Episode 20

X-Men '97 Review aka "Tip of the Hate"

Published on: 22nd May, 2024

Back your bags, because we are heading for Asteroid M! We reviewed the series X-Men '97, now streaming on Disney+. But first we play a game of Catch That Quotable. Bryan talks to us about the latest and doomed innovation in AI.

Finally, we talk all things X-Men. We discuss where this show ranks in terms of our favorite shows, and what made it so good. We discuss our favorite moments as well as our speculation for next season.

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Remember you can join our patty family, and help produce the show by going to Patreon.com/filmsinblackandwhite


If you or someone you know if experiencing Domestic Abuse, you can head to thehotline.org or call 800-799-7233 or text 88788.



Support the Mantra: Never Offended Always Humble - https://linktr.ee/MarcusJ.Destin

Color Me Confetti Shop - www.etsy.com/shop/colormeconfettishop


We're not live yet.


Now you are.


I thought we'd get to meet my X-Men.


No, we did.


We did.


It just was delayed.


It was delayed.


Sorry about that.


I'm still fueled by the ones that slumber,


that stand out amongst the


one hit wonders.


So when the dust settles and


the sun is under the horizon,


y'all should run the numbers.


Uh, who the f*** won't work with me?


Heart is out and I say that reluctantly.


Cause it should go without saying,


but y'all playing dumb.


Welcome to Films of Black and White,




Alright, alright, alright.


How are you all feeling?


It is an outstanding Monday


to be with you all.


Y'all, we're gonna talk a little X-Men 97.


We are going to talk


superpowers and animation,


and it's just going to be good,


good stuff.


So super excited to get into


that with my guys.


Maybe there might be some other stuff,


but y'all,


that's what this is going to be.


So Brian's going to do it,


but I'm going to do it too.


Spoiler warning.


If you're one of those folks who's like,




I'm going to wait until all of X-Men


97 is out.


Wait no longer because it is


out and we are going to spoil it.


So put a pin in it here


before we really get into


the deets because we're


probably going to spoil some stuff.


But in order to do it well, Brian.


sorry yeah brian in order to


do it well rogue holding


cap shield brian roush how


you feeling I'm feeling


good to talk about x-men 97


I we we watched this finale


like last like multiple


days ago so I'm very pumped


to talk about this on the


pod I feel like we've


We've saved a lot of this energy.


We could have done a week by week thing,


but like I'm really happy.


We're just going to talk


about it as like one big chunk,


especially because I'm


pretty high on this.


I feel like I have not been


having that as a secret.


I've not been quiet about that.


So very excited to talk about it.


And yeah, just happy to be with my guys.


I'm happy to be with my guys


and talk about X-Men.


Like it's going to be a great night.


It's going to be a great night.


Yeah, it's going to be absolutely great.


And Brian,


you had a photo finish with


bedtime as I had a photo finish.


And so I'd like to.


And as we said before we started the live,


when everyone to understand


that being an adult is both


a lie and a con.


Yes, everyone.


Yes, that was a racket.


It's a racket.


So, yeah, that was our pre pro.


Did we talk about the show?


Absolutely not.


We talked about adulthood.


Why would we talk about


transitions and what we're


going to cover when we could really,


really get into the facts


of how we've achieved.


Why would we do that?


If we had a producer,


they'd be yelling at us.


It's fine.


Can you talk about the show?




Can you please plug the socials, please?


Not now.


We're talking about all this shit today.


You know what, fictional producer Gina,


I want to talk about how


it's great and just why I'm


wildly unprepared to be an adult.


That's why fictional producer Gina.


Take it away, Doug.






Marcus J. Destin, everything feels lusty.


How are you feeling, sir?


Feeling good.


I'm in the same feelings of my guys.


Just happy to be here.


Happy to be with my guys in


this safe space.


Happy to talk.


X-Men 97,


I had a couple rants I need to go on.


Prior to X-Men 97.


Yeah, do it.


Maybe not a couple.


Maybe it's really just one.


So I'll get to that when we get to it.


But just happy to be here.


Ready to rock with my guys.


But Doug, bring your ass, Wagner.


How are you feeling?


I'm feeling great.


I had a really good weekend.


So we had a dance recital for Harper.


So she did two shows on


Saturday and Sunday.


She did quite well.


Yes, it was with Votto.




And I've realized and come


to the conclusion that I


don't understand tap dance


just as an art form.


I don't understand.


I don't get it.


Like, I don't, you know, ballet.


Get it.


like all the other dances I get,


but if someone's like, Hey,


do you understand why tap is a thing?


No, I don't.


I don't get it.


I don't understand it.


I don't understand it when


there's music playing, like it just,


it throws me off.


So that was the realization that I had.


And that's what I have.


And I've learned that about myself.


And now all you know about that,


know that about me too.


And more importantly, closer to you,


the Timberwolves one.


Game 7.


The first time in 20 years.


So very excited about that.


That is actually where my AKA comes from.


There was an interview with


Anthony Edwards right after.


And Charles Barkley goes,


I haven't been to Minnesota in a while.


And he just stops and he just goes,


bring your ass.


I wanted that injected into my veins.


Because it wasn't like a...


He's like, what?


Bring your ass.


That's all it said.


And this was on live TV.


This was on TNT.


So it was in...


incredible they cannot lose


inside the nba like they


cannot like they're selling


I think they'll sell it or


tnt tnt basketball is no


longer going to be a thing


or whatever the deal is


yeah I saw that and they're


they're walking around


they're trying to ship it


where they're trying to


pitch it to other you know


um charles barton and chad


are trying to pitch it to


other stations but man


that's a that shows a fucking gym man


yeah yeah I love their I


love their analysis I love


their takes like it's good


conversation and so yeah


it's been it's been fun to


watch it was amazing too


because in the post game


anthony edwards when they


went I just you know


they're like how do you do


it ant man he's just like


you know I just I want to


kill everything in front of


me and I'm just like this


guy has no he has a filter


but he knows exactly how


far he can take it and I


appreciate that like the


main thing that came from him was


I just want to kill


everything in front of me.


That's legendary.


That's incredible.


Just keep saying stuff, man.


Bring your own.


everything in front of you


you usually get a guy like


that in like bigger places


like okay the bay or the


lakers or chicago like you


know what I mean right in


chicago that's the


comparison that they always


compare him to is michael


jordan oh yeah like to see


that energy in minnesota


and it's coming from him


and the thing is he's doing


it because that energy is


like it's working


Like whatever it is,


his team on board to like, I'm,


I'm 1000% down after the game six,


he was like, or after game five,


I forgot which one of game six.


He was like, Oh, he told the people in the,


in the, in the locker room,


I'm gonna see y'all


motherfuckers for game seven.


Don't worry.


Like, yeah, that was incredible.






I'm going to be in Minneapolis next week.


And so it is very possible.


I'm up there in that energy.




See what happens.


I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to,


I told Brittany,


cause when they won last night,


I looked at Brit.


I'm like, I'm being Minneapolis next week.


She's like,


do you know how expensive that


ticket's going to be?


And I was like,


yes yes I do I said maybe


I'll just wait till last


minute and someone's trying


to offload it or there's


like one up in the nose


bleeds like we'll we'll see


what happens I will report


live from that beat if I am


if I am there as you should


yeah this is this is uh


this is a uh a movie


podcast not a basketball


podcast oh right tell folks


how they can stay in touch with us


Hey folks, I'm Brian Rauch,


and I'm here to tell you


that the best way that you


can support this independent podcast,


Films in Black and White,


is to head over to our Patreon.


So that is patreon.com slash


Films in Black and White.


That is the best way to keep


us independent,


for us to talk about


adulthood and how it's a


con and not do this


pre-production stuff that


other people do.


And we can talk about


Minnesota Timberwolves on a


movie podcast.


That is...


that is how you keep us in


this energy alive so go


there sign up for a tier to


make sure that this keeps


happening if you're not


able to sign up for a tier


there you can follow us on


socials that's the next


best way to support us make


sure you head over to our


instagram films in black


and white and that's where


all of our reels are our


funny moments you'll see


our stories there all that


good stuff and then also


our facebook page if you're


on facebook you


go to films in black and white.


And again, spoiler warning.


I know I have,


I know I have a social media


acquaintance that was like,


I'm not watching this until


it all comes out.


So that's you.


We're spoiling everything.


We're going to talk about


everything from Jubilee to Wolverine.


So I just, I can't,


I couldn't think of another,


a apocalypse to Wolverine.


I can think of a Z, but, but yes, so we're,


we're getting into all of X-Men 97.


There you go.


And disc track loading has


things to do and places to


go and people to see tonight,


so I guess we won't waste any time.


We won't pussyfoot around it.


We won't dance around it.


We won't prolong the inevitable.


We won't wait a single moment more.


Absolutely not.


We have a game we like to


call Catch That Quotable.


Catch That Quotable!


Catch That Quotable!


The rushed sounds of Marcus.


I was laughing because he was like,


we're not going to hesitate any longer.


Oh, no, I was going to keep going.


And then you stalled out.


No, you froze.


Oh, I did?


It was perfect timing.


Fucking better.


I love every minute.


We have patched that.




All right, gentlemen,


are you ready for this week's quote?




Hit me.


Hit me.


Hit me.


Here we go.


Whether you end up in heaven


or hell isn't God's plan.


It's your own.


You just have to remember what it is.


Whether you end up in heaven


or hell isn't God's plan.


It's your own.


You just have to remember what it is.


I just remember what it is.


I think you have to remember


what your plan is.


It's not God's plan because


it's your plan.


The only movie that this


feels like it could be...


Do you all remember that


movie What Dreams May Come


with Robin Williams?




That's a good guess.


That feels like this could


be in that same sphere, that same arena,


but I am not 100% on that at all.


I was thinking the one with Keanu Reeves.


Oh, a little bit too heavy.


There was a devil's advocate.


There was a devil's assistant.


Devil's advocate.


Devil's advocate.






That's with that's with Keanu Reeves.


And then an Al Pacino is the devil.


I feel like.










That's a movie I haven't


seen in a long time,


but I would love to rewatch.


Yeah, it's heavy.


Yes, very, very, very much so.


Yeah, it gets sad.


Yeah, it does.


It does get sad.


Yeah, that's the time.


And we're a little cold, so that's time.


And he doesn't want to be in the doghouse,


so, you know, it's a kid's bedtime.


Oh, I get it.


I get it.


