Episode 26

Cereal, WWE, and Nicolas Cage aka "Booty Os"

Published on: 10th July, 2024

Bring your spoon, because we have a great episode of Cereal....I mean FILMS in Black and White.

We play a great game of Catch that Quotable, even if it is a little bit more challenging. After that Marcus leads us through a spur of the moment cereal bracket challenge. Then after much delay, we get into the movie news. Bryan gives us a final(we think) update of the paramount saga. Marcus sings his praises for the WWE and John Cena. Finally, Doug talks a little bit about Nicolas Cage!

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Support the Mantra: Never Offended Always Humble - https://linktr.ee/MarcusJ.Destin

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Pop it.


Pop it?


Pop it.


He went out.


He just went out.


Pop it.




Welcome to Films of Black and White,




All right, all right, all right.


How are you all feeling?


It is a great day to be with y'all.




we got like a premium dictionary


definition of a Sunday evening.


It is 79 degrees.


It is sunny.


We are so happy to be with


you all because it's really,


really great.


We got a great episode.


Y'all, this is a news episode.


So it is news in black and white,


which is really, really exciting for us.


So we're going to touch on


some things that we're interested in.


We might have a serial showdown,


which I'm very excited about.


I'm excited to dredge up old wounds.


But most importantly... It's


not really wounds.


It's just you.


Well, maybe they're wounds to me.




What cereal hurt you, Doug?


Tell me.


It's the whitest,


plainest cereal ever in existence.


I'll give you a hint.


You want to know what cereal hurt me?


Captain Crunch.


Oh my gosh.


Ryan and I were like on another level.


That was good.


Anyway, but in order to do this well,


in order to do it right,


we've got to make sure


everybody is welcomed and


brought into this space.


So I'm going to kick it on


down to Marcus J. Destin, a.k.a.


Ham Sandwich.


Marcus, how are you feeling, sir?


Reporting live from the scene.


We're up here feeling good, feeling great.


Nice 4th of July break,


but that also means we are


inching closer and closer


to the beginning of the semester.


For those keeping count,


it's like 100-something days,




It's like 50-something days.


It's like close.


Oh, it's close.


ever closer so this summer


flew the fuck by I don't


know what happened but it


flew yes it doesn't help


that they're already doing


back to school stuff in


target and you're like no I


still have sparklers in my


garage like stop it you


know yeah there's kids


there's naughty kids still


popping fireworks right


outside of my house yes yes


there are yeah


What was the question?


There was no question.


You're right, though.


I remarked to Brittany.


I was like,


I can't believe it's July 8th today.


It's July 8th, everybody.


We have Labor Day to look forward to,


and that's it.


And then here we go.


Here we go.


Time flies when you're having fun,


says that gushy external


validation in the chat.


Hanging with us in the Patreon chat.


You too can hang with us in


the Patreon chat or in the


chat in general when we go


live now on Instagram, Twitch, YouTube,


and Facebook.


Or you can catch this video


in its fullness by joining


our Patreon family for only


$5 less than your favorite cup of coffee.


Monthly, you can get to see some perks,


bonus episodes,


and you get to see these


pretty faces in HD 1080p now, actually.


absolutely and who wouldn't


want to do that uh but


brian roush unreliable


ecologist uh how are you


feeling sir dracologist I'm


happy to be here I'm going


to explain my chiron me uh


so maggie and I recently


purchased the board game


worm span and essentially


you play like a dragon


scientist call it


dracologist and you're just


trying to like


get these dragons in your


caves and at the end of the


game you get you have the


most points and so we've


been after we've learned it


we're like in it to win it


now and like one game I won


by like one point another


game I got blown out by


like 20 by my wife so like


just I'm a very unreliable


dragon scientist right now


like I got high highs I got


low lows so that's how I'm feeling right


What's the name of the game again?


It's called Wormspan.


It's a take on Wyvern.


If you've played the game Wingspan,


it's very similar.


We're huge board game geeks over here.


We finally got to sink our


teeth into this big game


over the long holiday weekend.


Everybody was like, yeah,


4th of July in America.


I was like, Dragons.


That's what we're doing.


We're doing dragons here.


Somebody clip that,


make that the commercial.


Somebody sponsor my man


Brian for this game.


That's how you do it.




Fourth of July?




Nah, just dragons.


Wingspan is my jam.


I affectionately call it


birds when I try to


convince my wife to play.


I'm like, hey,


you want to play some birds?


And she does not like


playing new games with me


because I'm a big fan of like, hey,


someone said this is a lot of fun.


But then I get out.


If the instruction manual


has more than a page.


Oh, man.


Like, get the fuck out of here.


Like, I don't have the time.


It's also partially my fault


because I don't read the directions.


Oh, man.


I'm one of those people that's like, no,


no, no.


We'll just figure it out as we go along.


How do you play D&D then?


Oh, my gosh.


It's different.




How is that different?


It's just there's a hell of


a room for D&D.


Oh, yeah.


OK, you're building a world here.


You can take your time.


There's no clock.


So Chilton's to your point.


Yes, we're talking board games,


but also you need to get


yourself a Maggie.


And I'm very lucky because


not everybody can have


Maggie because she like was


a former high school married.


She's also currently married.


My wife, but fuck up.


She was a former high school


English honors teacher.


So she has no problem


looking at information and


then looking at me and being like,


all right,


this is how I'm going to teach


you how to play this game after.


Dear Lord, I'm supporting a hypocrite.


I don't know what's happening in the chat.


I said board games and set


the chat on fire.


I said board games and we


got people calling us hypocrites.


What is everybody's go-to?


Let's go ahead and nip it out.


What is your favorite board game?


Let's do two answers because


y'all always give me good dad answers.


Give me your family board


game and then give me your individual.


I'm going to say no card games.


Nothing like Pokemon, no Yu-Gi-Oh,


no nothing like that.


How dare you?


That's reasonable.


Here's my favorite dad game.


I really like Break the Ice


with my children where you


have to knock out.


It's a game where there's a


blue plastic and it's


raised up a little bit and


there are little ice blocks


that are in there and


there's a penguin that's in


the middle and you have to


hit out an ice block without


letting the whole thing


fall and the penguin


falling on the inside.


And it's just really easy.


It's easy to set up.


They get a kick out of it.


Anytime the penguin falls in, they're like,


oh, you killed the penguin.


They're very into it.


So it's easy to set up.


It's easy to clean up.


And here we go.


Currently, my favorite board game to play,


like if I'm playing with other adults...


I really like Ticket to Ride.


Ticket to Ride has been my jam lately.


Oh, man.


But if someone wants to learn birds,


I love to teach him.


Birds is great.


What is birds?




Am I stupid?


Oh, okay.


No, you're good.


That's what I call wingspan is birds.


Oh, this motherfucker think he cool.


He get to call it a nickname.


Oh, calling it a thing.


Yeah, that's right.




Favorite dad game.


We play a game called Outfoxed,


which is basically like a


takeoff on Clue a little bit.


And you have to kind of go


through and be like...


Hey, did this person steal the turkey?


Oh, no.


We know that the thief has a necklace.


And then you look at all the suspects.


Does anyone have a necklace?


And you're like, yeah,


that one has a necklace.


So you're like,


this one moves up on the suspect board.


So it's really good.


I kind of get involved with it.


It's kind of nice.


It's a mixture of clue and guess who.


yes yeah that's it it's a


little bit of both it's not


totally like I mean


obviously it's for children


but it's like this is nice


that we get to do it as a


team um which is nice uh


but yeah my uh if it's just


if we're if we're talking


like game night uh with the


adults uh yeah I definitely


am obsessed with with worm


span my risk used to be my go-to


But it's also really hard to choose one.


I've also played a lot of


Settlers of Catan, Cities of Night.


So, yeah, that's where I'm at.


Marcus, do you have a favorite board game?


I must be out of the board


game for a while because I


did not know all of these


board games existed.


These titles and names are


throwing me for a loop


because I didn't know shit


about half of these games


that y'all are saying.


Or maybe I don't play enough games.


Maybe that's the problem.


I feel like...


Okay, as a family,


my family does pretty well with, like,




Ooh, that's a good one.


