was like why


did why were we doing this


and then people kind of


stopped doing it of like


yeah it doesn't make any


sense and then they make that change but


I agree with everything he said.


And I do think we'll get that comedy back,


and I think that there will


be a smart way where you


don't have to be just offensive to do it.


You can make fun,


smart comedy like Robot Chicken,


like Family Guy,


like all of these shows


that we've seen before.


Because I think about the comedy piece,


I think he's right.


I think he's right.


I think people do like to laugh.


Comedy does better when it's a little...


askew right like it's not


and people get to look at


something a little bit


weird and we all get to


have this collective moment


where we sort of laugh at


it so I appreciate that I


think that's spot on but I


think you're absolutely


right about the IP stuff I


mean it makes a lot of


sense it's why we saw


Barbie was good by itself


but I think maybe and this


is what makes me nervous is


that was Barbie greenlit


because it was a movie


about a doll or was it


greenlit because the story was good


I think sometimes you can have both.


And I think you're right.




My movie that I would use


for his example specifically is Morbius.


Not to beat a dead horse.




Well, a living dead horse, but yes.


But we're looking for spiders.


Or Madame Web as another example.


Both movies, it came out,


the director said that both


of these movies were made by committee.


So if the committee has no,


we know the formula,


this formula is going to


work and these are the


boxes we have to check.


You kind of got a hand tied


behind your back when it's


time to execute.


Yeah, great point.


Yeah, we have the IP.


We don't really care how we use it,


but we have the intellectual property.


We're going to go ahead and


just move forward.


And if it doesn't work, then whoops.


And I need this, this,


and this as part of this is how Sony,


just as an example,


Sony has these boxes to


check every time we do something.


It's got this, this, and this.


as as the big board of


directors okay well as a


creative now my hands are


tied because you making me


have things that maybe


don't make sense and we


always hear about directors


saying well this got cut


and I don't know why blah


blah blah because they


gotta save their ass like


that's I agree with


everything that he said


when I think he was I think


he was absolutely spot on like i


I think it's a I think it's


a tactic to it's either a


it's a pre canned excuse


for when the money doesn't do well.


And it is a pre canned


excuse for why you don't


see more directors or more


writers or more like studios.


like basically like, like going,


having people fired at the


level that they are like


CEOs and directors of big studios,


their board of directors,


aren't letting them go.


Cause they were saying like, well,


we had this IP.


So it was,


so it was either cheap for us to make,


or it was cost effective for us to make,


because now we have that.


We can come back to it.


And it just didn't work this time.


Like going back to sequels.


I know what works.


I know that these boxes,


I check these boxes every single time.




This is what works.




And so hopefully,


hopefully we see Hollywood


directors maybe revolt


against that a little bit.


But it also makes me it's


sort of like I sort of get


caught with like a chicken


and an egg thing with it,


because it's the same


reason why when people are like, oh, man,


you like Coors Light.


It's like,


but you have to have the stuff there.


for people to like revolt


against and to create a craft beer scene.


You need to have those like canned movies.


So that way someone can get


their experience directing


and then go and do something later.


So it's just, it's hard.


So you don't like want to wish it away,


but it is, it makes it challenging.


I'm sure to be a creative in that space.




yeah that cookie cutter


route don't work for


everything I'll tell you


that so it does not it does


not and I think we have


seen some where it is like


starting to to like back up


on them a little bit too yeah yeah so




The last thing I want to say,


and this is a shared piece


of news because you tipped


this off to me before the


podcast started.


So this is shared news, everybody.


Doug and Marcus.


A Doug and Marcus original.


Dave Bautista, Jason Momoa.




when I say those two things together,


Jason Momoa, Dave Bautista,


what do you think of?










Was that not the answer?


Like, with you?


Or, like, just with each other?


No, no, like,


if I was to think of the word sex,


I think that those two would embody,


like... Oh, like sexy dudes.


Yeah, sexy dudes.


Okay, yeah.


No, you nailed it.


They are attractive.


That's not my preference.


No, yeah.


They are attractive.


They are two attractive guys.


Yeah, for sure.


Yeah, yeah.




In another life, I wouldn't think twice.




They are going to be


doing... The trains are coming.