I mean, that sounds like a hidden problem.


Hey, if you're a Patreon member,


you can do that.


You're like, what an asshole I am.


That sounds like a him problem.


Need I remind you I was in a


car for eight hours?


That's all right.


Yep, there it is.


Yep, that's the full circle moment.


Brian, go ahead.




I'm going to go devil's advocate for my




I know that that's wrong


because that dialogue is a


little bit too light for that movie,


but that's going to be my guess.


All right.


I'm going to go the late part.


No, don't stop.


No, don't.


You don't want me to stop?


Brian, you went a romantic comedy?


You went a romantic comedy


with Keanu Reeves?


Is this movie about God?




it's technically I don't consider a


romantic comedy.


Just to put it out there.


Have you all seen that movie?




Okay, spoiler alert.


Keanu Reeves gets smashed by a bus.


That dude dies.


I did not know that.


Yeah, Sandra Bullock's eating her sandwich,


and in the background is his character.


He just gets smacked, run over by Buzz.


Can I just say... All right,


I'm going to say it after


we do our guesses.


I'm going to say what was


really funny about that exchange.


I can tell you what's really funny.


It's my goddamn internet.


That's what's making this so much worse.


But it was like Brian was talking...


And Doug freezes out.


But then he comes back and he says, no, no,




Don't stop.


Don't stop.


Keep going.


And Brandon's like,


you don't want me to stop?


You don't want me to stop?


That's fucking hilarious.


Gentlemen, we are way off.


I don't know what this is.


It's Cowboys and Aliens from 2011.




That profound dialogue came


from Cowboys vs. Aliens.


Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, and...




Olivia Munn.


No, no, that's not Olivia Munn.


It's the other one.


It's the other one that


everybody confuses Olivia Munn with.


Oh my gosh.


We're never going to get her


on the show now.


She's screaming at us here.


Go ahead.


That's fine.


It's not Olivia.


It's not Olivia.


Olivia Wilde.


There it is.


It's Olivia, but it's Olivia Wilde,


not Olivia Wilde.


By the way, on IMDb, when I type in Olivia,


she comes up as third,


and then Tron Legacy is her main movie,


which is just so funny to me.


She's in so many other things,


and she's directed, but it's like, no, no,


no, no, no.


Tron Legacy, check this out.


Let her know.


Let her know what we think of her.




What we attach you to forever.




I'd love to talk to Olivia


Wilde and be like,


how do you feel about IMDb


having the first movie


you're known for as Tron Legacy?


I want to talk to any real, any actor,


person who acts actress.


I want to see what they feel


about IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, like,




Like, tell them nobody,


this will never air.


I just want to know what they think.


Because, like, movies like Garfield,


Garfield's Rotten Tomatoes


score came out today at, like, 55%.


Oh, did it really?




So I'm like, well, goddamn,


that's not fantastic.


But it seemed like they'd do that,


and then it creeps back up for them.


incredible remember rotten


tomatoes much like adult


life is corrupt and it's a


racket like it's it's


basically that the way it's


a racket it's a racket it


is a racket everybody's


doing spice over there no


don't trust a single review


because basically what


they're doing is they're


sucking down sandworm juice


and then being like I loved it and that's


not helpful to anyone plot


the dune so rotten tomatoes


and dune have the same plot


in life yes well and the


funny part is imdb is all


user run too so like I mean


they can the the actors and


actresses they can upload


stuff but like all that


information is user


generated so like you could


go to your page and be like


I don't want to be known


for drawn legacy please


stop like I want to


remember and remember


rotten tomatoes is run


exclusively by the benedict


like that is just how it


works over there they run


all of that over there


What's Amazon then?


If they're the Bene Gesserit,


are they the Harkonnens?


The Harkonnens run IMDb then?


I don't even know.


You look at Jeff Bezos and


tell me he's not a Harkonnen.


He does have no hair.


That man is listening to


throat music while he's


rolling in a pile of money.


Wow, we just figured that out.


We just figured out the


monopoly in the world through Dune.


Using Dune references?


If you were confused, now you get it.


You're welcome.


And we did some throat singing.


I mean,


this episode's off to a great start.


Guys, this episode has it all.


Tell us, Villabean,


is that what you call him?


Roman, Patreon member, we are trying.


I promise.


We are trying to raise money


for our next non-profit.


Oh, that brings me to my rant.


Oh, please.


Oh, he's got the double clear.




Oh, God.






P. Diddy.




Or whatever your mama named you.


Sean Combs, if you will.


Sean Combs.


You're a piece of shit.


Indeed you are.


And I am going to pull my


third heat card as a


stakeholder in the podcast and say,


the next $100 that we get from the pot,


we are going to match it,


match the donation,


and it's going to go to a


domestic violence initiative.


Because we don't tolerate that.


piece of shit.


You're an asshole and you


are little dick energy.


I don't give a fuck how rich you are.


You are a bitch.


You are the scum of the


fucking earth to put your


hands on a woman and to


make your fake ass apology


video about how you was in a dark space.




ain't that much grace in the


fucking world.


You put that woman through


hell and probably other


people too and only


apologize because you got caught.


You are a piece of shit.


And so that's that.


That is a full-throated endorsement.


I agree with you, Marcus.




I have no notes.


You nailed it.


that video was very when it


was released by cnn one I'm


a little shocked at cnn to


be honest with you like


that was rough like even


for cnn like that was that


was rough for them to like


be like we got it like are


you tmz or like trying to


actually report the news I


mean um well I fixed my mic


should I say it again no no


we heard you you're good yeah I mean yeah


well maggie was the one that


actually like showed it to


me it was like one of those


moments where she's like


you you won't believe this


you won't believe what I'm


what I'm seeing right now


and I was like oh like it


can't like you know my head


I was like cnn like they


don't show a whole lot and


then I was like nope that's


a full video of terrible


violence so I'm four


fucking k you ass yeah


Like, 4K.


And you paid the hotel to


get rid of the evidence.




you paid them $50,000 to get rid of it,


and it still came back out.


And, like, you are just... Like,


I'm pray for Cassie.




I'm so glad that she found somebody


else who was, like,


willing to really love her.


But, dog, you gotta go down.


I also...


I also want to take this


moment where there's a lot of time,


and I promise this is going to connect,


but a lot of violence


survivors and domestic violence survivors,


when it comes to these


folks who are in rich, powerful,


privileged positions,


you'll see a lot of


headlines that they've settled.


And a lot of people really like to say,


well, they settled.


If something was really wrong,


the court would have found it.


And it's like,


you watch that video and


this person having violence


enacted on them,


what do you think's going


through their head?




do you think they're actually going


to win against someone like Diddy,


who at that point was


pretty much a kingmaker?


Or are you just going to


just want to move on with


your life after something


like that happens to you?


And that person's settled,


if I remember that story correctly.


So, like, this is why.


Because people want to be


done with this episode of


their life and move on.


So, my thoughts are with the survivor, too,


because all this is coming


back up and everybody's seeing it.


Oh, yeah.


And you put a...


He put a fucking... Rumor has it,


or allegedly, somebody tried to help her,


or Kid Cudi tried to help her,


and he put a fucking bomb in the car.


And that's straight from Kid Cudi.




That's part of the stories


that are going around after


he was raided of...


It was said that I could be


getting this story wrong,


and I apologize if I am,


but from my remembrance,


Kid Cudi said that he tried


to help Cassie to some


capacity or tried to advocate for her,


whatever the case may be,


and Diddy essentially put a


bomb in this motherfucker's


car or tried to blow his car up.


Oh my God.


Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong,


because I don't want to be


spewing the wrong information,


but this is all that's been coming out,


stuff that has been coming out.


He's a piece of shit.


That's the bottom line.




Um, and so here's the other thing,


like if you or someone, you know,


is currently in a domestic


violence situation,


we're going to post the


number for the national


domestic violence hotline.


So like you can get in touch


with somebody to get help.


You can also text them at eight, eight,


seven, eight,


eight right now if you need to.


So I think we're going to


post that resource in the


show notes and the episode description.






so you all have access to that because


again, you know,


we want everyone to get safe.


And again,


I prayers for Cassie and so


thankful that she's at,


but hopefully she's able to


make it through having to


relive this again.


But, you know, if you know somebody,


you know,


you can help them by just


calling or even if you're


in that situation, call yourself.


So, yeah.


And I do I do want to I do


want to back up Marcus here.


I mean, this was November 2023,


where there were there were


two confirmations that that


Kid Cudi's car did explode.


And there are two eyewitness


accounts saying that it happened.


So like it.


Oh, that's that's that's unreal.


That's from complex dot com


that I'm reading this.


That is mafia.


That's unreal.


I didn't I did not know that.


You're a nasty dog.


But this is a movie podcast,


and that does not digress


from what the fuck I said previously,


and that's Marcus J. Destin.


I stand by everything I said.


You put your hands on somebody,


you deserve to get your ass


dog fucking once.




But this is a movie podcast,


and we're here to talk X-Men.


So, sorry,


I should have put a trigger


warning ahead of that.


I do apologize for those that needed that,






and I hope they throw his ass


underneath the jail.


That's where he needs to go.




so we're going to pivot over back into


X-Men and into the content


that we're going to talk about today.


Oh, I had one more thing.


Please, Marcus.


Brian and I were speaking.


This is not as heavy.


We were talking in pre-pro,


and we didn't know if you knew this.


Shut up.


Me and Brian were talking.


We love you too.


I did want to say this.


I'll tell you this.


Brian knows this.


Doug is such a good friend.


You just have to say that


out loud because you don't


run into many good friends


and good people anymore in the world.


I did just want to say that


on our podcast that Doug is


just a really good friend.


I hope that all what you put


out there is super


reciprocated because he is


really just a good... He


will get on your ass,


But he is a really good friend.


Brian is also a great friend.


My long-distance bestie.


You know what I mean?


We be rocking.


But I did just want to say that.


Anyway, we were talking on the pod, right?


In pre-pro.


And we were talking about


Scarlett Johansson and


ChatGPT going into a battle


because ChatGPT was going


to just use... They had a


meeting set up with her.


Tried to get her to agree to


use her voice for ChatGPT.


to like kind of resemble the


movie her like how she used


her voice in that movie oh


okay I don't like that and


they essentially were gonna


she said no and they were


gonna do it anyway so she


lawyer the fuck up


Oh my god.


So we saw that,


maybe Brian said he saw it


45 minutes ago when I asked him.