We love Sequence.




we will bust that shit out at any


moment and talk cash shit


from the youngest to my grandmother.


Like, that's how we get down.




And I think, individually, this is, like,


super, super corny, but, like,


I grew up with...


as far as board games go,


I grew up playing Scrabble with my mom.


So me and my mom get really


competitive over Scrabble


and I love words.


And so like,


that's one that I think is like,


I'm always down to play a


game of Scrabble and then like sequence,


I'm always on the bus out


of game of sequence.


Now card games,


we'll have to talk about


that another time because


that's a completely different topic.


yeah I i can't spell very


well so scrabble was never


my jam just because I'm not


a very good speller so like


they'd be like oh that was


close doug but you're


missing a u and I'm like


well god damn it then um


and so I always lose


scrabble because I spell


shit wrong that's just how


it goes and it gets and you


can't do that when you're


playing with somebody like


my mom or my grandmother


who because they take that


that's not a word like it


becomes a whole thing yeah


I see Mahjong tiles from


that good shit all day, baby.


And then he said, hold up,


did you say that the


penguin falls and dies?


My kids are really into it?


My kids are,


they get really excited


because the penguin falls in.


And lately,


my five and seven year old have


all been about like, oh no, it dies.


Like that's just kind of been,


I don't know if they watch something, but


Things are dying in my house,


and we're trying to be like, hold on.


Let's not get too excited.


But lately, yes.


Like, oh, you knocked him in.


But lately, it's been like, oh, he died.


And then Harrison,


because he's really into


the word about butt cheeks, he'll go like,




he fell down and broke his butt cheek.


And you're like, what?


Yeah, I guess he did.


Butt cheek is a funny word.


It's the t-t and the ch-eek.


It's a good word.


It's the eek that makes it great.


Because you can really make


it like your butt cheek.


You can really get that


emphasis out on butt cheek.


Welcome to the grown podcast.


This is an adult podcast.


But Doug Demolition Man


Demolition Man?




I almost exploded half of my family


on the 4th of July.


It's not on purpose.


It's never on purpose.


No, it was absolutely not,


but I got to running.




We were lighting off fireworks,


and we had fireworks that


were left over from last year,


so they were old.


And one of them, I set it up the right way,


I lit the fuse, I stepped back and said,


okay, everybody, it's about to go off,


prepped everybody,


and then that must have, I don't know,


tipped over,


and it then went firing at


everybody and the house,


and they looked at me and they went,


what is wrong with you?


And I was like, you guys, I am so...


I'm so sorry.


Did you put yourself in timeout?


They said, like,


maybe you're done for a while.


I was like, no, no,


maybe I am done for a while.




I just kind of sat down in a chair


and I was like,


somebody else light


fireworks for a while.


And then my brother-in-law


proceeded to go and do


almost the same thing,


not two fireworks later.


So then I was redeemed


because it wasn't just me.


It's a firework.


yeah it's a fine line yeah


yeah I you know as soon as


fourth of july happened


like my tiktok feed started


to shift towards fireworks


accidents pretty much like


so maybe you should I don't


know doug maybe you you


were gonna show up there I


don't know man now I i I


almost did I kind of there was a moment


I think I'm too old for Roman candles.


I think I've made that decision.


There's a moment where you get,


because here's the thing.


The thrill of a Roman candle


is not the firework itself.


When you light up a Roman candle,


it's shooting about each


other or it's holding it.


This one had seven shots and


I got to six and I was like,


what if it blows up in my hand?


And I went, okay, I'm too old for these.


Like, I'm too old for these,


because that's what I'm


thinking about now.


What if it blows up in my hand?




that's totally that dad energy flowing


through you.


I'm just like,


this is an unnecessary risk


I have to take.


I have a responsibility now.


Wow, how will I type like this?


how would I feed my family


wow I work at a job where


it's mostly computing I


should put this down and


then I had this notion to


throw it and I was like no


no no it's not done don't


throw it like it's I had a


whole internal battle like


hey at least you didn't


throw it towards the


fireworks supply area or


the or the family members


because this was post


almost destroying them


I feel like I, growing up in, like,


when we were in Louisiana,


the 4th of July was, like, the jam,




Like, granddad kicking,


granddad and my uncle drinking beers,


cooking hog.


Like, they got the turkey going.


Like, they're going to full shebang for,


like, and then, of course,


when the sun go down and you're on a,


like, farm or, like, a lot of land,


you get your shit off.


You live in a small area, like,


where you can be in the street and, like,


once in every blue moon, a car, like,


a few cars will come or


something like that.






shooting Roman candles at each other.


Like, it's just like,


that's what it was having


firecracker wars,


throwing things at each other.


Now I had a similar experience.


My Greg and my grandmother, right.


She was, um,


she had surgery done on like her,


some knee surgery or something like that.


So she was in like a, like a Walker.


And so everybody was on the patio.


They was drinking.


Somebody set off the firework that tilted,




And then it did the spinning thing,


so it went.


So it went and headed towards the porch,


was on the porch about like


two feet away from her,


and the shit just started spinning.


Everybody just left.


Everybody ran in their


separate directions.


She just sat there.


And I was like, damn,


that's kind of fucked up.


It's cold.


It's a cold world out here, right?


It really is.


It really is.


Nobody was harmed or injured,


but it was a little touch


and go there for a second.


That's absolutely hilarious.


Well, terrible, terrible, but hilarious.




I'm glad everybody's still in one piece.


Demolition, man.


They are.


They are, thankfully, in one piece.


Thankfully, gentlemen,


we have a whole ass episode to get to.


But before we do that,


we need to play a little game.


We like to call catch that.






Thank you.


The silky sounds of Marcus J. Gentlemen,


I'm going to log in here


and get this quote pulled


up because I did not do that before.


I believe, if I'm not mistaken,


we are at around like $80, give or take.


We are.


So if we get this, I think we get,


what is it, $20 per thing?


No, it's 10.


Yeah, well,


so we'll be close and we'll be


making a donation, a matching donation,


one that comes from Romans


Inn and one that comes from


our actual inn to a


domestic violence center or


some domestic violence


program or something of the


sort to support those in need there,


because that was a promise


that we made a couple months ago.




Roman also said he upped the


difficulty a little bit to


try and keep us on our toes,


which is fair.


We are close.


He doesn't want to make it easy,


which I get.


So here we go.




are you ready for this week's quote?


Hit me.


Hit me.


I suffer without my stone.


Do not prolong my suffering.


Oh, my God.


You know what it is, right?


I suffer without my stone.


Do not prolong my suffering.


That is such an ambiguous ass, like,




I'm going to start the timer.


We got a minute, boys.


How we want to do this?


I got no idea what this is.


I'm going to start off off the rip.


Yeah, I have no idea what this is.


I suffer without my stone.


Can you read it again?


I suffer without my stone.


Do not prolong my suffering.


I suffer without my stone.


I suffer without my stone.


Do not prolong my suffering.


Do not prolong my suffering.


It's like the priest from


Princess Bride showed up in


a Monty Python show.


He was in a regular... I


really don't know what it is.


I suffer without my stone.


I suffer without my stone.


Do not prolong my suffering.


Do not prolong my suffering, boy.


Say it in a woman's voice, apparently,


is what the clue is in the chat.


Okay, read it again,


but in a woman's voice.


This might help.


Be careful.


I don't know if I can do that.


I haven't suffered without my stone.


Is this a witch thing?


Like an English woman's voice?


Could be, could be, could be.


It's a witch.


i need a hit roman I need a


hit the time's up I mean I


i also like I like witches


so I don't know I'm a


little biased it is a


witch's day uh I don't know


it's for agatha all along I


don't know why you're


looking like that no no I


know he likes witch I know


it's for agatha all along


it's just it was such a


random aside like I'm like


I like witches so I might be biased


I was like, about what, Brian?


Like, about what?


My man is feeling witchy.


He just wanted the world to know.


No, I'm just saying I'm biased.


I'm biased towards a quote


being about witches.


Oh, about being about, got it.


Okay, there we go.


Fantasy stuff.


The individual saying it is


much larger than a person.


I'm never going to get this.


Here's the thing that I got this at.




This makes me feel like,


do you remember that movie


where Sean Connery played a dragon?


I think it was called Dragonheart.