All I'm going to say is


someone offers me $100,000, I mean,


that is going to be... Hey, Doug,


I'm going to finance a lot


of your life for 15 minutes of your time.


I'm going to be like...


All right.


Where do I sign?


That's a lot.




I mean, I've done.


That's a lot.




You've done.




Let's just keep this.


You know what?




I was trying.


I almost compared.




I almost compared having...




consensual sex with a man to a really


hard workout I did once.


Sometimes it feels like this.




I wouldn't know, but, like,


when you were like, it's 15 minutes,


I almost went like, yeah,


I've done workouts that are


20 that are far worse.




So here we are, everybody.


I'm sending this in the private chat,


and I want you to read it,


but don't read it out loud.


Okay, I'm gonna start laughing.


That's what's gonna happen.




but they are being booked to do a


movie together.


I have to read it.


Yeah, you do.


Oh, shit, yep.


Yep, yep, yep.


Had a little too much fiber


the day before?


Yep, I get it.




They are going to be doing.




and Jason Momoa are going to be


doing a buddy cop action movie.


called The Wrecking Crew.




the idea is that they are two people,


they're two brothers,


and they're investigating a murder.


Their father's murder.


Their father's murder.


And the best part about this


is that the director of Blue Beetle,


Angel Manuel Soto,


is going to be the one directing it.




I thought he did a good job


with blue beetle for what


blue beetle was.




and so it's actually kind of a really


good example of like the


last thing we were talking about.


You did blue beetle,


which had to check some boxes for DC.


They put in his,


he earned his chops and now


he gets to do this like


really fun movie with, you know, Dave and,


um, Jason Momoa.


So that's, that's going to be a fun movie.


And I am, I am on board.


Cause that's going to be,


that's going to be fun.


You say less.


I saw the article and I was like,


Doug's going to love this.


I love this because we've


been bigging up Batista for a long time.


And we, I mean, we're fans of Jason Momoa.




Like already.


So, I mean, that's a great,


that's two great people to


put on screen together.


It didn't necessarily say comedy, right?


It just said action.


It said a buddy action cop movie.


So yeah, it could be like a,


like a lethal weapon.


I would think.


I like it.


I like it a lot.


Yeah, no,


I'm absolutely here for it


because those two dudes are huge.


And that's,


that's the only thing that I would say,


if there's anything that makes me nervous,




if it were any two other actors,


I would be nervous about


two big dudes and them


arguing over who gets the


spot of the big action sequence.


But I think those two are


such like standup dudes.


And I just don't think it's going to be,


they're humble.


Like you said,


they're humble enough where


I don't think it's going to


be a problem longterm for


them to really like,


go after it so yeah it's not


and I hate to make this


comparison because I do


like The Rock but it's not


if you put The Rock and Vin


Diesel on screen together


you took the words out of


my mouth that is exactly


who I was referring to that


would literally be the


opposite of this movie yeah


100% so no release date


because the details were


finalized right before the


SAG after strike so there


aren't like major details


that came up but that's


where they are at as of now


so there you have it


I'm excited.


I like that combination.


Yeah, I do too.


That's going to be a really good combo.


Anything else, Marcus,


that you would like to chat


about on this lovely


episode of Films in Black and White?




I'm going to play something as a teaser.


Oh, what are you going to play?


Who knows?


Who knows?


All right, that's fine.


I know everybody says,


I'm just getting started.


Ain't seen nothing yet.


Yo, I'm just getting started.


You ain't seen nothing yet.


You can't blackmail.


No blackmail.


You can't blackmail.


No blackmail.


You can't blackmail.


No blackmail.


You can't blackmail.


Yeah, yeah.


It's B-Tex.


It's tripped out in bed


since the mocha cow.


But how you think you


biggest step in when I'm around?


Yeah Fire is shit.


Thank you.




I love that coming very soon mixed by


Jarrell So I don't to


Jarrell extortions coming out very soon.


Yeah, is that what your car?


Is that the name of the song?




Okay good I thought that was


the name of the album and I was like,


oh shit.


That's a great name.


I don't have an album for just


No, that's fine.


But still, it's awesome either way.


I'm very excited.


I'm excited to play it in


the gym for everybody to listen to.