I literally saw it 10


minutes before I logged on.


I just wanted to see, Doug,


if you knew anything about this.


Absolutely not.


This is insane.


This is the craziest thing


I've ever heard in my life.


Oh my gosh.


I'm so excited to tell you about this.


Tell me about it.


Do you know about Sky,


the chat GPT for voice assisted?




no oh my gosh okay so all


right I'm gonna close brian


brian's about to tell me


brian said you don't like


with the level of


excitement that someone had


never heard about the movie


kingpin before like you've


never seen that let me tell


you why it's hilarious okay


So essentially,


ChatGPT released this demo.


It's called ChatGPT 4.0 Voice,




It's the voice component for ChatGPT.


And essentially,


you can just have a conversation with it.


Oh, fun.


And they just released it last week.


They've now suspended it.


because it sounded like


scarlett johansson now um


but you can just have these


conversations with chat gpt


like hey I'm looking for


movie times can you reserve


tickets and all this stuff


one of the examples they


had was like hey chat gp or


hey sky what's what room am


I in what do you think I'm


doing um like that that


type of stuff right like


already red flags going up


I don't like that


for anybody that has watched


for anyone that has watched


any sci-fi movie and I'm


not even talking about like


Blade Runner I'm like


literally even Star Wars


like it's just it's so


clear it's a bad idea but


there's a distinct level of


the population


let's say 13% that are going


to try to do wholesome shit with this.


For sure.


The remaining 87%,


the remaining ever 87% will


eventually just do gross stuff with this.


He's got zero faith in humanity.


I said, I said,


eventually they might start off with like,


Oh, I can ask it movie times, but then,




so his girlfriend will step


out for a night out like on


a Thursday and he'll be


like I wonder what else I


could do with it Brian keep


going please no so I'm so


for our listeners if you're


like okay like what is


Scarlett Johansson so upset


about like I don't get it


so essentially like open AI contacted her


legit contacted her and was


like hey do you do you want


to be the voice for this


and she promptly said


absolutely not um and so


I'm gonna play what this


sounds like so you can hear


it listeners okay um I'm


gonna make sure I'm sharing


sound we're gonna find out


if I'm doing that hey we'll figure it out




and essentially you can be the judge


is what I'm trying to say here.


You can be the judge.


You can see if this sounds


like Scarlett Johansson.


So we'll play like 30 seconds of it.


Look at this generic frat boy.


Yeah, he's doing gross shit with it.


How about you?


I see you're rocking an open AI hoodie.


Nice chilies.


What's up with that ceiling about?


Are you in a cool industry


style office or something?




can you take a guess at what I might


be doing based on what I'm


showing you here?


no no no no it looks like


you're in some kind of


recording or production


setup with those lights


tripods and possibly a mic


it seems like you might be


gearing up to shoot a video


or I'll end it there I'll


end it there doug looks so uncomfortable






Just noping out of it.


What do you think I'm trying


to do with what I'm showing


you right now?


She needs to have an immediate yuck.


I don't want to tell you


that sounds like your business.


There needs to be a chief response.


I'm so upset.


Okay, stop.


I'm very sad that Scarlett


Johansson is clearly getting ripped off.


Do you think that sounds like her?


I think so.


It does sound like her.


It's the inflection in her voice.


That's a good point.


I see her rocking that OpenAI hoodie.


Very nice.


The way she says that is spot on.


And so...


Yeah, that's eerily close.


I didn't see the video.


It's close enough.


I didn't see the video.


And me hearing that for the first time,


that's exactly how she talks in the movie,




And I see exactly what they


were trying to go.


I mean, that's just Scarlett Johansson.


You know what I mean?




Like, roll she's in.


Hey, big guy.


Sun's coming down low.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


You know?




I mean,


would I enjoy having a Scarlett


Johansson-inspired voice assistant?


Maybe, but it is... You're right,


it does have that same


cadence and tone of her voice,


even if it doesn't have the


same energy behind it.


I don't know if any of that's making sense,


but I think basically the


New York Times article...


calls out the fact that like,


and this is from Scarlett


Johansson's statement, but like open AI,


like they shot themselves in the foot.


They have paperwork asking her to do this.


And then they make an


assistant like her voice.


And the best part is they


reached out to her two days


before this video came out being like,


are you sure you don't want to?


Are you sure?


There's plenty enough here


for a settlement.


As Marcus and I were talking about,


Scarlett Johansson,


not someone I want to get


in a legal fight with.


She went toe-to-toe with Disney.


Ten toes deep.




I don't want to do that.


If anybody's going to lawyer up,


she's going to lawyer up.


And they owe her a movie.


That's the bottom line.


Disney now owes her a fucking movie.


She got money from Disney.


You think anybody can do that?


I'm not messing with Scarlett Johansson.


We watched that motherfucker,


that little Napoleon


Dynamite motherfucker in


Florida try to go toe-to-toe with Disney,


and he fucking lost.


He lost everything.


Ron DeSanti, he lost every fucking thing.


This is not Ron DeSanti.


This is goddamn Scarlett Johansson.


You're right.


Ron DeSantis,


he lost against Scarlett Johansson.


He lost.






I don't know.


I don't know.


What does that say?


I don't know.








And also,


people are going to do gross


stuff with that.


They're going to do a lot of


gross stuff with that.


I mean, there was another piece.


I can't remember if it was from the Times,


but it was like,


we need to find a way to


embrace the adult content of AI.


And I'm like, man,


we are running so fast


before we can even walk.




you you get an ai to a point


where it's like not giving


me hallucinations maybe we


can talk about that there's


gonna be some horrific


stuff on the other end of


it if you don't do the


dishes like just straight


out like I'm asking you to


give me like 10 recipes for


soup and then like I got a


hallucination once and it


was like anyway tigers


And I'm like, I didn't ask about tigers.


Thanks for giving me this


information about it.




I appreciate it.


Can you read me a bedtime story?


Would you like to hear about my taint?


No way.


I don't want to hear about that at all.


That's not what I asked about.


I asked for a bedtime story for my son.


I didn't ask for any details


about your chat GPT grundle


that you're trying to tell me about.


I'm so nervous because we


have a Google home and like


all of the boys are in trouble.


All the boys always ask me, like,


show me pictures of Spider-Man.


I'm always like, nope.


I don't like that.


And, like, I watch it, but, like,


they're kids.


I can't be there all the time.


Like, how long until it's, like,


fan art that is, like,


questionable for a child, right?


So, like, it's like,


you can't use it without us.


And my oldest, my oldest will, my second,


when he figures it out, nope.




he's probably going to see something if


they keep doing this.


Or we just mute it.


I'm going to throw up.


All this AI stuff,


they're just not thinking about it.


Once you get it,


they do have safe settings.


I do take that back.


They do have safe settings.


They probably won't.


They probably won't.


But still, you want to do that,


but you can't even do the basics?


Shelby pictures of Spider-Man.




Brian from the other room.




Get out of my way.


I'm just bowling over the two-year-old.


Brian, I gotta be honest with you.


Your ass is gonna be begging


for fucking tigers.


You're gonna be begging for


tigers after that.


You're gonna be like,


show me pictures of


Spider-Man and you're gonna be like,


please, please, please make that,


please make that tiger's


Just, okay, thank God it was Spider-Man.


I also did not like the way


Tate hit my ears.


Yeah, no, that was super upset.


Was the T too hard?


It was the ChatGP Tate.


Like, that's the part that I didn't... Oh,


I see how well that works.


Yeah, I didn't...


Yeah, it's also very gross.


Here we go.


Let's talk about X-Men.


Let's talk about mutants,


because I would really sure like to.


So we got through all the


episodes of X-Men 97.


We were very excited about


that being a thing.


And so we're going to talk about it.


We're going to get into it.


So again,


this is another little spoiler warning.


Does someone want to give like an overall,


not of the whole series,


not of an individual episode,


but sort of like the main


sort of through line of the


series itself?


All nine episodes, I believe it was.


I can't unless Doug is the


X-Men pro that reads up on everything.


So, Doug, you can do it or I can do it.


It's up to you.




Yeah, I can.


Let me let me give it a shot.


And if I miss something,


I'll let you know.


So so what had happened was


this series picks up


exactly where we remember


from back in the 90s.


Wives off.


Charles is sick, dying.


So he goes off world.


To try and their medical


technology promises to fix him.


And so he leaves the X-Men


sort of in the care of Magneto.


And so I'm skipping like I'm


just kind of getting right to it because.


What I liked, this is separate,


so this is an aside.


The first four episodes,


when you compare it with the second four,


feel slow.


Like they feel so slow when


you compare it.


So I'm going to be speed


through the first four.


So what you keep doing was


Charles sick or did he get shot?


Because I think they say he was dying.


I don't remember if it was


sick or he got shot.




yeah that was confusing at


the start because everybody


was like charles was shot


and died and I was like no


I saw this guy fly off in a


spaceship I know I saw that


yeah and so anyway so he


leaves it in the care of


magneto and so magneto is


sort of charged with


carrying on charles's


legacy which is a challenge


for him because up until


this point he has been very loved


humans need to be eradicated.


We're the superior species.


And so now he's being sort


of tried to work with these folks.


And so what ends up


happening is a series of anti-mutant


uh radicals storm the un


building um led by the


executioner and the


executioner uses the same


technology that they use to


cure mutants but to


basically shoot them and


take away their powers and


he manages to shoot takes a


shot at magneto storm jumps


in the way she loses her


powers and then goes off to


find you know forge and if


there's a way that she can get them back


Meanwhile, Matt,


still carrying on this legacy.


But now we're confronted with, you know,


what's real and what isn't


between Scott and Jean Grey.


Because there's this other


Jean Grey that's in here


and we find out that she's


actually a clone and their


memories are intertwined.


So when Scott and Jean give


birth to their son, Steve, Stephen.


No, that's not right.




Anyway, Nathan, there it is.


I knew it was one of those N names.


So when they give birth to Nathan,


it turns out that he didn't


give it birth with the real Jean Grey.


What's Jean?


What's the other one's name?


Madeline Pryor.


Madeline Pryor.


So Madeline Pryor is the other.


And so there's a whole thing there.


But Mr. Sinister steals Nathan,


infects him with a technological virus.


Bishop takes him back into


the future to have him fixed.


And sort of that's where we leave that.


So we're going to jump


forward a little bit.


Magneto is called back to Genosha,


and he brings Rogue and


Gambit and Beast and others


with him on this mission.