I feel like this could be Dragonheart,


just because that's the


only thing I can think of.


Or something else dragon-related,


but that's all that I got.


The individual's saying it


is much larger than a person.


I'm thinking like a Jack and a Beanstalk.


Something like that, maybe.


I'm going with Dragonheart


just because I have to lock in something,


and that is my locket.


I don't know, man.


King Arthur.


I don't know, man.


I don't know.


King Arthur.




can you search it and then give us a




I'm adamant about this shit


because I feel like it


feels like an animation.


Is it?


No, but there is a dragon in this,


but I was incorrect.


There's a dragon in this.


There's a dragon in it,


but I was incorrect.


I got nothing.


I know we're not getting it.


Just tell us what it is.


This is the movie Eragon.


Oh, fuck.


I was thinking Eragon.


You said Dragonheart.


And it's John Malkovich.


Glabatrix says, I suffer without my stone.


Yeah, that seems like a Jeff.


Do not prolong my sufferings.


Yeah, that seems like a line for him.




Hey, congratulations, Roman.


You beat us.


Does it make you feel better


about yourself?


No, that was a good one.


Eragon came out when we were in college,


at least when I was in college.




And I remember that book series was huge.


Never saw that movie.


But I was like, boy,


this looks like it's for me.


The movie was bad.


I heard the movie was not great.


I heard the books were good.


I think there's three books.


I read the first three.


The movie just didn't do well.


It didn't do well.


Those were prime sweating days for me,




Excuse me?


Don't worry about it.




I've been kind of on a tear with voices.


I listened to an NPR story


where a Texas man...


said something about


preparing for the hurricane


and I replayed that shit 10


times wait why right after


why because he was like you


see down here we gotta I


gotta make sure that I put


all these girders around in


my boat because the water


and the storm surge is


gonna come up and if I


don't want to lose my boat


and I just kept I'd go back


and I'd be like I would


take a break and I'd be like I gotta


put these burgers on my boat.


You took a break?


Would you take a water break


or like a Gatorade break?


No, no, no, no.


Like I would have nothing in


the car and I would try to


do his voice back to him


that I would play it again.


So you're doing it.




Oh, I get this.


Hey, if you're ever concerned,


you never see those people


who are shaving and driving.


You won't see me shaving and driving.


You will see me try voices


while I'm driving.


That's equally as dangerous.


It is because I get into it.


I love it.


I love it.




Forget it.


How do you get into it?




how do you know you've hit a stride


where you've gone too far into like,


It's when I start giving


them like backstories that aren't there.


I got it.


So yeah,


I got to prepare my boat because


this is all I have after the divorce.


Like that's usually like,


that's where I'm like, okay,


that's where it's now gone.


All right.


Got it.


Thank you for answering my question.


That was a perfect answer.


There you go.


That was a perfect answer.


So I give these people backstories.




Yeah, it's all she left me in the divorce.


It's all she left me in the divorce.


And if this boat goes down,


I ain't got nothing left.


Like, that's just.


Yeah, like,


you should get your priorities together,




Yeah, man.


I get it.


If it was all I had, yeah,


I'd put girders on my boat.




you had a this or that you wanted


to play with us.


What do you got?


Brian is, yo,


that was the wildest segment.


And you talked about Brian's


little one-off shit.


Like, yours is just as equally as crazy.


I felt goaded into it.




All right, here's what we're going to do,




We are going to go.


Oh, God.


And we're going to have a cereal contest.


If you were here for our last one,


it's MCU.


It was, we had an MCU showdown,


which had some of the MCU,


some of it not.


This is not a perfect or


like well thought out, like ours bracket,


like our brackets are,


but these are 32 options


and we're going to go down


all the way to number one.


All right.


Is everybody ready?




This first matchup is like


horrifying to me.


So let's do it.


So our first matchup,


we have strawberry milkshake,


frosted flakes versus Twinkies cereal.




Twinkies cereal?




Does it have the cream in the middle?


That's what I was asking.


It's gotta have something in it.


It has to.


That feels like too much.


I'm going Frosted Flakes


strawberry milkshake.


This feels like I'm picking


from the bottom of the barrel.


I agree.


I'm gonna react less to the


strawberry milkshake situation.




We have Kellogg's.


That was a weird way to


start the competition.


I didn't like it.


We have Kellogg's Frosted Flakes,


the original versus Reese's Puffs cereal.


Reese's Puffs cereal.


Reese's Puffs.


It's not as filling,


but it's more satisfying.


I do like Frosted Flakes.


I can eat Frosted Flakes at any point,


but I do enjoy a Reese's Puffs cereal.


Next up,


Captain Crunch Crunch Berries


versus Kellogg's Eggo


Blueberry Waffle Cereal.


Oh, golly.


Okay, well, Crunch Berries, right?


I mean, Crunch Berries?


Yeah, Crunch Berries with my jelly.


I'm just more familiar with


Crunch Berries.


Yeah, me too.




Next up, we have Icy the Cereal.


Icy Cereal.


That's weird.


I felt weird saying it out loud.


Icy the Cereal and S'mores the Cereal.


Both of these,


you will lose all your feet and all toes.


Immediate diabetes.


I'm going S'mores.


I'm also upset that it's


spelled with a Z. But I'm going S'mores.


I remember these from the early 2000s,


I think is when these came out,


which is why it's got the


attitude Z at the end.


I'm going to go with S'mores.


Attitude Z. That's exactly what it is.


Next up,


we have Honeycomb Big Real Honey


Flavor Cereal versus Waffle Crisp.


I'm going Waffle Crisp.


I'm going Honeycomb.


Yeah, I had Honeycomb.


I didn't mind it.


It was a little bland,


but I had Honeycomb.


So you're like, okay,


we're going Honeycomb.


Alright, well,


fuck Waffle Crisp and fuck me too.


Raisin Bran Cereal and Honey Smacks.


I'm going Honey Smacks.


Oh, Raisin Bran.


I'm also going raisin bran


I'm sorry the dance


outmoded you I can't see


him but I know that he's


like he's taunting me I


couldn't see him I'm not


it's just I guys when these


came up I went well this is


where I am now the outlier


and so when brian was like


raisin brown I'm like fuck


yeah I'm gonna slam that


how do y'all not like honey


smacks honey smacks is so


good marcus I love the I


love the chewy raisin in


there it's nice oh


the one chili raisin.


No, it's more than that.


All right.


We want to go Captain Crunch.


Oops, all berries or frosted miniweeds.


You know what?


This is a frosted miniweeds.


Frosted, yeah.


Oops, all berries.


I will say this.


If this is a game where


you're not having milk, it's dry cereal.


It's oops, all berries.


Frosted miniweeds is like


eating sawdust without the milk.


If we went as specific as


Strawberry Frosted Flakes,


I'm going to change my answer.


Because if it's Strawberry


Frosted Mini Wheats, I'm in.


But I'm going to go Oops All Berry.


It doesn't matter.


I'm lost anyway.


Going down with the berries.




and with that Llama Llama Red Pajama




Yes, sign me up.




All right.


Golden Graham Cereal versus


Red Berries Kill All Special Cake.


No, Golden Grahams.


Yeah, Golden Grahams.


I don't like Golden Grahams.


Special K is the one.


What the hell?


I don't like them.


They're overrated.


I can't believe that shit.


Round nine.


That was just bullshit.


I just think he's bullshitting us.


I don't think he's getting


around his answer.


man this is this is this is


chips ahoy ahoy versus


fruit loops fruit loops I


mean fruit loops it's it's


classic I mean they served


in for hotels for pete's


sake funny enough fruit


loops is still an


underrated cereal like


amongst all of the cereal


it is still like not


mentioned as much as it


should be all right round


10 pops versus tricks I


have a before we answer I


have a clarifying question yeah


Is this just tricks in


general or is this tricks


with fruity shapes?


Because yes, it does change my answer.


It does.


It says six fruity shapes.


Then I'm going with tricks


because lately they have


changed tricks where it's


not the shapes anymore.


It's just like round balls.


And if that were the case,


I'm going pops because it's the shapes.


I'm going tricks.


Yeah, I'm going Trix, too.


I'm going Pops.


Trix just never did it for me.