Because that's usually what I do.


I love it.




Anything else that you... Oh, sorry.


What do you have to plug this week?


Oh, you know, you just want to make sure.


Oh, actually, I do want to plug.


If you're in need of any party supplies,


go to party supplies.


And you know what?


You don't feel like doing the work.


You don't have time to do the work.


There's so many reasons.


Life happens.


Who has the time?


But a celebration is going


to come to be celebrated.




there's somebody who can help


you with that.


And that's Color Me Confetti on Etsy.


That is Maggie Rouse's store.


Everything you need.


For your party to be popping,


you can find it at Color Me Confetti.




C-O-L-O-R-M-E-C-O-N-F-E-T-T-I on


Etsy right now for all of


your party planning needs.


Link is in the episode description.


Link is always in the episode description.


Go ahead and support Maggie


Roush and in turn supporting our brother,


Brian Roush.


You always want to follow the mantra.


Never offend it.


Always humble.


Go buy yourself some merch.


New music is on the way.


I'm so deep in my bag.


It's ridiculous.


Soul Tide's got new music on the way.


But whatever you do, follow the mantra.


Never offend it.


Always humble.






if you enjoyed our discussion about


wrestling and Hulk Hogan's


statements in a legal


setting and really anything


else that we talked about today,


share us with a friend or a


family member.


That is the best way to


support the podcast you


love is to help get that


word of mouth going.


People are more likely to


listen to a podcast recommended to them.


by a friend or a family member.


Um, so as much as Apple is helpful,


most folks hear about them


from their friends.


So spread the love, spread the word.


Um, and we'd much appreciate it.


If you're feeling generous


and you want to go over to our, to our,


our Patreon,


go to patreon.com slash films


in black and white,


sign up for one of our tiers there,


help us produce the show.


We would very, very much appreciate it.


Uh, and so, yeah,


we would absolutely love you if you did.


And if you don't and you still listen,


we love you anyway.


Um, uh,


But Marcus,


we have a three-step process to success.


Sir, what is that first step?




that first step in line of my good


brother, Brian Roush.


You want to make sure that


you read a book.


Read something.


You know what I mean?


Read the newspaper.


There's digital books.


There's so many good things out right now.


I got a lot of books that I


get from my good friend, Dr. John Little.


He gives me the books that


when he's done reading, I get to get them,


whether it's comic books or


it's a new book.


But whatever you do, read something.


Yeah, absolutely.


The next step is, look, y'all,


it's it's August and August


can be hot and August can be humid.


And you want to make sure


that you drink some water.




it's important to stay hydrated for


those of y'all that are


coming back to school.


You know, there's some anxiety,


there's some nervousness.


Your stomach can seize up on


you and maybe you're not as


frequent as you need to be.


Water helps flush a lot of that out.


So just drink some water.


Treat yourself to the nice


water every now and then.


Do something special just for you.


But yeah, make sure you drink some water.


Yeah, I love that.


I love that.


And for the final step,


you want to make sure that


you wash your ass just as


muggy and sticky and humid


that August can be soaking your ass.


So you want to make sure


that you wash your ass,


get a rag and then throw that rag away.


If it's about that time,


get some new ones.


So you're not just holding


that smell up in them rags.


All right.




I mean, at the very least, wash them,




Like at the very least,


a lot of y'all are just


leaving that there and


letting it dry out.


It's just not working.


You know,


swamp ass is a real thing and you


don't want to keep washing


with the same swamp assy cloth.


So yeah, a hundred percent.




Uh, so yeah,


that does it for this week's


episode of films of black and white.


We will be back next week


with another outstanding episode,


but in the meantime,


and in the between time, stay safe,


stay healthy.


We love y'all.


We appreciate y'all.


We'll catch y'all next week.


When you said pure extortion


on the phone and it went I went oh fuck I


Oh, that was my real life.


Y'all don't even know.

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Films in Black and White
A Comedy Podcast about Movies, Comics, and Pop Culture
Deep dive into the movie news of the week, featuring reviews and analysis for the more socially conscious moviegoer. Join Doug, Marcus and Bryan as they share their honest, in-depth, and hilarious perspectives on today's biggest movies, comics, and pop culture.
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Doug Wagner