And then there was a giant...


sentinel conglomeration that


attacks Genosha and basically takes out,


I think they said 40,000


mutants was the final number, I believe.


I think if I remember it correctly.




And destroys Genosha and


kills and injures thousands.


In the process,


Cable tries to come back to


save his parents in this


whole moment and save his


mother in that moment.


But he's realized he's


reached sort of like a


nexus moment that he can't


ever get there before it happens.




which is interesting that they did that.


And then as we start to get


into the latter half of the show,


it's really trying to


uncover who is responsible


for this particular piece.


And we come to find that it is...


Oh, I'm going to forget his name.


I'm terrible with names.






Bastion is the one who's responsible.


And Bastion is a mutant who


can intertwine himself with


technology because his dad


was taken over by Nimrod.


And so when he was born...


Bastion is essentially an


extension of Nimrod.


And so for those that don't know,


Nimrod is a super advanced Sentinel.


And so Bastion can


intertwine himself with the


Sentinels and sort of control them.


So he was the one who was


responsible for Genosha.


And he has now created these


human beings who are living,


breathing Sentinels that


used to be humans.


And so the crisis is,


what do we do in this


moment with that information?


All the while,


After the human sentinels sort of attack,


Charles manages to come


back from his booty call in space.


We had a whole episode in space.


We had a whole episode.


I'm skipping over those aside episodes,


Charles in space,


Jubilee inside the video game with Mojo.


Those are other things that happened.






Storm's cast.


How Storm got her groove


back is how I'll call it.


Oh, I like that.


I like it.


And so... That's exactly what that was.


And so the main through line


is they have to stop him,


but Magneto is on Asteroid M,


and he manages to convince


both Rogue and Sunspot to


join him on Asteroid M to say...


Charles enough is enough.


Like what more do you want us to do here?


You asked me, I love this line from,


I think it was, uh,


acceptance is extinction too, is they,


he said,


I've walked your path for long enough.


Are you prepared to walk mine?


Um, of this idea of like,


you need to see this for what it is.


This is them trying to exterminate us.


And there's a future coming


that we need to prevent.




Magneto Wolverine tries to kill Magneto.


Magneto pulls all the


adamantium out of his body.


And Charles enters his mind


in an effort to stop him


and reverse the poles and


restore power because


Magneto sort of turns off all the power,


shuts everybody down.


And it sort of culminates


with this gigantic showdown


between Bastion and the X-Men.


And now trying to while


Charles and Magneto are injured.


The X-Men need to rise the


occasion to defeat Bastion


and sort of get themselves


back to a point.


And so that is the gist.


There is a ton that I skipped over.


I tried to keep this really, really simple,


but there was a ton that I skipped over.


So, yeah.


Gentlemen, anything really,


really key that you all


feel like I left out?


I know it was a lot,


but anything that was major


plot points I left out?




It's just when Magneto is captured,


and it's just a very small piece,


but it is a big piece.


That's an important one.


When they reveal Bastion,


it turns out... So they use these words.


I don't want to seem like


I'm just using these words


to minimize the impact of them, but...


they use the words in the show,


there was a genocide on Genosha.


And all the mutants died.


I guess before Gambit dies in that fight,


he sacrifices himself to


blow up one of the sentinels.


But also,


Magneto is protecting a bunch of


people around him.


I'm guessing at some point


before he let it go and he


tells the kid... I watched this again


I watched the entire season


all the way through this weekend.


I'm good on my list.


I'd love to do that.


It was so good.


Even better the second time.


Good gumbo, man.


I swear this show was really, really good.


But anyway, sorry.


Bastion somehow took Magneto


before the rest of Genosha was destroyed.


and held him hostage and so


when he was held hostage


the UN representative frees


Magneto and then he goes


and he basically says


enough is enough and


releases like these Magneto


polar like these polar yeah


he turns he reverses all


the magnetic poles on earth


yeah and turned off


everything and that's why


Professor X is trying to


hop in his head because


he's like killed a bunch of


people essentially in


addition to he did that to


shut down the Bionic the Bionic


biological sentinels,


they're human sentinels


that are like mixed sleeper cells.




Sentinel Prime.


I just got it.


Yeah, that's it.


Gambit's death, if we want to call it that,


was definitely something I


wanted to bring up.




madeline prior dying yep


which right maybe right


it's x it's x-men so


anything's possible it's


marvel it's comics um but I


did I was shocked I i was


shocked that madeline prior


and sebastian uh shaw also


died um so sebastian shaw


the hellfire club at


genosha madeline prior I am


I am shocked those two deaths um


We're not undone by the end of the season.


I should check that by the


end of the season.


That's wild.




So I want to start with this.


So I know, I mean,


this is going to be... So I


want to give this show its flowers,


and I want to give it a


chance to talk through how good it is.


Let's do it.


But the three of us will


unanimously tell you that


this is up there.


This show is something different than...


your run of the mill,


like animation type of show.


I mean, I would,


I would rank it among the best.


I would compare this and the


last of us and put it in


the same echelon of


streaming TV that we have


gotten so far this year.


Um, but I was curious, you know, again,


Brian Marcus,


want to curious about your


thoughts on where do you


put it in terms of like how


it ranks and where it falls


and just thoughts in


general on just the quality


that this show had overall.


What would you have me categorize this in?


All-time TV?


Animation only?


Or you just want to know where?


Where you put it.


Wherever you want to put it, put it there.


I think in the past, since COVID,


there has not been a lot of


TV that has really kept me...


attached and like week to


week where I felt like I


could not miss it like this


like it hit the it's more


than just the nostalgia for


me that has this so high up


it's the writing it's the


animation it's the


character development it's


the it's the reality of it


all like how real it feels


so for me this is it's top


five for me in TV yeah top


five completely agree yeah


completely agree


I would have to think of where,


I don't know what I'm categorized.


Like, Daredevil, that's, like,


really good TV.


Not to make all my shit


sound like I'm just, like,


comic book shit, but, like, all time.


I mean...


I mean, Daredevil's up there, though.


I mean, like, I put, like,


Daredevil season,


I would say even season three is probably,


I feel like,


the best season up there with, like,


Breaking Bad season three.


It was a great, great.


And I consider Breaking Bad


probably the best


live-action drama of all time.


I mean,


I'm even thinking about Community


Season 2.


Community Season 2 is perfect.


Community Season 2... And


the reason I'm making these


comparisons is it's the consistent...


quality it is just a


consistent quality where


it's like there's no


there's no episode where


you feel like it drops off


now you can skip this like


it all feels yeah essential


viewing and like like


Arrested Development season


two comes to mind


um westworld season one like


this is this is enter it is


no doubt in the pantheon to


me because x-men 97 does


this thing where it


streamlines so many clunky


stories that you could get


caught up in right because


there's been 20 years now


25 plus years now of x-men


comics since 1997 right


that you could have done a


whole lot with that you could have read


Who did?


You could have done.


Good point, Brian.


A lot.


We've had three franchise... No.


We've had two.


It all gets mixed up.


We've had a lot of extra movies.


Brian, it's three.


It's the original, like,


Bryan Singer ones.


It's... Right after that,


it was... The Vaughn ones, right?




The Vaughn ones.


And then... And then Bryan Singer again.


And then Bryan Singer again.


But, like, it depends where you put it.


But, like, yeah.


I mean, it's three distinct...


franchisee type things.


X-Men Origins.


Plus the One-Off.


Technically Deadpool is an


X-Men franchise on itself.


So like...


They could have drawn from so much.


And I think the amount of


restraint is admirable here


to tell such a good story.


And which is why I put it


with the other shows that I


mentioned where they are not,


they're not giving you a side quest.


Like everything does this.


for a reason,


even the Jubilee video game


mini so is what I'll call


it like you can say, Oh,


that's kind of a bottle episode.


But I would push back on it


because Jubilee gets her


moment to shine and gets to


see who she can become,


which directly leads in to


episode 10 of season one,


like that payoff works for


six episodes later.


When she's fighting Bastion.


And he's like what are you doing here.


And we're like no we know


Jubilee can do this.


Because we've seen it.


Well and the other thing I


really like about that.


Is Brian you're right.


It could feel like a bottle episode.


But it also advances.


Like a major character arc.


Between her and Sunspot.


And their relationship.


Like that moment for both of them.


Of getting through it.


Is very very important to their story.


As a couple.


In the whole series itself.


So I think.


I mean,


because when they sort of have


their like schism and he


makes the choice to go with Magneto,


like they've been through it.


So when she's like, what the fuck, dude?


Like, yeah, if that's that,


you feel that a little bit


more because you know what


you've been through.


Brian, to your point on May 29th.


So next week we will


celebrate the 50th


anniversary of Wolverine as


a character in comic books.


And so, Brian,


to your point of what we


could pull from for this, I mean,


it's endless.


It's endless what you could


have pulled from in terms


of story storylines.


And when you say that


Wolverine was his own franchise, right?


Like four franchises from


X-Men that you could have pulled from.


And they didn't even do a


Wolverine episode.


And I would have been fine


with a Wolverine episode.


I feel like that's the tax, right?


Sometimes with X-Men stuff, I'm like,


all right,


you want to watch Morph do something?




you got to watch 20 Minutes of


Wolverine climbing up a mountain.


That's what it feels like sometimes.


You have to watch Wolverine


yell at Omega Red for 15 minutes.






I'm pretty sure that happened.


I'm almost positive.


And it didn't do that.


That just shows me the


adeptness and the mastery


of I'm just going to say it,


Bo DeMaio and his writing team.




We'll talk about it later,


about what his future looks like,


but himself and his writing team,


they nailed it with that


restraint and focusing on


what was important rather


than getting sidetracked.




Bo, have you tried apologizing?


Like, have you just tried saying, like,


I'm sorry?


Like, because I don't know... Dude,


I don't know what you did, but...


but holy shit.


Like if they were like,


cause this show is really, really good.


And they were like, Hey,


before your show even comes out,


you're out of here.


And you just went, I,


I have a lot of questions.


So he's so he's still


supposed to be helping with


season two and he'll be overlooking.


He tweeted this and tweeted


the article on it through


his Twitter because he's


been heavily communicating


with a lot of people through Twitter.


He talks to every episode.


He like tells people what


homework to watch.


You can tell he is a fan, fan,


fan of X-Men.




Sliding into his DMs to see


if he'll come on the show.