Yeah, Pops was kind of... I don't know.


They were just bland.




some people eat Frosted Mini


Wheats without milk.


So, good luck to you in the chat.


Alright, don't die.


Alright, here we go.


Good luck to you in the chat.




just regular Cheerios or Cocoa


Buff cereal?


I mean... I mean...


This is Cocoa Puffs for me.


I'm going Cheerios.


Obviously, if my doctor's watching,


it's Cheerios, you know,


because of that heart health, you know.


I'm going Cheerios,


but I am adding blueberries


to my Cheerios.


Okay, who won?


Because that threw me off.


It's Cocoa Puffs.


I was just trying to make a


joke about how Jera is


definitely better for you.


No way.


No way.


That's real.


This feels like a trap.


It is a trap.


Plot twist, I made this.


So that is actually a real cereal.


Is it really?


I think so.


Because it's got a WWF.


Maybe it's not.


Somebody should look that up.


I can't exit the screen.




I'm really upset with how they drew them.




What if they really look like that?


That's nevermind.


We're getting distracted by


the long thing.


Lucky charms.


This is a WWE tie-in serial.


Is that their lips or their teeth?


Because if it's their lips,


then they've got some explaining to do.


That's their teeth, buddy.


Here's the thing.


It looks weird, right?


And my knee-jerk reaction is


that's racist.


Don't do that.


It's racist, WWE.


I'm going Lucky Charms.


I'm also going Lucky Charms.


I'm going Booty O's.


Because I don't support a racist cereal.


I'm going Booty O's.


Support the black creators.


At Wrestlemania 32 tie-in cereal.


Support the black creators.


I'm going for Booty O's.




These are new.


Cosmic brownie cereal?


Cosmic brownie cereals


versus cinnamon checks.


I voted


I'm going cinnamon checks


because cosmic brownie


cereal sounds like too much.


You know,


I'm probably going to go cosmic


brownie cereal.


I'm going to go cosmic brownie.


Cinnamon check sounds crazy.


I'm sorry.


Do you guys go to the dentist regularly?


Who the fuck is looking at your teeth?


I didn't have any cavities last time,




I'd like to try again.


It's a little bully for you, Brian,


because you're really


playing with fire there.


Roman Barrett said,


what do the bootyos taste like?


They taste like ass.


All right.


Next up,


we are going to go honey bunches


of oats with almonds versus


Eggo homestyle waffle cereal.




I'm going honey bunches because I


literally had that this morning.


I'm also going with honey bunches of oats.


I'll go Eggo, but yeah, for sure.




Why do I feel like you're


picking just the cereal


that I'm not picking?


No, that's not true.


That's not true.


That's not true.


Okay, family size doesn't matter.


Fruity Pebbles Crunched or Golden Crisp?


I'm going Golden Crisp.


I'm going to go Golden Crisp


over the Fruity Pebbles,


but that's the only time


Golden Crisp is going to


win for me because, like, man,


it's just sugar.




it's the most sugar cereal I can


think of.


The mascot's name is literally Sugar Bear.




Good point.


Good point.


I don't know.


Yeah, what did you pick, though?


I'm going to go with Fruity Pebbles.


All right.




Who won?


Where are you going, Marcus?


Golden Crisp.


All right.


Golden Crisp it is.


And then Golden Crisp won.


All right.




All right.


Apple Jack cereal versus Cocoa Pebbles.


I'm going Apple Jacks.


I like the consistency better.




You know?


I disagree with Apple Jacks.


All right.


Here we go.


Jesus Christ.


Honey Bunches of Oats with


Omens versus Galactic Lucky Charms.


We are now at the head-to-head matchups.


Honey Bunches of Oats.


Yeah, I'm still going Honey Bunches.


Proud of you, Crunch.


Proud of you.


All right, next up,


we got Fruit Loops versus


S'mores with an Attitude Z. Fruit Loops.


Fruit Loops, for sure.


All right, here we go.


Strawberry Frosted Flakes


versus Cocoa Puffs.


Cocoa Puffs.


For sure.




Captain Crunch Crunch Berries versus Trix.




Crunch Berries.


Captain Crunch for me.


Yeah, I'm going Crunch Berries.


Crunch Berries.


Crunch Berries.


All right.


Frosted Mini Wheats,


the original versus Cosmic


Brownie Cereal.


I refuse to answer until Marcus answers.


I'm going Frosted Mini Wheats.


Eat it.


Frosted Mini Wheats.


I'm also going Frosted Mini Wheats.


Why are you trying to be so divisive?




All right.


Honeycomb Cereal versus


Reese's Puff Cereal.


This is Reese's Puffs for me.


Yeah, I'm going Reese's Puffs.


That's also my selection.


Why is he waiting to pick?


I don't know.


I don't know.


I don't know, man.


He's trying to prove a point


that's not going to get proven.


Golden Crisp versus Apple Jacks?


I'm going Apple Jacks.


Apple Jacks.


I am also going Apple Jacks.


doing that shit.


I don't know if you're


trying to be dramatic.


I don't know what's happening here.


He wants to wait for me to


pick as if I'm doing the


opposite of him and I'm not.


We've agreed on most of these,


I feel like.


Doug, why are you doing this?


You always make it seem like


we are fighting brothers.


I pick Raisin Bran.


I am without my stone.


Laughter Laughter Laughter


All right.


Raisin Bran cereal versus Golden Grahams.


Raisin Bran.


I guess I'm going Golden Grahams.


I think I'm like... I'll go Raisin Bran,




I think.


Golden Grahams taste like cardboard.


They do.


That's the thing.


It doesn't really have a lot of taste.


It's nice and sweet.


A little sugar over top of


the Raisin Bran is always good.


Frosted Mini Wheats.


The original versus Fruit Loops.


I'm going Fruit Loops.


Frosted Mini Wheats.


I'm going Fruit Loops.




All right, here we go.


Honey Bunches of Oats with


Almonds versus Cocoa Puffs.


I'm going Cocoa Puffs.


HBO's with almonds.


It's got to be Honey Bunches.


Cocoa Puffs just turns,


it's just chocolate milk after a while.


That's good.


What the fuck is wrong with that?


Reese's Puffs cereal versus Apple Jacks.


I'm going Apple Jacks.


I'm going Reese's Puffs.


Reese's Puffs.


It tastes so good.


It really does.


Did y'all both go Reese's Puffs?


We did.


I know.


We're starting to... Raisin


Bran Crunch versus Cap'n


Crunch Crunch Berries.


I'm still going Raisin Bran, sorry.


We got people rooting for


Raisin Bran in the chat.


I don't know where I'm falling on this.


Y'all motherfuckers gonna hate me.


I'm going Crunch Berries.


Gosh, really?


Sorry, Brian.


think of your colon brian no


no no think of the fun


thing think of how rough


this major brian the roof


of your mouth is made of


steel because okay here's


the thing raisin bran


raisin bran like it you're


like it's healthy but then


like you look at the added


sugars and it's just as


much as like any other like


sugar branded cereal


Everything's organic raisins in it.


They toss those fuckers in


sugar and then they were like,


now put them in.


That's why I'm going Captain Crunch.


At least I know what I'm


getting with Captain Crunch.


Raisin Bran.


And I like to be lied to,


so Raisin Bran for me.




That's true.


You got to know what your thing is.


Honey Bunches of Oats,


HBO with almonds versus Froot Loops.


Honey Bunches of Oats.


I'm going to call them exclusively.


I'm calling them HBOs from now on.






That's what I'm calling them.


HBOs Max.


Oh, my God.


It was this.


The HBOs.


It was the best one.


Yeah, that was solid.


It was fine.


We said that.




I'm going –


Look, I eat HBO.


It's like every other day.


But man, I like Fruit Loops better.


I just do.


I do like Fruit Loops.


I'm sorry.


I do love Fruit Loops better.


Yeah, I do.




Both of those brands lost.


All right.


Here we go.


Reese's Puffs cereal versus


Crunch Berries.


Reese's Puffs.




Reese's Puffs.


Yeah, I'll go Reese's Puffs.


I feel like we dragged you


along for Reese's Puffs.


Here we go for the final round.


Oh, man.


Reese's Puffs cereal versus Fruit Loops.