Who, us?




have we tried asking Bo if he'll come


on the show?


Let's find out what he did


first before we just start


sending invitations.


You know what?


Thanks for being the responsible one.


Hey, surprise, surprise.


Shocker to everybody.


You know what?


That tells me that you may


have learned a lesson about


internet safety, and I appreciate that.


I'm going to let him have it.


So, Bo DeMaio, if you're listening.


I'm going to let him have it.


The listeners don't even


know what that challenge was about.


They have no idea what that is.


And I'll never tell them.


But Bo,


he had tweeted that he will still


have some oversight,


but it's not as involved as


it was in season one.


So he specifically was like,


I'm not going to be picking


the music and picking the blah, blah,


blah, blah,


blah and doing everything as hands-on,


but he still will be a part


of the process to some capacity.


That's very paraphrasing of


what the article said.




yeah I yeah it was it was I


recognize thanks you're


right you're right that's


my dog yeah yeah uh I don't


know I don't know what I


don't know what he did I


everybody wants I know but


here we are the nda is


locked tight so here's my


thing yeah um unless was


anybody else about to say something


I love that movie, by the way.


I love Go Go Gadget.


Here are the things that stood out to me.




Redemption for the characters, right?


And so like from an


audience's nitpicky perspective,


I think for characters like Jubilee,


you get those episodes


where you can see her full


potential because I think


the running joke for


anybody who's not a fan, fan,


fan and only sees Jubilee


in like what we used to see her in,


she's a teenager who can


make firecrackers, fireworks, right?


But then you get this, you kind of get it


It's a little bit


differently when she's


going up against Bastion.


And then I saw somebody say, well,


I don't think people


understand in the comic


book she's making things


catch fire at a subatomic level.


So it's like, oh,


it's more than just fireworks.


So like with that kind of knowledge,


we get such good redemption arcs.


I know there's been a lot of


back and forth between how


Storm was kind of handled


in this season and, you know, Bo.




has been tweeting about like, hey,


Black pride or being


pro-Black does not mean


always having to resort to


like some type of violence


or something with the


characters that they're depicting.


And I see, I see,


I'm not sure what people


were looking for from Storm


because all of my Storm moments in this,


I thought were executed.




I thought they were executed very well.


I'm not sure what some


people were looking for from Storm.


I know what they were


looking for from Bishop,


because he kind of went on vacation.


He took Nathan to the future and was like,


well, I've done my job.


He just stayed there.


So the Black characters, and in Sunspot,


there's back and forth with


Sunspot and the color of his skin,


how he's supposed to be of


darker skin tone,


and Afro-Latino was


originally a Black character.


So I'm seeing a lot of that discourse,


but I don't want to talk about that.


Right now.


I mean, I, I,


and I think that that also


kind of gets into how this show,


I feel like handled so many


expectations because I


think some of that stuff


was going to happen.


I'm referring to the storm


stuff because like,


the thing with X-Men is that


it built out such a huge


roster of characters.


Like when you talk to somebody about X-Men,


they're like, Oh, I love blank.


Like when Maggie and I met


at college and I found out


that she watched the nineties X-Men,


like this was even before we were dating.


Like it was one of the first


things we bonded over.


And she's like, Oh my gosh,


I love Jean gray.


And I'm like, you like Jean gray.


And like, we had this whole conversation.


Cause I, I, I like Cyclops and she's like,


you like Cyclops.




oh that's cute what the hell


you guys are so fucking


cute that's so perfect for


each other well and it's


it's why I also brought it


up in earlier episodes


because like I would say


like cyclops people like


he's such a boy scout he's


so boring and I'm like


and then we got, you know,


his optic blasts.


But, like,


everybody has a favorite character,




They have a character they


just want to see pop out, right?


And so I felt like there was


going to be that to some


degree in this show of, like, well,


I didn't get a whole lot of Nightcrawler,


you know?


Like, that's what I was waiting for.


I do understand there's a


bit of a nuance with Storm.


However, I feel like, to me, I...


I was very satisfied with her arc.


She fought a giant owl demon.


That was bad as hell.


I saw her make a glass tornado.


She has so many banging moments.


There's three, I'm going to say,


splash page moments I can think of.


And I think she's just a


really strong character.


She could...


I feel like she could have her own show.


That's not the direction


they're going to go.


But yeah, I get that.


But that's one of the


troubles with an ensemble


piece like this.


Everybody's going to want a


piece of the pie.


And I feel like X-Men 97


really like... They were like, no,


this is going to be Magneto season.


Sorry, everybody.


If you came for Wolverine,


you get Magneto.


That's what I feel like happened,


which I feel like was a


great way to tell this story.


I mean...


That went to my second point,


which was like,


you can tell which


characters that the head


writers liked or loved.


Oh, yeah.


This person loved Magneto.


Whether it's Bo...


Whether it's Bo or whoever


is in that writing room,


they love that Magneto storyline.


And they were very


meticulous about how they wrote and drew.


You don't just draw a sexy Magneto,


you know what I mean?


You don't have to do that.


But they were obviously


trying to make some kind of a point.


And you can tell.


That that that is one of the


moments I knew this show


was was growing up was like, oh,


you would not see Magneto


in a black speedo in the 90s.


No, no, no.


You wouldn't see that.


Like they very much took a


lot of love and care with him.


Well, and I think to that point,


it's I think the other


thing that I really


appreciated about this is.


They always sort of tried to paint,


at least I feel like this


way in the 90s when you go


back and watch that,


is that it almost feels,


and I'm not trying to take


it down a notch, it's just an observation,


it feels a little disjointed as a team.


They feel disjointed as a


team because we never get a


chance to explore their relationships.


If you look at


one of the very early episodes,


I think it's night of the Sentinels.


Number two, like the second part, part two,


where Wolverine just cuts the roof off of,


of, of, of Scott's like Jeep.


And he goes, yeah, now he's got a sunroof.


And like, that's all like,


they never say why it happened.


They never talk about it.


It's just, he's kind of curmudgeon.


And what I think where this show is,


separated itself and made


itself something unique is


it said no like these this


is a there are fucking


complicated relationships


here that we need to be


aware of and we need to tap


into that really really drive home


And speak to the way in


which all of these


characters interact and


relate to one another.


And it's as simple as when


you see Nightcrawler for the first time,


how excited he gets to see


Rogue and Gambit.


Those are not just...


friends of his those are


family members and he is


like he is like the only


equivalent I can say is he


is an 11 year old when you


tell them his cousins are


coming over like he is


jacked as shit to like see


them for the first time


like that's all he is I


knew exactly that's right


And so I appreciated that


the complexity of rogue of


putting her in this


position of Remy has always been there.


Gambit has always been there,


has loved and supported her, has said,


I don't care about the consequences.


I just want to be with you.


Coupled with someone like


Magneto who can give her


what she's looking for,


which is that sense of


physical touch without the


risk of doing anyone that


she cares about harm.




And the dichotomy of what


that does to that relationship overall.


This is such an interesting


way in which it plays out.


And they just handled it so masterfully.


And it culminates in that


acceptance is extinction


where Charles is inside


Magneto's mind being like,


you don't need to do this.




you are in a water of terrible things


that have happened,


but you got to swim through


the water to get to the


people you care about.


We are shaped by our most


trying moments into who we


are and who we surround ourselves with.


It was just so well done.


And that's one of the things


I really appreciated about


the show overall is, yeah,


it's about a dude that can


shoot lasers out of his eyes.


and you know a man who has


like can control robots but


there's so much more at the


like if you dig down deep


that like speaks to me as


an adult and why I enjoyed


it so much oh man yeah


you're right like as a 37


year old dude I've been


around the block a little


bit more than when I was


eight and I watched this


for the first time right


right like it's more than a


saturday morning


cartoon right like we're


talking about it's dropping


on a wednesday people got


full-time jobs this show


was specifically made for a


certain audience yes you're


absolutely right you're not


wrong you know what I mean


so it's it's that's the


thing that stood out to me


and the complexities of


magneto who's already gone


through one he's already


gone through the holocaust


he he survived that like he


is a holocaust survivor yes


He already witnessed one genocide.


And then you have this character who,


which I never,


you know that when they


hint at it very lightly in


the movies and Bryan Singer and it's like,


oh, okay, yeah, for sure.


And there's like every once in a while,


there's a line of like,


a needle will never touch my skin again.


Like that's a fire line, right?


You know what I mean?




But it's hard to remember that.


But in this show,


they constantly remind you


that Magneto is not just


mad because he's a mutant


and he's just mad.


This motherfucker has


witnessed two genocides and


all for just being who he is.


He has a reason to be mad.


I was born this way and


somebody doesn't like me


just off the strength of


they have the money, resources, finances,


power, etc., etc., etc.,


to oppress me to um hold me


back to hold me down to use


whatever tools they got to


go against my entire


lineage the thing that


makes me who I am I didn't


do that just once I've done


this shit twice they're


trying to deny me the


future that they're trying


to protect for themselves


right like and that's and


that's the thing that I


think is so powerful and


I'm so glad that you


brought that up marcus is that


They could have ignored that.


Bo DeMeo could have said,


you know what I'm not going to touch?


I'm not going to touch God


loves man kills.


I'm not going to touch that at all.


But he was like, nope, not in 2024.


I can't not touch it.


But what he did is he did it, and Brian,


you said this earlier,


they took so many pieces of


of different storylines and


arcs and things like that


that have happened and they


just jumped like they just


jumped right in and they


put them together in a way


in which that was cohesive


and worked and I mean it


like the parts where they


went on this like acceptance and




the idea of tolerance and the idea of,


you know,


someone willing to fight to


protect what they have and


that like they handled that


so goddamn well that it was


just it was really well


done and not in a way in which.


and this is going to sound weird,


if anyone has a thought, I recognize it,


but not in a way in which


it was so preachy that


someone would have gone like, it's woke,


get it out of here.


Like they did it in a way in


which that fits so masterfully, I think,


into the story.


And I think the best example of that


is Rogue and you see Rogue


basically in the beginning


of the show she's like hey


Magneto like we were lovers


but like you gotta earn you


have to earn your spot here


like I love you but you


need to earn your spot as


an X-Man and like


I thought that was


incredible and everything


with the UN and.


Oh yeah.


Oh, that all went down.


And then you get to Genosha,


which like you,


that I would say that's a rogue episode.


If I had to like,


that is probably the rogue episode.


And she sees and feels that


like Magneto was right.


Like they're going to come


for us no matter what,


no matter what we do.


And you like, you see her.


You see her becoming


grizzled in real time.


And I think that is so hard


to do without overdoing it.


I think it's so hard to do


in an animated format.


And I think it's so hard to


do because these are like


maybe 40 minutes.


These are not 42 minute, one hour,


like HBO dramas, right?


Like we have to pack all


this in and like 35 minutes.


And we have to get Magneto off the board.


Like you see Rogue and it makes sense.


You're not mad at her.


You're not mad at her the


next episode when she makes


Captain America look like a fool.


And I'm a huge Cap fan.


I'm like, no, that needed to happen.


Rogue showed the world how


much the Avengers suck on this.


And I'm happy about it.


And then they went back to it.




what I love about that is they went


back to it.


Because while every other


fucking hero is out there


fighting and trying to defend themselves.


Where the fuck are the Avengers?


They're in the White House


making sure the President's okay.


They're making sure they're


going to nuke the asteroid.


All of them.


All of them.


Even Black Panther.


You know what I mean?


What did you just say?


I called them douche tips


because that's the worst


part because that's the


part that goes inside.


Oh, golly.




I have nothing to say to that.


No, thank you.


Brian's audible eject.


All right.


Well, I'll see y'all later.


Well, that'll do it for me, everybody.


I'm going to go ahead and


hit that end stream button.


Anyway, step one, read a book.


Are you kidding me?


I got so much.


Are you kidding me?


You know me.


I ain't tough.


I'm resilient.


I always make myself sound so persecuted.


I love the fact that they're


in the Situation Room and


Black Panther and Cap are like,


I'm a little uncomfortable about this.


Iron Man's just like, whatever.


I'm here.


Send my nukes up.


Let's do this.


You bought them for me.


Go ahead.


They got Stark Enterprises


right on the side of them motherfuckers.


I mean,


they're arc reactor powered probably.


He doesn't care.


He's going to buy more.




any like rogue showed that I


feel like in such an


effective way and not


because she threw his


shield but like cap just


trying to be like we gotta


do this by the book and


you're like you're telling


this to a woman who just


lost the love of her life


and who's clearly on a


rampage by the way like


you're standing toe-to-toe


with rogue and she just


took out the hulkbuster unit like


nah man like you're off and


I loved how much they


showed that and I


absolutely believe that is


how 1997 Captain America


would act and that is one


of the enjoyable parts of


this so I just I feel like


Rogue really brings that


point home about how these


characters change and how


intricate those


relationships are and how


well that show showed it


Okay, I agree.


I want to keep going because


there's some shit in here


that I really want to get off my chest.


Number one, Theo James.


I'm going to tell y'all now,


this motherfucking show is


going to win an award for something.


I agree.


It should win a couple.


My preference would be


either animation or


dialogue or whatever it is


that you put in the script


because the shit that they were saying...


the the monologues that


these motherfuckers when


they introduce bastion and


it's fucking theo james


voice and I watched the


shit three times I like I'm


not bullshitting you I


watched it three times that


same night and I kept


rewinding it because he he


reveals himself and said oh


well the x-men they've been


had a little secret they


said that they homeboy got


shot but he's really on


another planet I'm about to


expose him so like you know


I mean it's gonna be even


playing but I got a secret of my own


I've got a Magneto in the tub.




And he's telling Magneto, listen,


all you got to do


essentially is just shut


the fuck up and listen.


You are so good at playing


your role and doing what


you're told to do.


Like that's exactly what you


were made for.


Now smile for the candy camera.


I'm going to make this shit.


You are talking about the


most powerful motherfucker


in the world is just not moving,


being held hostage by Bastion.


That's not the only monologue that, I mean,


Gambit, Mon Ami,


my name is Gambit Mon Ami, remember it.


Nobody has ever...


that's a callback to the


older show but it hits


significantly different in


the context of which they


set it up and I think oh


yeah that's the beauty of


the show is like it's not


just we're not just turning


this like now here's what I


say I did try to re-watch


x-men the originals like a


long time ago it's a lot of


filler episodes in that


motherfucker or at least


feels like filler they told


every possible offshoot


they went yes well I know


we just did one where they


battle sentinels


I don't know.


What if they just went to the Savage Land?


And they were like, why?


I don't know, because why not?


There's an episode where Wolverine,


I believe, goes to church.


And Jubilee's like,


why don't you go to church?


And he's like, kid,


I don't got time for church.


That's not what I do.


I got claws.


What does claws have to do with church?


I got claws.


Look, bub.


I would say season one


through three of the


original series does it the least,


but then seasons four and


five are just like, y'all, it's bonkers.


I love X-Men.


Remember when Spider-Man


randomly shows up?


It's bonkers.


That was appointment television.


I looked at a TV guide.


I made sure I wasn't missing


that for anything.


Hey, Google,


show me pictures of Spider-Man.


it's a matter of time


without safe search I'm


just saying but yeah like


there was no filler no none


they cut the fat and so I


just want to say Theo James


expect your award you need something I


cast him for something else


like voice acting because I


don't know why I ain't


heard him voice act before


but that motherfucker got


voice made of butter and


that's all I know I mean he


pops up in a lot of stuff


he was in the White Lotus


he was in the Divergent


franchise he was also in


the Gentleman series on Netflix


Yup, and he did voice work for The Witcher,


Nightmare of the Wolf.


We can give you the Films in


Black and White Tip of the


Hat Award for great voice acting.


Yes, congratulations.


I'm happy to lock that in.


I invented it up right now.






congratulations on winning the Tip


of the Hat Award.


I solemnly swear I won't


talk about anything gross if you don't.


I'm going to be honest.


It doesn't sound great the


way y'all keep saying tip, but like, yeah,


for sure.


Like the emphasis on that.




Anyway, I also love this.


I also loved my favorite


part about this entire series,


especially the episode.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


You see, I appreciate it.


So that's not a lot of hate.


Not a lot of hate,


just the tip of the hate.


Just the tip of the hate.


Just the tip of the hate award.


Not full hate, but just the tip.




that's what happens when I'm typing fast,




This is what happens.


Tip of the hate.


Carry on, Marcus.


Just the tip, just a little bit of it.


I like the fact that mutants,


we get to see people with powers,




Doing regular,


I want to make sure I'm


saying the right shit, regular life shit,


because I don't want to say normal,




Because then that says that


they're not normal.


But just doing regular life shit.


For example, when they're on Genosha,


they have a scene where


they're talking about the


apples and nightcrawls, talking about, oh,


yeah, it's like, oh,


they're kind of taxing for the apples,


but they say, hey,


that comes with it because


this is what comes with it.


There's kids that are using


their powers and they're breakdancing.


Like, yes, they're dancing, breakdancing,


they're singing.


Even Professor X,


when he has his vision of


everything that happened on Genosha,


he says, oh,


they were he said they were dancing,




making love like this is regular


life shit that we get to


see like mutants do.


And I feel like that is such


an essential piece to Genosha.


humanizing quote unquote


like what we're looking at


because to see them just


enjoying themselves before


the genocide actually


happened says oh that could


have been me like if you


are empathetic that's a


great point that's a great


yes and so that's why that


episode made me cry because


I'm like I'm in tears


watching this fucking


happening because I'm like


I guess it's as a black man, obviously,


I don't even want to say


that because of where we live in.


I will say this with a grain of salt.


Say it.


We support you, man.


No, no.


It's more like I don't ever


want to go to the extremes, right?


This is animation.


This is TV.


But everything has a little


bit of reality to it.


The only thing I could do


was put myself into the


shoes of if somebody was to


draw us to a place.




And say all black people,


we're going back to Africa.


OK, we're going back to Africa.


We don't like the way we're being treated.


We don't go back to Africa.


And then something was to


happen where they got us


all in the same place or a large.


percentage of us in the same


place where they could


execute something like this


just off the strength of being black.


We got them exactly where we want them.


And this is the perfect time to strike.


It's hard to think out loud


that somebody wouldn't have that thought,




I totally agree.


That's not an option in


people's minds to be like,


I wish that we could do that too.


Insert whatever.


Not just black people.


Insert whoever they just


deem is not worthy.


It's not hard for my brain


to draw similarities


between Genosha and Tulsa, Oklahoma.




Black Wall Street.


Not hard.




and I was thinking about Pulse Nightclub,




Yes, yes.


I mean, they're dancing.


Like, they're not even, like,


Magneto's not even having


Asteroid M hover over anything.


They're literally just having a good time,


and then... They're having


the Hellfire Gallop.


That's it.




I think Bo mentioned that


that was the reference in that episode.


He did.




Okay, well, he nailed it.


Yes, that was a great call-out, Brian.


But again, absolutely right.


This is the life that we see around us,


and you cannot tell me that


these smaller versions of


nobody's going to put us...


We don't have the capacity


to put us all on a fucking island,


but if we're all in a


fucking nightclub or


something like that and


somebody decides they want


to shoot it up or harm


everybody in there or blow


up the building, like...


I think that's why Charles'


words of they were dancing,


they were living, they were making love,


they were being themselves.


I think that that's why it's


so powerful because if you


draw the similarity,


it's wherever someone is


truly being themselves and


something like this happens.


The most vulnerable.


That's why it's so awful.


Like it's awful on its face.




Like, and that's,


I think where the reporter tries to play,


I think that's where beast


gets really frustrated with the reporter.


Like in that episode where


they're walking through is


the reporter tries to say like,


Yeah, this is really tough.


Look at all this death.


And Beast is like, you don't get it.


This isn't just people died.


They were not bothering anyone.


We were just being ourselves


in a place where we didn't


have to worry about being tolerated.




it was still taken away from us.


Like, and so I think that that,


those moments are, I think really,


really important to sort of


like focus on.


So I, I, Brian Marcus,


I appreciate the fact that


you don't want to like take


it to the extreme, but again,


that has always been.


And it's kind of like what I


was trying to get to earlier.


Like that's always been an


element of X-Men.


Like that's always been an element of,


you know, these are, they are,


they are written this way for a reason.




Well, and I think, yeah, like Marcus,


I definitely want you to


feel like you can say that.