Going Reese's Puffs.




I think when it boils down to it for me,


all fruit cereals taste very similar.




Look at the mascot, though.


Nobody's talking about the mascot.


2K and Sam.


It's very much for kids of just like,


look at this cartoon bird


and eat his circles.


I don't know.


What about the fact that is


Reese's Puffs cereal the


best version of a peanut butter cereal?




What other peanut butter


cereals are out there?


Captain Crunch does one.


There's some other options out there.


It's the texture and the consistency.


That shit is rough.


It is.


It's smooth, but it's got crunch,


but it's got... It's not


falling apart in your mouth.


I don't know.


I don't know how to describe this.


It's Reese's Puffs for me.


I guess I like the way it


feels in my mouth.




I know what I said.


I know.


I should have thought about


that just a tad bit more.


oh it's good I answered that


question after the fact I


want to answer I saw that


question in the chat I want


to go back to it because


that'll be good good


question survey it's a


great question question


loops or reese's puffs doug


wagner what is your


decision reese's puffs all


right brian roush what is


your decision I'm locking


in reese's puffs all right


so it really doesn't matter


what the fuck I do huh


reese's puff wins you


brought us the bracket it


wins the match I don't know


You're the one that brought


us the bracket and bootios.


That's something I will forget.


I was introduced to that live on air.


You remember the Bustin' Up


bar from Tropic Thunder?


Oh, yes.


Bustin' Up bar?




Booty sweat and bustin' up.


Energy drink and bustin' up bar.


That movie was great.


You can't remake


But that was a great movie.


No, you can't.


But it was awesome.


All right.


Here was a question from one


of our viewers on Twitch.




Do you think your ratings


would change if you had to


use almond milk or soy milk


to wash down the cereal


like a banana flavored


almond milk instead of whole milk?


It's a great question.


A little bit.


Wait, hold on really quick.


What milks do you all


currently put in your cereals?


A vanilla almond milk.






Black people are lactose intolerant,


so I'm trying to.


I guess we're learning things today.


The more you know.


I'm a 2% cow's milk kind of guy.


I am sorry.




Human milk?


What the fuck?


I'm a skim milk person.


Always have been.


So that's me.


I don't think my rating...


If it's a banana-flavored almond milk,


yeah, my ratings are going to change.


Actually, Reese's Puffs would be good.




It would be okay.


It wouldn't be terrible.


I feel like it would help


the sugar cereals a whole lot.




I don't think my ratings


would change a whole ton.


Y'all really don't like sweet cereal.


Y'all really are.


I mean, it's just more of a dessert now.


As a kid,


I would put away Cinnamon Toast


Crunch like it was my job.


I thought Frosted Cheerios were healthy.


They were not.




I know, right?


I like to be lied to,


so if there's a cereal that's like,


this is healthy,


and I don't have to look at


the nutritional information,


then I'll eat just about whatever.


I think, to answer your question, for me,


because I think I might


have been the only one,


almond milk in a vanilla or


a chocolate or something


It's usually pretty good with anything.


I think that's the best


tasting milk for me.


Even the regular milk


doesn't taste the same as


when I was growing up.


You used to down it.


They did the milk propaganda,


that whole thing.


It's just not the same anymore.


I think that might change my decision,


but not too much.


I think when Brittany was


pregnant with Harrison,


I feel like we gave up milk


for a little while and we


only drank almond milk for


a little while.


I mean,


we changed to whole wheat bread


during Maggie's first pregnancy.


I only eat whole wheat bread.


Is that what you buy now forever?


We're 42 minutes in and


we've just... Fuck movies.


Fuck the groceries in black and white.


Hey, what did you buy today in this week?


Nobody gives a fuck.


You ever have those grapes


that taste like cotton candy?


yeah who bought those


yesterday they were so good


fucking groceries are too


expensive um and what about


airplane food I had to put


the girders on my boat all


right all right it's about


to go but we are a movie


podcast believe it or not


yeah we are a grocery and


cereal podcast uh so brian


You are live and in living


color with Paramount Plus on that.


What do you got, sir?


So as you for our listeners, you know,


we've been following this


beat that Paramount has


basically just been


shouting from the top of


their mountain logo like somebody buy us.


And so they got their wish.


They are going to be merging


slash acquired by Skydance.


And if you've heard us talk


about this before,


this is a company run by


David Ellison that has


produced movies such as Top Gun Maverick,


as well as Mission Impossible.


possible movies so they are


they're very much in the


movie making business and


they have uh they they sent


out a deal to sherry


redstone who is the leader


of paramount uh she is the


heir to the to basically


her her family's creation


of paramount and the entire


movie studio and


essentially skydance made a


really good offer now if


you're like hey wait a


minute didn't that fall apart


It sure did.


Last month,


they walked away from negotiations,


but it was reported yesterday,


over the Fourth of July weekend,




that Skydance and Paramount had


come to good terms.


And basically,


I could give you a bunch of


business mumbo-jumbo,


but the quick summary here


is that Sherry Redstone is


going to get a ton of money.




like like billions of


dollars in stock if she


sells it which she probably


will uh and that was one of


the sticking points so


she's gonna she's gonna be


a billionaire so congrats


to her and she gets more


legal protection for


shareholders that want to


sue her because she may be


cashed out when she could


have got a better deal and


it adds around with that


nina with that nina


So basically all in all


paramount leadership got,


got some good money and


David Ellison is now going


to be this big paramount mogul.


So it's over.


It's all done.


There's probably going to be


a ton of changes coming up


in the next year or two.


So that, that is the end of the saga.


for Paramount.




we appreciate your due diligence in


following the beat and


following that storyline


through and through.


I don't know what the fuck


is wrong with Doug.




Doug is currently missing from his chair.


Talk about some fucking...


Ride around with that Nina randomly.


Ride around with that Nina.


Why are you yelling?


Is Nina slang for money?


I don't know.


It's from a song called Cashing Out,


and that's what made me laugh.


And then before that,


his stupid ass kept


whispering in the background,


good for her.


Good for her.


You don't know her from a lick of Adam.


You talking about some


fucking good for her.


I mean,


if you got Sherry Redstone on speed dial,


that'd be great.




I don't fucking marry Sherry Redstone.


Well, she is 70 years old.




She'll call me a couple


slurs on the way there,


but I'll get paid.


I'll get paid.


So there might be an age difference,


a significant age difference, but I mean,


she's probably going to be


a billionaire in the next year or so.


So I don't know if that's worth it to you.


Sometimes you got to eat that shit.


Yeah, for sure, Sherry.


What'd you call me?


What'd you call me?


An elevator attendant?




Okay, that's fine.


What'd you say?


A moon cricket for a million dollars?


That's fine.


I'll be the million dollar moon cricket,


I guess.


I don't even know half of this.


I don't know if it's like... Oh, it's bad.


Okay, it is bad.


You know what?


These are things that are so


dumb that racist people


call black people that just


are like... You know,


it's a shame that that is a slur.


It's a shame that that's a


slur because Million Dollar


Moon Cricket is a great AKA.


It would have been a great AKA this week.


It would have been a great AKA.


Million Dollar Moon Cricket


would have sold...


I would have been like,


that's the fucking AKA.


Racists really just come up


with the dumbest stuff.


I don't even understand.


Leave me alone.


Anyway, Paramount,


there's going to be a whole restructuring,


so get excited for that and


everything that comes with that.


Is she going to be...


She's not going to be making decisions.


She's just the owner, right?


She's basically giving up


all of her authority to


make decisions so that David Ellison,


this guy from Skydance,


is going to start making decisions.


They're bringing in an


executive from NBC to also


help run things.


So it's going to be a weird...


I don't know.


I think it's going to be a weird mix.


I don't want anyone to lose their jobs,


but I think it's very clear


they're going to downsize


that operation pretty


significantly to try to


make it profitable.


I hope everybody makes it


out okay on the other end


of Paramount because we saw


what happened with HBO and


WB and all that good stuff.




Marcus, what do you have, sir?


I believe you're reporting


live ringside with some WWE news.


All right.


So I was watching some, you know,


world wrestling entertainment.


There was a great quote,


and I'm going to butcher


the fuck out of it.


I was trying to find a way


to describe what wrestling is.