Cause I think,


I think that metaphor is apt


and I feel like watching


and talking about this show


and how it's progressed to like, I mean,


see a lot of where I got


some of my politics even at


eight or nine years old


like I knew from watching


this uh in the 90s like


something was off like


right like oh like I'm


seeing the concepts as


they're played out here and


then I go into the real


world and it's eerily


similar huh how about that


and to now grow up with it


and then be at this age of


a 30 something year old man


and then just see it and have that,


have that type of emotional


impact of like some stuff


has really changed,


but other stuff really has like,


and I don't know,


it was just kind of this loss of,


it just kind of felt that


Genosha episode and what


you're talking about, Marcus,


it just kind of felt like it was,


the show was acknowledging


the audience of like, we get it.


You've seen stuff and this


show is going to try to grapple with it.




that's what it felt like for me.


So like,


even though it was terrible and I


teared up during remember it,


it was just kind of this like, yeah,


like we're grown up now,


like this stuff happens and


how we react to it matters,


which is why I think the


back half of this season


really connected with me on


a lot of levels,


whether it's rogue going on a rampage,


Or Jean being like, no,


I'm going to tap into the


Phoenix Forest to save my


son because I can't have


another bad thing happen to me, right?


Relatable energy.


I can relate to that in my age now.




I want to be cognizant of where we're at.


Are there other points that


you all want to make before I pivot to my,


you know,


towards the end of the... Before


we start bringing it home?




I have one more question in the chamber,


but I want to be respectful


if you had anything else.


I don't even know where you start,


to be honest.




Let me look.


I have a whole thing.


Go ahead, Marcus.


Just while you look it up,


I appreciate not always pairing.


Thank you for giving me


enough of everybody.


It wasn't too much Nightcrawler.


There was just enough.


But also,


thank you for the pairing of


Nightcrawler and Wolverine


and things I never thought I would see.


Or Wolverine falling from


the sky and doing this


adamantium tornado spin


with the fucking claws and like...


Kurt not just teleporting


all over the place, but he has a sword.


That's an essential part to who he is.


And non-cliche women-led characters.


As far as I could tell,


they all had some depth.


The show is about love,


so maybe the Bechdel test


doesn't really pass here.




No, it does.


Does it?


Oh, okay.


It's first episode.


Storm and Jean, I'm pretty sure.


No, it's the second episode.


I take it back.


It's the second episode for sure.


I think it happens in the first episode,


but I don't have the


evidence at the moment.


But Storm and Jean have a moment.


Where they're just only


talking to each other, not about a man.


I love that because I've


never thought about Storm


and Jean being sisters.


Like best friends.


Yeah, never in my life.


But yeah, of course,


that makes a lot of sense.


So I just enjoy the pairing


of complex characters in


different lights.


that that that mind the


weather weather your mind


exchange was fucking


brilliant I thought it was


good I thought that was so


good brilliant I mean that


episode nine it like it it


caught it checked all of my


like let's go boxes we got


a blackbird blowing up we


got people jumping out of


the blackbird we got


somebody going ham with an


energy blast we got


sentinels falling it was


like yep this checks it all


good job everybody he's


gonna be upset that's the


third blackboard this is the


That was an incredible line.


My surplus thoughts were the


animation on this was super smooth.


I feel like Invincible,


it's going to be inevitable.


It's going to be compared to


Invincible on Amazon Prime.


I honestly think that's fine.


That's incredible company to have.


All of these combat scenes


are masterfully done.


The Wolverine Nightcrawler one,


the first Sentinel exchange


in the first episode,


just it's so buttery smooth.


It is so, so, so good.


My other surplus thought


here was I really enjoyed,


I just enjoyed how they


focused on Jubilee.


And I thought the the Matendo episode,


while silly,


I feel like that if you want


to reference something overtly nostalgic,


like the X-Men 90s beat


them up arcade game,


like that's how you do it.


Like, yeah,


like you you intertwine it with


that character's emotional beats.


And then if you need to add


that outside element.


to bring it home and I


thought the thematic like


connections there were


amazing and I honestly I


don't it's very hard for me


to see a show pull off


something like that if they


were like hey you remember


this I can't even think of


another example because I


don't think a show could pull it off like


But anyway,


the last thing I wanted to mention was,


I think,


in the last episode in the finale,


when at this point you're


like Magneto was right.


And like,


I was struggling with that


because I was like,


is that where the show wants us to go?


And maybe, maybe it is like maybe we've.


Maybe we have moved the


spectrum of what we see so


far off the base that


Magneto is right after all these years.


It's very hard to disagree


with him after these past 25 years.


It's very difficult.


um and I love the fact that


basically bastion's like


they're never gonna love


you like what are you doing


like they don't want any of


this they don't they have


you as babies and they


don't want you like what's


your deal and cyclops is


like he legit tries to


follow the golden path to


use another dune reference


and he's like no like we


have to stop we have to


stop this fighting like


this is mad like I can't


remember exactly what he


says but he's like we we


have to try he tells him


all the stand down


I feel, to me,


that is the essence of X-Men.


Stuff's bad.


Stuff's not great, but we have to try.


No matter what happens,


we have to make that effort.


We have to believe that we


can just talk it out.


I love the fact it's depressing,


but I love the fact that Bastion's like,




Like, I would never... I'd never join you.


I'd actually destroy myself


before I'd even think of allying with you,


which I feel like is such a


brutal metaphor for some of


the things that we encounter in our life.


That you will meet people


like this who hate


themselves and want to


destroy everything around them.


And even when you stick out your hand,


they will choose to destroy


themselves and everyone


around them rather than do the work.


Or even...


And, like,


just letting go of that person


is acceptable.


And that's okay.


But at least you tried.


And I feel like that was done really well.


Because it honored all of Magneto's, like,


the spirit of his character,


which he made valid points.


And I will stick by that for


as long as I live.


But you also had Bastion, who...


You can't convince him.


You can't convince everybody.


And that's okay.


Let them go.


They're never going to be that person.


Some people are just so,


they have convinced


themselves of something so


much that it's actually


better to let them go.


Like, exactly.




the metaphor here was a giant black hole.


Don't throw people into a black hole.


But like, I mean, that's the idea, right?


You just, you have to let this go.


And I thought that was really well done.


Yeah, it was incredible.


That was very, very well done.


Sorry, before Doug moves on,


just one more thing.


The speech that – I forgot her name,


but she – The UN delegate.




And she – Nancy, for some reason,


is coming to my mind.


I don't think that's right.


I'll look it up.


You're good.


Keep going.


She gives this speech and


she's explaining to Bastion


why she betrayed him.


This was my favorite speech


in the whole series.


And she says, he says, you know, nobody,


she said,


nobody's really shocked that I


let Magneto go.


Nobody's shocked by this.


I think, in fact, everybody saw it coming.


And she says, you know,


because she's looking at Magneto.


She sees the Holocaust number on his arm.


She's trying to tell him,


you haven't spoken since Genosha.


Like, you have to say something.


Say something to me.


I'm sorry.


I didn't know that this was happening.


And the other bigger piece


is Bastion is also working


with other people.


villains and corporations


around the world to make


this happen is what it's


hinted at too as well so


like dr doom is in there


and you see a lot of uh I


um baron what is his name


not baron baron zemo um is


also is also in cahoots


with a whole bunch of other people


But she says there was this


familiar feeling.


And she said,


you don't want to know the


worst part about it all.


Nobody's shocked at our freedom.


But the worst part about it


all is there was this


familiar feeling when


you're watching everything


happen on Genosha.


And she said,


it's nothing but this eerie thought.


And it's something that you


can't fucking shake.


And she said,


it was the most annoying shit


in the world.


And it was the only thought


any sane person can fucking


have when witnessing a fucking genocide.


And it's the thought that


Magneto was right.


I just thought that that


lead up was pretty.


It was Valerie Cooper.


Thanks, Brian.


Yeah, no problem.


That, I think,


is probably the most


powerful monologue in the entire show.


I just raved about episode 10,


but that's it.


That is it,


and it connects on every level.


It fires on every cylinder.


It explains the season as a whole.


I think that that captured everything.




I think what the series did




is it started out so slow


that it started out so slow


and I'm not saying that as


a dig like I'm saying it as


a fact like it started out


like a you know you kind of you


And you're like, okay, cool.


I'm reliving some stuff.


I'm seeing some people fight.


And it had this fucking


thing where like you got to


episode four and you were


already hooked and you were like,


Oh shit.


Like it was just,


it had this moment that


like you were in it and like,


fully in it with that attack


on genosha and you were


like wait what like I


thought this was a fun show


like and that's I think


that that's what it did so


well yeah especially


because if I'm not mistaken


the jubilee episode was


right before it so it's a high high


It's assembled itself.


They assembled the way in


which it flowed to be so like,


you're going to get real


comfortable and then you're


going to be real uncomfortable,


but you're going to be so


hooked on what's happening


here that you're not going


to want to look away.


and I think to your point


Doug like it kind of even


brings in the soap opera


vibes of like we're X-Men


stuff's gonna happen right


but like that first episode


is like let's go beat up


some Sentinels and I was


there like ready to be a


mutant being like heck yeah


that's what I signed up for let's go pick


their ass and then like yeah


you get to episode two and


it's like magneto's here


and three is fire made


flesh and you're like oh no


a clone and then you get


the nintendo episode so


those four episodes you're


like I know the vibe of


this show there's gonna be


clones I know what this is


jubilee's trapped in a


video game and then episode


five's like gambit is dead


And not coming back.


And not coming back.


Yeah, like, no, no.


He's dead, dead.


And everybody's like, yeah, yeah,


but Cable's there.


He's going to go back in time, right?


And everybody's like, no, no, no.


And that's when Cable's like, I can't.


And you're like,


what do you mean you can't?


What do you mean you can't?


I can't fix it.


And that rogue-ass whooping was so good,




Oh, yeah.


Here's the last thing I wanted to bring up,


which is obviously like


we're speculating season two, like,


you know,


and obviously Disney has asked


fans to be patient as they


put like finishing touches on season two.


We are clearly going to get some, you know,


apocalypse for the, for the, you know,


for the ending but like yeah


spoiler warning for the


ending but like we're


obviously gonna get like


apocalypse for season two


and we're going oh yeah


yeah no don't no get that


fucking shit out of there


he stay his big bald ass


somewhere else Dwayne


Johnson is not apocalypse


no I do not want that but


anyway like I we're gonna


get something with that and


it's gonna be something


time-oriented mm-hmm


Anybody want to maybe


speculate or anybody want


to just sort of say what's


something maybe they hope?


I don't want to do too much


speculation theater,


but maybe a fun prediction


if you had one.


My fun prediction that I


feel so strongly about is I


feel like this is...


I feel like it's a bait and switch.


They're like, oh no,


they're stuck in time.


And then it's going to be


resolved by the end of the first episode.


They're only going to be


there for a hot second and


they're going to get pulled back.


And then they're going to


have to make sense between


the two teams of what did we just see?


Did we change anything?


What does that look like?


Because to me, based on the ending,


we're going to come back to


Apocalypse in the present


and Gambit being one of the horsemen.


So I feel like it's going to


be short-lived.


I feel like their time


travel escapade is going to


be short-lived.


That's my bold prediction.


I saw this online,


so zero credit to me at all


because I did not know this.


There is a split-off series


called Cyclops and the Phoenix.


It's like a mini-series of


them going back and raising


the young Cable, essentially.


It has something to do with


them traveling back in time.


It seems like it's a direct pool of


Like from that miniseries run.


No way.




Yeah, it made me really want to read up,


read on that because I'm


interested in what direction they go.


Going Apocalypse is, they saved Apocalypse,


like the younger version of


himself when they go back in time.


We also don't know where


Wolverine and Storm and Bastion,


question mark, like are.


um that's a good point yeah


because they all I don't


know where the fuck they


went so my speculation is


going to be I definitely


think they resolve this


you'll get some of that


time with like a young


cable with cyclops and gene


and get to see him be a kid


and then kind of go back


and they get to live in


that time of like raising


him or protecting him in


that kind of way yeah I


think that this next part


because we don't know where


magneto is either so there's that


Yeah, Magneto, Wolverine,


Professor X. Oh no, wait,


we do know we're Professor


X. Professor X and Magneto


are still in the same time.


Magneto's the one that


pulled all of their swords


away from them as they were


trying to kill Apocalypse.


Okay, so it's just Wolverine and Storm.


Wolverine, Storm, Forge, now Bishop.


Also enjoyed that callback, by the way,


to Days of Future Past when


Forge had the giant board


where everybody was.


That was so good.


I think having a Cyclops and Phoenix...


Honestly, I would really enjoy that.


Because I feel like they get


cut off from really diving


deep into their


relationship a lot of the time.




did anybody else notice that Cyclops


was talking to Wolverine and he's like,


you can't die.


You can't do this to her.


I was like, that man knows.


He knows.


I appreciate it.


He knows.


Oddly fine with it.


Um, here's what I'm going to say.


I do think that they're there.


I mean, they could,


there's a couple of ways in


which I think they could do it.


They could pull directly


from the age of apocalypse comic book,


like if they want to do and


in legions somehow


responsible because that is


the only person that is a


child of Charles Xavier,


which they've never touched on.


And, um,


For those that don't know,


Legion is the son of Charles Xavier,


and he usually has a hard


time because he's so many


different – he has schizophrenia.


And he has so many different personalities,


and different elements of


his mutation are split off


into all of his different personalities.


That's why he's never able


to be so strong.




in the prequel to the Age of


Apocalypse storyline called


Legion Quest –


all of his personalities are


consolidated into one and he becomes the,


like the most powerful


mutant on the planet.


And essentially what he does


is he creates a timeline


where Xavier never existed


and apocalypse is in control.


Oh, fuck.


Why would you do that?


Jesus Christ.


Why would you do that?


It's actually really more


psychological than that, where he's like,




I did it because I created a world


my dad never could.


I don't hate them.


I love them so much.


I created a world where


there's a mutant in charge


and everybody gets to live in harmony,


but what they sacrifice for that harmony.


So I'm still reading that event.


If you remember a few


episodes ago where my


addiction came back.


It's okay.


I'm reading through that


event and the Legion Quest


storyline is fucking wild.


So stay tuned.


I might have more


information on how we get here.


But that's my prediction.


Because that's how you could


resolve it really quick.


I don't have an answer.


I realize I didn't really


give an answer for what I predict.


I think I have a concern.


What's that?


My only concern is that


these villains are very OP.


You are not talking about


some we can blast them and


then shut them down.




only reason that these


motherfuckers beat Bastion


was because they had to


damn near sacrifice everything.


Apocalypse ain't no fucking joke either.


I imagine Apocalypse is a


step up from Bastion


because he's just... That's Apocalypse.


So how do you introduce


these OP villains and how


do you... What is the


redemption for Charles Xavier?


Because at the end of the day,


at its most simplistic level of reading,


Charles is the good guy.


He is the one and the leader


of the X-Men that people know.


He's the bald-headed


scallywag that brings them together.


We got all this with Magneto,


but really didn't get a lot


of meat and potatoes with Charles and


where, where does he go from, you know,


from this point now, like,


you know how much it changed.


So I'm kind of interested in


seeing that journey that they give him.


yeah that's why I think


legion could be interesting


because charles would have


to deal with something that


he created that wasn't


positive got it oh he would


have to look at that


straight in the face and


you'd have to feel like how


do I manage this like how


do I which could be


interesting especially


since it's clear that the


writers like to take like


these like family dynamics


and play with them a little


bit you could do something


with that I don't want to


get too into that rabbit


hole because usually what


happens when I go too far


down I'm usually wrong but


I could see that being an


element given all the


context clues I have.




I mean,


there's a lot of ways they could go


with it.


I'm really curious to see


what the product of this is


without Bo DeMaio in the same role.


I'm looking at Mason's comment.


Everything feels lusty.


Bring Asghar's rogue holding


camp's shield.


Love Marcus' mama.


Mimi made a sentence out of


all of our taglines.


That's impressive.


I like it.


I like it.


So I'm really curious.


I'm really curious to see


how this turns out without


him in the position that he had.


So I'm a little nervous,


but I also feel like you


know what everybody liked.


So I don't know.


I'm high on it.


I'm positive about it.


So I hope they can do it again.


Yeah, for sure.




anything that you all would like


to plug this week?


Heck yeah.


I'm here to tell you about


Color Me Confetti.


Heck yeah.


I'm laughing at Doug hitting a wall.


That's just the funniest part.


Head over to Etsy.com and


put in Color Me Confetti,


all one word in that search bar.


You'll find my wife's shop.


She's making printable party decorations.


You've got a party coming up.


You don't have to go anywhere.


You don't have to go to Amazon.


Go support a locally independent shop.


Word up.


There it is.


Marcus, what do you got?


Follow the mantra, never offended,


always humble,


no matter how many times


your friends pick on you.


That's going to be a lot.


We're going to do that a lot.


We're going to do that a lot.


That's what's going to happen.


You did, yeah.


Follow the mantra, never offended,


always humble.




and I'm proud of you for doing that


despite picking on you.


I'm proud of you for that.




I'm going to plug this podcast.


If you enjoyed our


conversation about X-Men 97,


share us with a friend or a


family member.


Let them know that they should listen.


That's the best way


independent podcasts get traction.


And it's the best way to get


us to get some more listeners.


It's the biggest thing that


you can do is share us with


a friend or a family member.


If you're feeling particularly generous,


head over to patreon.com


slash films in black and white.


Sign up for one of our tiers there.


We might even give you a tip


of the hat award.


Who knows?


But yeah, please head over there.


Consider signing up for one of our tiers.


We're doing some good stuff,


so it's a good time.


Help produce the show.




we have a three-step process to success.




lay us down with that funky first step,




hello my funky first step is


to read a book and I'm


telling you if you if


you're like brian I'm not


flush with cash I can't buy


books what am I a british


parliamentarian you know


what go to your library


this is me telling you go


to your library go get a


book and and read it we


just talked about x-men for


like almost an hour and a


half go get some x-men


comics go go read go read


things that energize you


and that excite you read a book


Yeah, please do.




lay us down with that soulful second step,




You want to make sure that you're soulful?


Make sure you drink some water?


I got chunky.


Oh, okay, cool.


All right, cool.


First step, soulful second step.


Guess what the third one's going to be?


Actually, I don't know.


It's getting hot outside.


I'm traveling Monday,


so I won't be here to pot.


We are taking next week off,


so none of us will be here to pot.


You turkeys will have to


deal with us and avoid in your life.


Gobble, gobble.


Just drink some water.


Just drink some water.




I want to give you a tasteful third step.


Hey, look, wash your ass.


It's important that you do that.


It's important you do it.


Look, we're in two shower season.


You might go outside.


It's starting to get humid.


So you're going to go


outside in the morning.


You're going to get up.


You're going to shower.


Get yourself fresh and ready for the day.


Then you're going to go out


and you're going to sweat all day.


Don't don't try to undo that


with the shower in the morning.


Don't get your sheets all


stinky with the with the


sweat of the day.


Just wash your ass and your


legs and your feet and the


bottoms of your feet.


You might go outside and


walk around in the grass.


You bring that inside.


Wash the bottoms of your feet, y'all.




So that does us.


for this week's episode.


We will not be back with


another tremendous episode.


In fact,


this is the last time for at least


three weeks that you will


not see this conglomeration


of three people.


Because when we get back


after Memorial Day,


it's a Doug and Brian classic.


And then after that,


it's a Doug and Marcus classic.


Oh, gee.


So it's a lot of me,


but not a lot of the three.


So you're going to have to


deal with it as we kind of go from there.


Mark's going to have to trade notes,


make sure we're keeping


Doug on track here.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


You know that as late as possible.


It's fucking typical.


They're going to have their


little chat and be like,


what'd he say to you this morning?


That's what he said to me.


That's going to be how it goes.


Yeah, GP taint.


That's another level.


But anyway, that's what we got.


So enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.


Have yourself a steak and a


beer or a beverage of your choice.


Enjoy your time with family.


But we'll be back after that.


And we're looking forward to it.


But until then, until then,


I forgot what I usually said.


But anyway, enjoy yourself.


And the between time.


Stay safe, stay healthy.


We love y'all.


We appreciate y'all.


We'll catch y'all in two weeks.


I'm playing music.


Take us out.


Not what I expected.


I dig it.


I've tried to switch it up


every once in a while.


I like it.


It's like my trance music


when I'm typing emails.






Ryan, I don't even listen to the music.


I just am like, yep, that's right.


You might be a psycho fan, though.

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Films in Black and White
A Comedy Podcast about Movies, Comics, and Pop Culture
Deep dive into the movie news of the week, featuring reviews and analysis for the more socially conscious moviegoer. Join Doug, Marcus and Bryan as they share their honest, in-depth, and hilarious perspectives on today's biggest movies, comics, and pop culture.
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Doug Wagner