And I think it was from


Triple H in like a recent interview.


And it was like,


is it a is WWE a sports


show or is it in the entertainment?


And they was like,


it's a documentary of a sports show.


It's like an entertaining


documentary of a sports


show or something like that.


And I think that kind of made sense.


Somebody could like maybe


look up the quote to help me out here.


But the way he explained it


put a different view on wrestling,


because I think it's such


an interesting thing.


medium of entertainment in


general that I didn't


consider when I was a kid


right it's like oh the


insult used to be you know


wrestling is fake right but


it's like yeah no shit but


it's also they have these


storylines they tell these


stories like all of that


kind of shit that and the


way that they tell them and


then the way that these


actors act when they're not


in like their wwe world is


also kind of crazy too um


I did.


Triple H said there's


nothing like WWE and the


fan base is constantly


craving more and said WWE


isn't a sport but compared


it to a movie or TV series about a sport.


ballers of that same kind of breath.


I thought that was interesting.


It put the show into perspective.


Wrestling is making a great


comeback ever since they


got rid of Vince McMahon.


I'm not really sure if he's dead or alive.


He is alive.


He's still a terrible person.


Yes, he still has the mustache.


He won't let it go.


Damn it.


Yeah, he still won't let it go.


But he's out.


The Nasty Motherfucker is out.


Triple H and the new leadership is in.


It's not just Triple H,


but it's a lot of people.


So the wrestling storylines


are kind of picking back up


for those that are keeping track.


The Bloodline storyline with Roman Reigns,


who is the big dog usually in wrestling.


He has stepped back.


Unfortunately, in real life,


Roman Reigns lost his real life father.


And so he's been dealing with that.


And his entire family are


legends in wrestling.


You know, I mean,


it just you just can go follow it.


The Bloodline storyline,


which is him and then two


of his two of his family members,


he would run the Bloodline


with Paul Heyman being his wise man.


The Bloodline has been taken


over and he was like, trade it.


um he was betrayed by


somebody within the


bloodline when roman lost


in wrestlemania 40 to cody


rhodes um solo took over


and now has like turned him


to a heel like a complete


heel and it's like demand


and respect so they're kind


of building that storyline


of like roman reigns gonna


come back and take that


over there's just a lot of


different shit going on but


the most important news


last night which I'm sure


everybody saw um hi hi roman's daughter


Hey, baby.


Hi, baby.


Happy to lull you to sleep


talking about wrestling.


Yeah, we'll talk in very hushed tones.


So, Marcus,


what was the story about the


WWE yesterday?


Last night here, ASMR in black and white.




Riding around with that Nina.






This one's a toddler.


Raise our voices.


Not woohoo.




She's three.




He went from whispering to a woo-woo.


I'm trying to get it all


riled up so he struggles.


That's messed up.




Last night,


John Cena announced his retirement.


Or he's going on his retirement tour.


he's retiring from any


in-ring challenges and


anytime you see him after


he's done retiring I think


he's got about 30 matches


like tied up leading the


Wrestlemania 41 and then he


will retire so in 2025


that'll be the last time


you see him he said after


that he'll be in nothing


but suits when you see him


and he's doing these


appearances he's retiring


the whole thing like all of


the John Cena thing


And what I thought was


interesting was like, one,


congratulations to John Cena.


And I wanted to double down


on something Triple H said


in like a post interview from the WWE.


Somebody had asked them and


they knew the answer, but they was like,


will John Cena get into the Hall of Fame?


The WWE Hall of Fame.


And Triple H legitimately was like,


we think that John has put


so much into the game, basically.


And he has so much respect.


And he said, I'm willing to say this,


that John,


he can pick when he wants to go


into the Hall of Fame.


He will be able to make that decision.


And I was like,


that's good that they recognize.


I think it's very interesting.


I also saw a conversation


that I think we started.


i ain't gonna take full


credit best wrestling best


wrestler turned actor it


was on it was on x and it


was between john cena the


rock and batista exactly so


no way yeah I saw that um


what is happening he's mad


at me because I was trying


to keep his three-year-old


up because he's going off


in the comments and I'm


just like wait a minute


he's starting to use big


words like patronage


John Cena's retiring.


He gets a different type of


respect than I think The


Rock does or anything like that,


if that's the immediate comparison.


But just thoughts on that.


That was all I wanted to say.


Congratulations to him.


choose to John Cena.


He's been not only one of


the most prolific names in that industry,


he's also a stand-up dude.


He's made the number one for


Make-A-Wish appearances.


He makes every effort to try


and make that a thing.


Kudos to him.


I did have a joke in my head


where I was like,


I officially won't be able


to see him anymore.


That was the...




I'm picking that up, Doug.


You can't see it.


You won't be able to see him.


You can't see him.


You'll never see him.


He'll have to change it from


you can't see me to you won't see me.


I do want to say as of September 2022,


John Cena had made 650 make


a wish wishes fulfilled,


which is just incredible on


top of everything else he does.


Yeah, I mean, John Cena,


I feel like once the


Attitude Era ended for WWF, WWE, and,


like, there was kind of this, like,


interlude, then John Cena came,


and I feel like it reinvigorated a lot.


He brought that shit back.


yeah a little bit like I


don't want to say it was


totally him but he brought


an energy to it and I feel


like that's what got you


through that yeah those


late 2000s early 2010s


types you know time frame


um and john cena just yeah


just like a good dude like


this man this man is in his


50s I want to say by the way


No, he's 47.


I take it back.


I mean, he's 47.


That's actually good.


He actually looks pretty good.


And he's strong as hell still, too.


He's still wrestling.


He was just at WrestleMania 41 and kind of,


you know,


he's not because he's saying


he's not doing guest refereeing.


None like none of that.


He's not doing any of that.


So he's done done like


retiring with the greats.


I think honestly,


I think that's really smart


because I feel like he


knows he's at a point in


his life where he can just


go full time with the


movies and like any any TV


shows or whatever.


And he doesn't he doesn't need to do it.


And I think he knows that


his legacy is better off if


he's just like, no,


this is the this is the


hard line I'm stopping at.


This is my boundary.


Peace out.


Like, what does that mean for The Rock?


Because that is the instant comparison of,


like, should he be retiring?


Should that have been a Rock move?


You know, should the Rock be retiring?


Because the Rock is getting old now,


and he can't keep... Yeah.


You know what I mean?


He just popped a blood


vessel of some type of


training or some shit like that.


Like, and...


He's in an 824 movie about a


wrestling fam.


I'm pretty sure he's in an


824 movie about either a


boxer or a wrestler.




UFC fighter.


And he fucked up his... Sorry,


he screwed up his elbow.


Come on, man.


We was doing so good.


Quinn, go to bed.


Go to bed, little one.


My stone.


The Smashing Machine is the


movie we're talking about.


I did not realize that he


got injured doing that.


Only if you follow him on socials.


There was nothing flashy about this story.


Just the fact that John Cena,


who is a legend, is retiring.


And like Brian said,


during that shift between


the Attitude Era and everything like that,


you put Cena in the middle.


Cena versus CM Punk.


Cena versus The Rock.


Cena versus anybody.


He was going to pop out, talk that shit.


I've seen some clips of him


talking shit where I...


don't think him and The Rock


really was fucking with


each other back then.


I don't know what their


relationship is now.


It don't seem like they


really care for each other.


Go ahead, Doug.


I was going to say,


I think as far as I think


we're kind of getting to this place where


They've all carved out their


own respective places.


You don't typically see The


Rock do a comedy.


He's really carved out the


space of being an action star.


Unless he's with Kevin Hart.


He's really an action star


and a children's movie star.


He's really those two things


with both Moana's


And being a part of the


live-action Moana 2,


that's really who he is.


So I think it's capable, though,


because it seems like what


I think Cena has done


particularly well is he's


been able to do... He's


carved out comedy as his, like,


this is sort of my corner of things.


He had that movie on Prime Video.


He's been a part of... He


was in that movie Blockers, I feel like.


He was also...


And the Amy Schumer movie, too.


I'm totally blanking on it right now.


I'll find the title later.


But he played a significant


comedic role in that.


Yeah, he did.


Yeah, he did.




Trainwreck, yeah.


And then on top of that, I feel like he's,


you know, with Peacemaker, yes,


it's an action element,


but there's such a comedic


tone to it so much that I


feel like he's kind of


striding into his own as well there, too.


So I...


I think they can both exist in this space.


Even when you take Batista, he seems to,


now that he's moving on


from Guardians of the Galaxy,


he's starting to take on


some more serious, more dramatic roles.


I think they can all


coalesce and coexist in this space.


Somebody's got to pave


the... We've seen a lot of


wrestlers attempt to make that transition,


just like rappers moving


into other areas.


Adam Edge Copeland.


I mean, he was in Money Plane.


He was in Money Plane.


Then he was in fucking... Percy Jackson.


Percy Jackson, yeah.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


But that's sort of my two cents.


I mean,


and I think you make a good point


that Cena has kind of cornered comedy.


I mean, like, Dwayne Johnson, Rock...


he does he does do comedy


but it's always you're


right though it's always


like with an action veneer


like it he has to be


punching someone or or


throwing something and


that's fine I just think


that someone is something


you're doing that and it's


very quippy comedy it's very like


you know like if you look at


Jumanji for example like


he's making a quippy joke


like he's punching


something and then he's


making some sort of like


comedic you know sort of


like quip right afterwards


so there's you're right


veneer is the best way to


put like an action veneer


is the best way to put it


and and like he's fine at


the action comedy I want to


put that out there like the


action comedy he's really good


It's very enjoyable.


I love the Jumanji movies.


Oh, me too.


They're great.


I just think that, man, I think John Cena,


with The Rock going back,


that really felt like,


can I keep doing this?


It felt very experimental to me.


I'm just like, can we go back?


Can you start doing this again?


And I was kind of left like, huh, I mean,


I guess you could.


50s, I guess you can, but


I don't know.


It just seems more decisive


and more... I don't know.


It's a little more magnetic


to me for someone to be like, that's it.


I'm done.


You won't see me doing this anymore.


It also builds up hype.


I totally get that.


You won't be able to see him


referencing Doug's joke.


I definitely think that...


I think, here's my theory,


and then we can move on.


I think that The Rock,


I think that John Cena just


stepped on The Rock's moment.


Because I think it was in


the near future for The


Rock to go on that same


type of run where he was


about to retire from wrestling.


So he could just be on the board.


But you gotta give Rock a finale,


and you know how The Rock is like.


he likes that kind of


grandiose shit and it's got


to like if he's on and on


the board you if you're


giving John Cena the


biggest celebration goodbye


tour The Rock is going to


expect something even like


bigger than that you know


what I mean like I just


feel like there's that


forever internal competition so


I think I also say this.


I do think, though,


with what The Rock had


experienced with his issues at WB,


I do feel like his return was,


I need to do something I'm good at.


Because remember,


he came back shortly after Black Adam.




and that whole play to be the next


big thing in the DC


universe sort of blew up in


his face a little bit.


He allegedly fucked some people over.


And kind of burned some bridges,


and he sort of was like,


I got to get back to


something that I do well.


I'm going to go back and play this role.


I'm going to be a villain


and enjoy doing that.


So I do think he was maybe


like... It felt like he was


working out some demons a


little bit for himself.




That wouldn't surprise me at all.


He is a human being after all.


There's something from the book,


the memoir of... I'm glad my mom died.


I'm going to look up the author.


I'm happy my mom died.


She was Nickelodeon style.


Jeanette McCurdy.




By the way, I recommend the memoir.


Read it,


especially if you ever saw iCarly.


And essentially she talks about like, yeah,


like all this stuff was


terrible and I had long


days and I and but like


this one feeling at the end


of the day always drove me.


And it was it was nice to


feel good at something.


Sometimes it's nice to feel


good at something.


And that's immediately what


I'm thinking of.


with Dwayne Johnson and being like,


you know what?


I can do this.


I can do this and it's going


to make waves and I'm going


to get the right attention for it.


So I totally get what you're


saying with that statement.


Yeah, you know what?


We're all human and you want


to feel like you're good at


something sometimes.


I get it.


It's nice to feel like you


have a safety net,


like something you can fall back on.


For sure.


Do you have any news for us?


I do.




Nicolas Cage is in a new horror movie


that is getting some traction.


It's called Long Legs.


And it's apparently...


Like very, very good.


And so,


but in a recent interview for the


Hollywood Reporter,


he said that he recommended,


he said of the like 270


movies that he had done,


he only recommended that


you sit down and watch one.


So I wanted to ask you all


what you think his movie


that he recommended that you all see is.


Of one that he's done, right?




oh god that's a long list


before we start sorry 120


movies oh my gosh okay hang


on here wait a minute if


we're gonna do this we're


gonna at least look at a


list yeah please alright


here we go Roman's a wicker


man I don't think it's I


don't think it's a wicker


man it is not wicker man I don't know


I feel like... What was the one?


Saving Arizona?


Raising Arizona?


Raising Arizona?


What's the one where they're


on the plane and they


escape to... Con Air?


Con Air.


I want to figure out if it's


a newer movie or one of his older movies.


Oh God.


I don't know.


See these movies.


So here's the thing.


And when we reviewed to the one,


I'm discounting,


I am discounting basically


everything after I'm trying


to find it here.


Basically when the lawsuit


happened and he had to pay his,


and he had to pay his bill.


So like dying of the light left behind.




I'm not,


I'm not worried about any of the


USS Indianapolis.


Not worried.


men of courage yeah I'm


actually gonna kick it I'm


gonna kick it back to like


at least pre-2002 I think


well adaptation matchstick


men how funny is it gonna


be if he said national


treasure that's crazy I


don't know what it is I


can't I do know what it is


I feel like his premium run


is between Face Off.


It's like the 90s.


It's Face Off, isn't it?


Leaving Las Vegas, The Rock, Con Air,


Face Off, City of Angels, Snake Eyes.


All of those were great.


What a run!


Hell of a run.


I'm going to say Face Off,


because I know it's not that,


because I know his mind is like,


his favorite is not the


general masses favorite,


and he wasn't the sole


person in that movie.


But he was a lead in it.


So I want to go Face Off, Raising Arizona,


or Con Air,


since you've got so many shit


to pick from.


You know what?


I'm going to...


You know what?


I'm going to go for the curveball.


I'm going to go for the curveball.


I'm going to say The Family Man.


I'm going to say The Family Man.


The one where he's a weather


reporter and then he goes


into an alternate universe


for his family.


Brian and Marcus, you both are incorrect.


The movie is far more recent.


It is 2021's Pig.




Pig is the one he wants everyone to see.


And he said...


Pig is something that I


think people can get


something out of because


tragedy is going to hit all


of us at some point.


It's just a matter of when.


It's also a movie that to me


is like a folk song.


It's very quiet, gentle,


which the polar opposite of


people thinking I'm crazy.


So he likes that because he


was able to kind of show


his show his range a little bit more.


Um, so he's, he's,


he just thinks that like


acting has gotten more personal.


Um, so, uh, long legs comes into theater,


opens in theaters this week.


Pig is currently streaming on Hulu.


So maybe that's something we


could watch for like a Patty family or,


you know, maybe as a fun,


you don't need something.




But then he also sort of said, like,


you know,


it's been a while since we've


heard anybody talk about AI in movies.


And so he is currently


making a movie where he's


had to have his likeness scanned.


And he put it this way.


He goes,


they've scanned me and put me into


a computer.


They can basically do


anything they want with my body now.


And then he goes, God, I hope I'm not AI.


And so...


He's really nervous.


He's definitely AI.


I'll say this.


If anybody's going to be AI,


it's going to be him.


He makes the most sense.


He's going to be the guy like the Siri,


but in your eyeball.


But it's just Nicolas Cage.


I don't know.


I can very easily see him


being AI with six fingers on one hand.


You're like, well, it's Nicolas Cage.


He goes, poof!


Oh, fuck.


like oh my god um there you


go um but yeah that's all I


really wanted to talk about


sounded like long legs is


supposed to be very very


good it's a horror movie


which means I'll have to


watch it at home with the


lights on during the


daytime um but but it


sounds it sounds very very good


Gentlemen, anything else?


That was really it.


It was really short and sweet.


I guess talking about Nicolas Cage.


Anything else that you all


have for this week's


episode that you want to talk about?


The only thing I wanted to


say on the Marvel beat was


that the Agatha, Agatha all along.


We now have an official


title for this show, by the way.


Agatha all along.


The trailer came out.


The teaser trailer came out today.


And I didn't know what I was


expecting from this, this teaser trailer,


but I'm like, surprisingly hyped.


I did not know Aubrey Plaza


was in I knew Aubrey Plaza was in it.


I just didn't know what role it was.


And I kind of was waiting


for her to play the same


role as she did in Legion.


But I don't think they're doing that,


which is fine, by the way, like,


that's totally fine.


We don't need that crossover.


And I don't know,


it looks like a bit I don't know,


it kind of feels I don't know,


it kind of feels good.


Like I'm more excited than I


thought I would be about it.


And it looks like it's gonna


have some more horror elements,


which I think Marvel could


dive we've talked about


this before that I feel


like monsters is like the


next frontier for Marvel


after the multiverse.


But like,


it looks like they're adding in


some of those horror elements.


And it looks like it's going


to be kind of a fun


Halloween season watch.


So yeah, I was surprised.


I was surprised how good it was.


Have either of you had a


chance to watch the teaser trailer?


I have not.


I have not.


But it's on my list of things to do.


I'll watch it after the pod.


No, I mean, it's not what I expected.


I'm digging it.


I'm expecting Wanda to show up,


but I'm expecting her as


like a hallucination or a vision.


I still don't think we're


going to get any clarity


about what happened to her at the end.


I think she's alive and well.


I agree.


I think she is alive and well,


and she's going to pop up


and make it everybody's problem.


But yeah,


so I just wanted to say that that


teaser trailer came out today.


We finally know what that


show's title is because


there was like six of them


floating around at one point.


There really was.


Too many of them were floating around.


House of Harkness.


Yeah, it was the one I remember.


That's what I kept calling it.


People were like,


what are you talking about?


That sounds more like a Dune


spinoff than necessarily a Dune spinoff.


Do you think the boner is


going to be in this?


I'm sorry, what?


The boner.


Oh, the Quicksilver guy?




Man, that's a deep cut.


That's like a three-year-old reference,




I had to really think about


that for a second.


What is Marcus saying?


First of all,


I would never call it a boner.


That feels like a very like... Yeah,


you know?


I don't know.


feels more appropriate and I


don't see I don't think I


don't think that character


is going to be in it


apparently there there is


like seven people returning


from WandaVision though


which I'm really curious


about yeah me too is it is


it also rumored that was it


am I misplacing this or is


this um Ironheart where


it's um Mephisto is in this


I think Mephisto is in Ironheart.


That was the rumor that Sacha Baron Cohen,


the last time I saw Sacha


Baron Cohen was Mephisto in Ironheart,


which is when I was like,


I can't keep looking at these rumors.


This feels like Mad Libs.


I will say, Marvel rumors have slowed down




I think Marvel's undoing was


the amount of content they


were putting out that they


couldn't control.


They couldn't put a cap on


how much was getting leaked


and going out because


you're recording 15,000


projects all at once.


Somebody can't keep their mouth shut.


Now that they've slowed down,


you don't hear nearly as


many of those casting rooms.


All of that slowed down significantly.


It's far tighter than it used to be.


It also feels like Disney.


It also feels like Disney


Marvel is trying to be a


lot more strategic with


what they let leak.


Like, oh, we'll let this go.


And then because they'll let


something will come out.


And then like a day later,


Kevin Feige is like, yep, told you.






That's what I feel about it.


That's what it's going to be.






yeah and they're like gonna


be in the middle of filming


fantastic four here like


any day now too so six


years cast most most


beautiful fantastic there's


only one way that cast


could have gotten better


and that's if sydney


sweeney played mrs miss fantastic


That's all I'm going to say.


I'm going to leave it right there.


You know what?


She had her chance.


She was in Madam Web, okay?


Okay, that doesn't feel fair.


She was Spider-Woman for


like five seconds.


It's like saying the only


ride you can go on is the


bus it takes you to get to


the theme park.


Man, I still think about that review.


It might be a top contender for this year.


Anyway, that's all the news I have.






anything else that you all want


to chat about before we close this out?


Roman Myers.




That's it.




That's all you can say.


I'm playing some music.


Okay, outstanding.




what do you got to plug this week?


Brian, take it away.


Hey folks,


I'm here to talk to you today


about Color Me Confetti,


my wife's event printable shop on Etsy.


Go to etsy.com,


search Color Me Confetti


for all of your printable event supplies.


Sorry, I didn't realize that.


That's okay.


We'll have a split screen


with the music video.


Let's do it.


Yeah, sorry.


Marcus, what do you got?


You want to make sure you


follow the mantra, never offend it,


always humble.


Do whatever it is you got to do.


Buy yourself some gear or


don't buy yourself some gear.


Whatever you do, just follow the mantra,




Never offend it,


always humble or Noah for short.


And always keep it 500-500.


No matter how many people show up,


no matter how many people are in the room,


whether it's 500, 5,000, 5 million,


they all get the same


energy from you 24-7, 365.


Follow the mantra, baby.






I want to plug this podcast.




if you enjoyed our cereal conversation,


which was the majority of this podcast,


if you enjoyed our


conversation about cereal


and the sprinkling of news,


share us with a friend or a


family member.


The Best Way to Support podcast.


If you're feeling generous


and want to go over to


patreon.com slash films in


black and white,


sign up for one of our tiers there.


Be a part of the family, Patty family,


that helps produce this show.


We would very much appreciate it.


Quick programming update.


We will be off next week as


Marcus and I will be in


Orlando hunting alligators.


Down in the bayou.


Picking us up with some alligators.


And that's what we got.


But we'll be back the week


after to talk a little Deadpool 1,


Deadpool 2 before we really


get into the main attraction,


which is Deadpool and


Wolverine coming up here in


about two weeks.


But we have a three-step


process to success.


Brian, what is that first step?


Hey, folks.


I'm here to tell you to read a book.


I hope you read a book over


your vacation or your long weekend.


Maybe you didn't take that Friday off.


But I'm just here to tell you.


Pick up that book.


No, it will not be a Brian-only episode.


It's not going to be.


It'll be the best listen-to episode ever.




it's going to be the one episode


everybody listens to, finally.


Holy shit,


we had 1,000 people listen to a


Brian-only episode?


it's gonna be like oh my


gosh brian only fans radio


just like and another thing


about star wars uh anyway


read a book while he shows


pictures of his feet he


just but it's him showing


pictures of books yeah it's


just book it's just hella


books you see this book you


like this book how do you


like this book this is a digital book


he's gonna give us uh it'll


be like all of those movies


about a court of rose all


of those court books that


he read he'll be giving you


those I can talk to you


about a romance have you


ever felt like you wanted a


strong muscular man to take


you away and face a whole


new set of problems


Bay romance.




What do you got for that second step?


Just drink some water.






Hey, look.


I'd watch it.


To be honest with you, I would too.


I'd watch it too.


I'd watch it in my private


time and my public time.


Step three, look, wash your ass,


especially if you're making


booty-os or whatever it was


that they were.


Make sure you wash your ass.


Or don't.


That's where the flavor lives.


Just wash your ass.


It's going to get hot by the


end of the week.


Carry that sweat with you,


especially if it's humid.


Wash your ass.


Or if you don't, give it some flavor?


I don't know.


No, don't encourage that.


Don't encourage that.


And Roman wants us to remind you, too,


as we will, too,


support your local small theaters.


Very important.


Go out and see a movie there.


But yeah.


Hey, like I said,


we're not going to be back next week.


But in the meantime and in


the between time, stay, stay,


stay healthy.


We love y'all.


We appreciate y'all.


And we will catch y'all in two weeks.

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Films in Black and White
A Comedy Podcast about Movies, Comics, and Pop Culture
Deep dive into the movie news of the week, featuring reviews and analysis for the more socially conscious moviegoer. Join Doug, Marcus and Bryan as they share their honest, in-depth, and hilarious perspectives on today's biggest movies, comics, and pop culture.
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Doug Wagner